All pages
From SME Server
Jump to navigationJump to search- .spec file notes
- 2009 Project Restructure
- AWStats
- AceNetTech
- AddExtraHardDisk
- AddExtraHardDisk - SCSI
- Add a custom service
- Add several groups and users to an Ibay
- Add tar file to CVS and build system
- Adopt a bug
- Advanced Samba
- Advancedprompt
- Affa
- Affa/fr
- Affa:Additional information
- Ajaxplorer
- Ajaxterm
- AltQmail
- Apache Tomcat
- Apache Tomcat/fr
- Arpwatch
- Asterisk repo
- Atftp server
- Atomic
- Audit Tools
- AutoBlock
- AutoMysqlBackup
- Autodiscover
- B2evolution
- BackupPC
- BackupPC/fr
- Backup SME Server Remotely Using cURL
- Backup Windows Computers Using Affa
- Backup of ESXi Virtual Machines using Affa
- Backup server config
- Backup with Affa and FreeDup
- Backup with dar
- Backup with third party software
- Bandwidthd
- Bandwidthd/fr
- Bandwithd/fr
- Bash-insulter
- Best practices accessing SME Server remotely
- Booked
- Bookmarks
- Booting/de
- Booting/fr
- Booting: this page is retired for v10 on left for reference only
- Bounties
- BridgeInterface
- BridgeInterface/fr
- Bugzilla
- Bugzilla Help
- Bugzilla Reports
- Build an Official ISO
- Build an Official ISO/SME10
- Building RPMs
- Building Your Contrib
- CGI::FormMagick
- CGI::FormMagick::Events
- CGI::FormMagick::FAQ
- CGI::FormMagick::L10N
- CGI::FormMagick::Setup
- CGI::FormMagick::TagMaker
- CGI::FormMagick::Utils
- CGI::FormMagick::Validator
- CVS usage
- Cacti
- Cacti/fr
- Centalt
- Centos-sclo-rh
- Centos2sme
- Cerberus Helpdesk
- Certificate
- Certificate/de
- Certificate:Quick check
- Certificate Integration GoDaddy Certificate
- Certificate Integration Letsencrypt
- Certificate Integration Thawte Certificate
- Certificate Integration Server Certificate/de
- Certificate ssl management
- Certificates Concepts
- Certificates signed by own CA
- Check4updates
- Chris Burnat
- CipherMail
- Clamav:ConfigurationOptions
- Clamav:freshclam update
- Clamav unofficial sigs
- Client Authentication
- Client Authentication:CentOS
- Client Authentication:Centos via sssd/ldap
- Client Authentication:Debian
- Client Authentication:Debian via sssd/ldap
- Client Authentication:Debian via sssd/ldap/fr
- Client Authentication:Fedora
- Client Authentication:Fedora7
- Client Authentication:Fedora via sssd/ldap
- Client Authentication:Gentoo via sssd/ldap
- Client Authentication:Mepis
- Client Authentication:Ubuntu
- Client Authentication:Ubuntu via sssd/ldap
- Client Authentication:Windows
- Cluster.conf
- Code of conduct
- Collabora
- Coming on-board
- Commercial Support
- Contrib/Template
- Contrib/Template-smeserver-
- Contribs
- ContribsUpdateEvent
- Contribs Bugreport
- CoovaChilli
- Create a new section in Pootle
- Create an ibay manually
- Create server-manager panels by perl cgi (deprecated)
- Create system user
- Create your repository
- Createlinks example script
- Cron entry
- Crontab Manager
- Crontab Manager/fr
- Cups
- Cups for SME Server 8
- Custom CA Certificate
- Custom SME Server ISO
- Customize Server-Manager Appearance
- Customize boot procedure and presence
- Cyrus-imap
- DAR2
- DB Variables Configuration
- DNS Block
- DNS Stack
- Dag
- Dansguardian
- Dansguardian-panel
- Dansguardian-stats
- Dansguardian/ConfigFiles
- Dashboard
- Davfs2
- Db command tutorial
- Ddclient
- Ddclient-help
- Ddrescue
- Dehydrated
- Denyhosts
- Denyhosts/fr
- Detox
- Dev ejabberd
- Development Review
- Dhcp-dns
- Dhcpd lease time
- Dhcpmanager
- Digium repo
- Dimp
- Dirty Tools
- Disk Manager
- Diskusage
- Docker
- Docker Image of SME
- Docker design concept
- Document search
- Dokuwiki
- Dokuwiki/fr
- Domain practical usage tips
- Domains
- Donate
- Donate/fr
- Dovecot-extras
- DownloadTicketService
- Dries
- Dropbox
- Drupal
- Dungog
- Durep
- ELRepo
- ESXi
- Editor tips
- Egroupware
- Egroupware/de
- Egroupware/fr
- Egroupware repository
- Ehour Timesheet Management
- Ejabberd
- Elastic
- Elastic repo
- Elgg
- Email-Management
- Email/de
- Email/fr
- Email - Setting up E-mail clients for SME 8.0
- Email Statistics
- Email Whitelist-Blacklist Control
- Email Whitelist-Blacklist Control/fr
- Email delete double-bounce messages
- Enable Lanman Passwords
- Enable SSH
- Epel
- Epiware
- Erlang
- Errorpage1
- Esmith::AccountsDB
- Esmith::BackupHistoryDB
- Esmith::Build::CreateLinks
- Esmith::ConfigDB
- Esmith::ConfigDB::Record
- Esmith::DB
- Esmith::DB::Record
- Esmith::DB::db
- Esmith::DomainsDB
- Esmith::FormMagick
- Esmith::FormMagick::LexTester
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::clamav
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::datetime
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::domains
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::hostentries
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::ibays
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::localnetworks
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::portforwarding
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::printers
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::proxy
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::pseudonyms
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::qmailanalog
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::quota
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::reboot
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::remoteaccess
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::review
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::starterwebsite
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::useraccounts
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::workgroup
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panel::yum
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panels::directory
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panels::emailsettings
- Esmith::FormMagick::Panels::groups
- Esmith::FormMagick::Tester
- Esmith::HostsDB
- Esmith::I18N
- Esmith::Logger
- Esmith::NetworksDB
- Esmith::TestUtils
- Esmith::cgi
- Esmith::console
- Esmith::event
- Esmith::templates
- Esmith::util
- Esmith::util::link
- Esmith::util::network
- Esmith::util::system
- Execute a remote command over ssh
- Expire-Accounts
- ExpireAccounts/fr
- Extrarepositories
- Ezmlm
- Ezmlm-www
- FOSDEM 2016
- FTP Access to Ibays
- FUSE - Filesystem in Userspace
- Fail2ban
- Fail2ban/fr
- Fetchmail
- Fetchmail/de
- Fetchmail/fr
- Fetchmail secure connection troubles
- FindingAnswers
- Firebird
- Firefly Media Server
- Firewall
- First Steps with Gitea
- FreePBX
- FreePBX/fr
- Freeswitch
- Freeswitch repo
- FrontAccounting
- Ftp
- Funambol
- Fusionpbx
- Fws
- GSoC
- GSoC 2025
- Gallery2
- Gallery2/de
- Gallery3
- Geekery
- Geneweb
- GeoIP
- Git
- Gitea install
- Glances
- Google Mod-PageSpeed
- Google charts
- Greylisting
- GroupOffice
- GroupOffice/de
- Groupmembers Panel
- Grub
- Gt5
- H5ai
- Half-Life Dedicated Server
- Hard Disk Partitioning
- Hardware Info
- Hardware Info/fr
- Here are two shell scripts
- Heyu
- High Availability
- Horde5
- Horde and Funambol Synchronization
- Horde change "welcome to" name
- Horde change default theme
- How to Participate
- How to create Smeserver RPM using the gitea repository
- How to report a problem
- How to report a problem/fr
- Howto create a gitea repo and build an rpm
- Howto create an SMEServer contrib or core git repo
- Howto interact with gitea and koji to do an rpm build for SME11
- Htaccess
- Https redirection
- HylaFax
- HylaFax/fr
- I586 i686
- IAXModem with Sail and HylaFax
- IPhone
- IPv6
- Imapsync
- Increment version number
- Install From USB
- InstallationFromUSBstick: retired from v.10 on, left for reference
- InstallationTips
- Installing bugzilla
- Iperf
- Ipsec
- Iso prepare
- Isolinux menu.c32
- Isoqlog
- JIGDO - create SME Server ISOs
- JabberDevChat