SME Server 11.0 Development

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The Koozali SME Server project

The Koozali Foundation Inc. is a nonprofit corporation that governs the open source Koozali SME Server project. Koozali SME Server is a stable, secure and easy to use/manage linux server that provides common server functionalities out of the box. Many open source contributions are available that can extend the default server functionality making Koozali SME Server an even more powerful and flexible business server solution. Thousands of Koozali SME Severs have been deployed as real or virtual servers and in the cloud to serve many small to medium enterprises, and this number is growing day by day. The Koozali SME Server is free to use but it takes a lot of effort and money to develop, make, and maintain. We therefore ask you for your considerations.


Koozali Foundation Inc. together with its community hosted at is a collaborative effort of volunteers. You too can contribute to the development and continuity of the Koozali SME Server project as described on our volunteering page. Everybody is welcome to join the already 4000+ member community and can contribute with any skill set.

Financial donations

You can also show your support by making financial donations. The preferred way to make financial donations is using the donate option in the forums. You are free to choose any amount and frequency, being monthly, yearly or only once. The benefit of donating through your forums account is that your forum user name will receive a badge, showing your donation status. If you do not have a forum account, you can create one, or select the below PayPal option to make your donations.

Commercial usage

Organizations that use Koozali SME Server for their business, provide professional services related to SME Server or in any other way benefit commercially from the Koozali SME Server project, are kindly requested to consider regular financial donations that reflect their business benefits.

Koozali Foundation Inc. is happy to supply an invoice for any donations received. For more information on invoicing please send a mail to

Thank you for your considerations and support!

Information.png Tip:
For a complete overview of SME Server Development see our SME Server Development Framework page.

SME Server 11

Current status

  • Latest Build: SME Server 11.0 Http but if You need to build your Own Iso for Testing purpose see the Jigdo page and specially

this one


All users are encouraged to test, see our draft quality assurance testing page for tasks SME11.0_QA.

All testing should be based on the released version.

Considerations before installing


[Hardware requirements]

There needs to be hardware (motherboard chipset video graphics etc) compatibility with the underlying Linux version that sme server uses.

For SME11 A1, it is based on Rocky 8.10 and all available updates To test your hardware to see if compatible with the underlying Linux version, download & install the appropriate CentOS version as listed above. If you have problems installing CentOS then you are likely to have problems installing SME server, so in that case you may need to chose more compatible hardware. Sometimes you can turn off advanced features in the BIOS as a workaround where there are limited compatibility issues, and/or disable onboard components that are known to be incompatible & use add on plug in expansion boards to perform those functions eg NIC, graphics, where suitable drivers are not available for the onboard product.

[Installation procedure]

Current tasks

Current open bugs

IDStatusPackageSummary (153 tasks)
109CONFIRMEDsmeserver-lib/sbin/e-smith/db {get,set}prop should not allow 'type'
1494CONFIRMEDsmeserver-apacheWeb server rationalisation
2023CONFIRMEDe-smith-managerServer manager header/footer template fragments are in wrong RPM
3763CONFIRMEDsmeserver-sambachanging admin password via windows ctrl-alt-del does not also change root password
3797?CONFIRMEDsmeserver-basetryagain_page doesn't always display for admin
4206CONFIRMEDsmeserver-qpsmtpdA uuencoded message attachment appears as garbled text in the body of a message
4780CONFIRMEDsmeserver-qpsmtpdValid recipient check is disabled for locally generated mail ("relayclients")
5382CONFIRMEDsmeserver-baseHostnames/addresses panel doesn't reject same IP with different mac
5676?CONFIRMEDsmeserver-baseBonding cannot be disabled if one NIC is disabled/removed
5702CONFIRMEDsmeserver-backupAdd a manual backup option in sme
6294CONFIRMEDsmeserver-baseInability to change entries in Hostnames and Addresses panel (IP and FQDN)
6796CONFIRMEDsmeserver-basehostentries do no survive change of domain
6836CONFIRMEDsmeserver-baseconsole backup does not cope well with multiple removable devices available [8b7]
7129CONFIRMEDsmeserver-proftpd"proftpd: pam_env(ftp:setcred): Unable to open config file: /etc/security/pam_env.conf: No such file or directory" in "/var/log/secure"
7490CONFIRMEDsmeserver-certificatesSSL-certificate panel
7742CONFIRMEDsmeserver-dovecotIMAP session continues after disable IMAP in server-manager
7804CONFIRMEDsmeserver-baseOld name cannot be removed in DNS panel after server name is changed after updating e-smith-base to version 5.2.0-79.el5.sme
7805CONFIRMEDsmeserver-baseAdditional old name cannot be removed in DNS panel after updating e-smith-base to version 5.2.0-79.el5.sme
7840CONFIRMEDsmeserver-baseCannot exit from console on tty1 when console boot set to auto mode
7891CONFIRMEDsmeserver-qpsmtpdEmail - Block Executable Content false positives when signature found in the middle of a file
8008CONFIRMEDsmeserver-apachedeclare unixgroup in httpd.conf
8074CONFIRMEDsmeserver-emailSMTP to ISP Authentication timeout problem
8192CONFIRMEDsmeserver-baseMove dmount() to
8271CONFIRMEDsmeserver-backupBackup - selective restore fails to display files and directories on large backups
8304CONFIRMEDsmeserver-baseConsole display slightly corrupted - black borders missing on two sides. [sme9b4]
8420CONFIRMEDsmeserver-baseLocal Networks - Delete Form - "Abbrechen" Button does not work correct
8676CONFIRMEDsmeserver-certificatesIntegration of EFF free certificates
8945CONFIRMEDsmeserver-managerNFR: present option to set forward or adjust wording on Locked account screen
9058CONFIRMEDsmeserver-sambaOplock break failed for file USER.V5/NTUSER.DAT
9273CONFIRMEDsmeserver-spamassassinTextCat spamassassin plugin not loaded in the correct file
9426CONFIRMEDsmeserver-basewarning in messages logs and on screen when running ippp
9431CONFIRMEDsmeserver-baseerror running bootstrap-console
9656CONFIRMEDsmeserver-qpsmtpdReturn 4XX in case of DNS timeout while fetching dkim policies
9696CONFIRMED---update link
9805CONFIRMEDsmeserver-qpsmtpdFailure in DMARC report sending overnight
9844CONFIRMEDsmeserver-managerUser-password gives misleading error on entering same password
9906CONFIRMEDsmeserver-qpsmtpdRejected DMARC emails are tried every night, and never deleted?
10090CONFIRMEDsmeserver-emailmodify SM email panel wording to make spamassassin setting clearer
10103CONFIRMEDperl-Mail-DMARCDMARC sql error in qpsmtpd log
10233CONFIRMEDsmeserver-backuprestore from console will not restore mysql db
10285CONFIRMEDsmeserver-basePrevent entering invalid netmask
10440CONFIRMEDsmeserver-postfixemail to pseudonyms pointing to another pseudonym fails when they are another full email
10497CONFIRMEDqpsmtpdqpsmtpd plugin typo in HELO log report
10550CONFIRMEDsmeserver-libNFR password generator
10570CONFIRMEDsmeserver-baseremove key StatusReports from config db
10590CONFIRMEDsmeserver-ldapNFR: limit access to some groups
10598CONFIRMEDspamassassinspamassassin needs updating to GeoIP2
10623CONFIRMEDsmeserver-ntpNFR: allow multiple upstream ntp servers
10643CONFIRMED---Error: IP cannot be server IP or Gateway IP.
10738CONFIRMEDqpsmtpdqpsmtpd logging corruption
10778CONFIRMEDsmeserver-qpsmtpd554 Message not allowed - [299] on yahoo server after enabling disclaimer
10845CONFIRMEDsmeserver-basepost-upgrade : Use of uninitialized value $nt_hash in string eq at /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/S15user-lock-passwd
10933CONFIRMEDqpsmtpdTLS error give an empty line
10953CONFIRMEDanacondadisable and hide addons in gui install
10954CONFIRMEDanacondacreate and fill help KoozaliPlaceholder.html and KoozaliPlaceholderWithLinks.html
10977CONFIRMEDsmeserver-managerMake also validate the subnet octets - make change for Server-Manager2
11085CONFIRMEDsmeserver-certificatesimprove integration of certificate with dehydrated using a dedicated domain
11235CONFIRMED---config memory / number convert sanitizer
11271CONFIRMEDsmeserver-mysqlChanging host.domain does not update Host in mysql database
11400CONFIRMEDsmeserver-phpease php change for contribs
11419CONFIRMEDsmeserver-radiusdremove pptpd references
11427CONFIRMEDsmeserver-phpallow set timeout
11444CONFIRMEDsmeserver-phpibay customisation: merge SSL option
11534CONFIRMEDsmeserver-radiusddifference between domain events
11540CONFIRMEDmod_auth_tktcookie without SameSite property
11560CONFIRMEDsmeserver-grubupdate-grub action runt by local on every reboot
11614CONFIRMEDsmeserver-certificatesNFR : check if custom cert and key are related and default to self signed if not
11615CONFIRMEDsmeserver-apacheNFR : httpd check if custom cert and key are related and default to self signed if not
11616CONFIRMEDsmeserver-proftpdNFR : proftpd check if custom cert and key are related and default to self signed if not
11689CONFIRMEDsmeserver-baseAllow comment for Remote Access panel, Remote Management table does not handle elliptic curve certificates
11797CONFIRMEDperl-Email-SenderFirst Import to SME perl-Email-Sender-1.300036
11810CONFIRMEDsmeserver-managerLicense panel is left truncated, does not flow.
11817CONFIRMEDsmeserver-manager-AdminLTEGet Breadcrumb trail working - AdminLTE theme
11884CONFIRMEDsmeserver-backupdesync of /etc/shadow - /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/gshadow
11900CONFIRMEDsmeserver-mysqlcheck use of /sbin/e-smith/mysql-preload
11935CONFIRMED---oauth soon mandatory to fetch from gmail accounts
12099CONFIRMEDsmeserver-opensshIncrease MaxAuthTries for sshd
12110CONFIRMEDsmeserver-manageruntainting printers server-manager2
12156CONFIRMEDsmeserver-backuplog user to remove as they have no more use and missing their home
12218CONFIRMEDsmeserver-baseself-signed certificate renews every 24hrs with ' (apostrophe) in ldap field
12245CONFIRMEDsmeserver-manager-AdminLTEMenu formatting with Server Manager 2 and AdminLTE
12302CONFIRMEDsmeserver-phpNFR allow admin customization of ibays php fpm pool
12312CONFIRMEDsmeserver-clamavExtraneous database update values in clamav and freshclam
12320CONFIRMEDsmeserver-ibaysAdd functions to e-smith-ibays for webapps
12321CONFIRMEDsmeserver-ibaysCreate a new action to set permissions for an ibay based on dbase parameters and pre-set settings
12322CONFIRMEDsmeserver-ibaysBreakout setting ownership/permissions for ./files and ./html into a separate action
12360CONFIRMEDsmeserver-apacheChange all references to httpd-e-smith to httpd-smeserver
12370CONFIRMED---new smeserver package to trigger install of smeserver packages on rocky 8 not handling multiple spaces within data
12400CONFIRMEDsmeserver-manageradapt last update for yum panel to smanager
12433CONFIRMEDsmeserver-backupupon restore keep user id entry from supported services
12446CONFIRMEDsmeserver-managerInitial screen - immediately after install - fails to show translated message
12482CONFIRMEDsmeserver-managerMake login by ordinary user show correct menu
12513CONFIRMEDipsvdevaluate to retire ipsvd (required by smesevrer-qpsmtpd and smeserver-tftp-server)
12566CONFIRMEDdaemontoolsseek alternative to daemontools-encore 1.10-2 / daemontools 0.76
12578CONFIRMEDmultiple-packagesMake sure all SMEServer packages that we re-build reference the correct license.
12580CONFIRMED---Update any other reference to e-smith-.*-update to smeserver
12604CONFIRMED---audit error augenrules[730]: failure 1
Warnings were generated during the execution of function
  1. Report truncated - count greater than max allowed 101 > 100

Important.png Note:
Bugs needing verification are shown here Verification_Queue


IDPackageSummary (313 tasks)
931smeserver-proftpdNFR: ftp Anonymous should be disabled by default
2269smeserver-apacheLoad apache mod_dav module by default
6453smeserver-baseremove use_authtok from pam config when ldap auth is enabled
6510smeserver-qpsmtpdAllow port 587 to be used as mail submission port (ESMTP with authentication)
7463e-smith-managerHeadingWeight Wrong in Server Panel navigation scripts
7914?smeserver-proftpdCorrect proftpd.conf template(40IBayAccess).
8268smeserver-baseRemove primary (all lower case) from defaults and accounts database
8275smeserver-libno console page uses whiptail
8309smeserver-managerAdd ipt_recent sshd autoblocking to e-smith-openssh - additional note in server-manager
9196smeserver-certificatesServer manager panel for the letsencrypt
9492smeserver-qpsmtpdRemove unused config for qmail-smtpd
9566e-smith-managerServer-Manager uses unsafe-inline scripts/stylesheets <-> Strong Content-Security-Policy on VirtualHosts
10976smeserver-managerMake validate the subnet octets for Server- manager2
11185smeserver-managerNew version for smeserver-manager
11367---change type from service to configuration
11380smeserver-devtoolsbrb and python for genfilelist
11416smeserver-testremove pptpd references
11417smeserver-libremove pptpd references
11418smeserver-hostsremove pptpd references
11478smeserver-audittoolsConfiguration report (under Server Manager/Report a bug) Includes some parts of the standard install
11545smeserver-manager-AdminLTEUpdate smeserver-manager-AdminLTE with crealinks -update event
11571smeserver-managerTheme switch no longer works.
11572smeserver-manager-AdminLTEUpdate to AdminLTE 3.1
11623smeserver-manager-AdminLTEUpdate default.ep.html to new contribs-header and remove heading from status line
11671smeserver-qpsmtpdFiles and folders in /var/spool/qpsmtpd are not being cleaned up
11708smeserver-managerCSRF security check should fully protect smeserver-manager
11780smeserver-managerAdd in dummy classes to div in each ep file for future themes
11781smeserver-manager-AdminLTEUpdate login screen and add password visibility
11782smeserver-manager-AdminLTEFix up Configuration Review panel
11783smeserver-manager-AdminLTEBring update event into line with smanager update event
11785smeserver-manager-AdminLTESort out alignment of descriptions and inputs on panels, and make work for mobile screens
11793smeserver-managerFor smeserver-manager - add module class to div id="module"
11802qpsmtpdUpdate qpsmtpd to latest from git
11809smeserver-managerLack of a space after full stop and comma in English version of Server Manager2 panel descriptions in some places.
11815smeserver-managerBring Group add and update panels into line with others
11821smeserver-managerMail log file analysis shows blank
11822smeserver-managerIn Review Configuration virtual domains not aligned.
11823smeserver-managerIn Review Configuration - IP address not show correctly for Server Gateway
11824smeserver-managerUser and Hostnames list does not act responsivly as window is made smaller
11825smeserver-managerReview configuration panel - In Server-Gateway, External IP and DHCP range not properly displayed
11826smeserver-manager-AdminLTEMore format changes to make it compatible
11830smeserver-managerUpdate Datetime and reboot ep files to help AdminLTE
11833smeserver-manager-AdminLTEMore formatting
11846smeserver-managerWarning from Browser when jquery loaded - unable to find .map file
11856smeserver-mysqlUpgrade MariaDB to 10.x
11863smeserver-manager-AdminLTEUpdate css and checkbox for dark mode
11880smeserver-manager-AdminLTEBrowser error on non login pages (smeserver-manager-AdminLTE)
11881smeserver-manager-AdminLTEBrowser Error in js for AdminLTE version extraction
11906smeserver-manager-AdminLTESort out spacing in menu when small fonts selected
11989smeserver-manager-AdminLTERollup changes including AdminLTE 3.1
12111smeserver-manageruntainting server-manager2
12113smeserver-updateupdate plugin to be dnf compatible
12150smeserver-dovecotNFR: use INDEXPVT instead of INDEX for shared mailboxes (per-user \Seen flags)
12211smeserver-libtemplate-begin-ini should be in e-smith-lib not smeserver-php
12265smeserver-dovecotupdate sieve /spam script
12382smeserver-formmagickpassword requirement is different in panel and from samba
12383smeserver-libincrease password size requirement from 6 to 12-14 and make it configurable
12384smeserver-liballow more granularity in the content of password
12387smeserver-managerServer Manager 2 should open unconverted contribs/panels in the current page, possibly within an iframe
12423smeserver-mockbuild proof of concept
12428smeserver-managerSM2 Login button does not highlight when you press it. - default Theme
12430smeserver-phpdefault setting for serialize_precision in PHP 7.1 and higher is incorrect
12442smeserver-managerDefault theme for SM2 submit button does not reflect hover or click
12451smeserver-qpsmtpdseparate qpsmtpd sqpsmtpd and uqpsmtpd configurations
12454smeserver-proftpdMissing PassivePorts fragment
12457smeserver-managerExperiment with making tables sortable and filterable and paged - using jquery.
12458smeserver-managerUpdate SM2 to use jquery plugin dataTable for tables
12459smeserver-manager-jqueryCreate rpm - smeserver-manager-jquery
12464smeserver-managerServer Manager 2 needs to save and restore menu organisation
12465smeserver-managerUpdate smeserver-manager-jsquery to fix left alignment of tables
12466smeserver-managerAdd export buttons to tables in SM2 default theme.
12467smeserver-managerIcon not shown when second page selected on dataTable table
12476smeserver-managerRe-organise menu as per discussions on Rocket
12478smeserver-managerAfter creating I-bay it was not visible in the ibay list.
12479smeserver-managerClick on "add domain" and it goes to corporate DNS Settings.
12480smeserver-managerNFR: Suppress the version number in the footer unless user logged in.
12483smeserver-managerhos_ERROR_CREATING_HOST on adding new hostname
12485---Run the server manager perl files through perltidy.
12488smeserver-managerLegacy contribs (ones not converted to SM2 / mojo code) are left in the menu at the end and appear in a new browser window / tab
12498smeserver-managerRegression - menu restore does not work
12499smeserver-phpNew PHP Options - max_input_vars/short_open_tag/session.gc_probability
12504multiple-packagesmultiple failed build with empty debugsourcefiles.list
12510smeserver-ldapdrop rssh support smeserver-ldap
12511smeserver-yumbrp python compile fails with python3
12512daemontoolsdaemontools fails to build on el8
12518multiple-packagesmassive rebuild of smeserver-* core rpm
12524smeserver-mysqlremove smeserver-mariadb* packages for rh-sclo
12525smeserver-ntpntp deprecated
12526smeserver-radiusdchange confirugration from radiusclient-ng to freeradius-client
12533smeserver-clamavmove /etc/yum/post-actions/clamd.action to /etc/dnf/plugins/post-transaction-actions.d/
12534smeserver-packetfiltermove /etc/yum/post-actions/ulogd.action to /etc/dnf/plugins/post-transaction-actions.d/
12535smeserver-qpsmtpdmove /etc/yum/post-actions/qpsmtpd to /etc/dnf/plugins/post-transaction-actions.d/qpsmtpd.action
12538ulogdulogd : No such file or directory
12539smeserver-manager-jqueryscriptlet: smeserver-manager-jsquery
12540smeserveruseradd: user 'apache' already exists
12541smeserver-basenetwork-scripts needs initscripts
12546smeserver-basefailed to fix user group /etc/e-smith/events/post-install/S05init-accounts
12548smeserver-dovecotmigrate//dovecot: Program fragment delivered error
12549smeserver-updateMigrating existing database yum_repositories: 4 errors
12554smeserver-mysqllogrotate[431564]: ALERT exited abnormally with [1]
Warnings were generated during the execution of function
  1. Report truncated - count greater than max allowed 101 > 100


IDPackageSummary (47 tasks)
9567smeserver-apacheTemplate for Content-Security-Policy on VirtualHosts
10935smeserver-dovecotdovecot should use ssl_dh=</path/to/dh.pem instead of ssl_dh_parameters_length
11733smeserver-dovecotDovecot quota-fs error
12114smeserver-updateupdate yum to dnf and modules
12501smeserver-devtoolsmissing pod2test deps
12509smeserver-basedrop rssh support in smeserver-base
12522smeserver-supportdrop dmraid support
12523smeserver-supportdrop prelink support
12527smeserver-updatednf plugins availables
12528smeserver-updatechange yum-cron to an alternative
12537smeserver-emailscriptlet error during first install
12543smeserver-baserework /etc/e-smith/events/actions/systemd-default
12544smeserver-basemissing rsyslog
12545smeserver-base/usr/sbin/rsyslogd: invalid option -- 'c'
12547smeserver-baselogrotate[431564]: ALERT exited abnormally with [1]
12550smeserver-phpno template found php55->71
12551smeserver-baseCan't load /proc/rtc into RNG to generate self signed cert
12553smeserver-opensshsshd fails to start /sbin/e-smith/systemd/sshd-prepare fails RSA1
12555e-smith-managerhttpd-admin fails to start
12556smeserver-apachehttpd-e-smith fails to start
12610smeserver-ldapCorrectly disable slapd in smeserver-ldap
12614smeserver-ibayswrong path for /etc/e-smith/events/S06store-ldap-smbpasswd
12630smeserver-sambaSamba "domain logons" and "encrypt passwords" options are deprecated
12644smeserver-managersmanager - selecting workstation backup using a removeable device no devices displayed in form
12645---smanager - Workstation Backup - attempt verify backup fails, does not list backups
12647smeserver-backupdar fails on compressed backup request
12670smeserver-opensshremove references to rssh
12679smeserver-managerAdd mojolicious logo to footer
12740smeserver-opensshmotd is displayed twice
12753smeserver-managerInclude release number in Version of SM2 in footer.
12763smeserver-baseFailed to delete /var/spool/mail/groupname
12765smeserver-sambaOne can retrieve the list of users without being logged on the domain
12771smeserver-ldapldap logs to message
12773smeserver-backupperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12816smeserver-apacheX-Frame-Options SAMEORIGINE
12817smeserver-apachereferrer-Policy "same-origin"
12834smeserver-postfixvirtual expected format: key whitespace value
12835smeserver-apacheX-Content-Type-Options nosniff
12861smeserver-roundcubecsp breaks roundcube
12865smeserver-managerserver-manager reconfigure returns blank page
12873---Needs ignoredir for /var/service/qpsmtpd and "u" and "s"
12886smeserver-managerAdd Mojolicious version to footer
12891smeserver-managerShould only display "Reconfiguration required" based on Configuration/UnsaveChanges DB entry
12898smeserver-grubdefault kernel entries show Rocky
12899smeserver-updatednf update @smeserver serves packages we do not want after install/configuration
12915e-smith-managerupdate eol message and date
12948smeserver-managerWorkstation backup configure form on incorrect entry and press update errors but only shows backup share field


IDPackageSummary (76 tasks)
131smeserver-apache[ 1323823 ] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) does NOT match...
7915smeserver-proftpdNew ibay's directory loses SGID flag then created via ftp.
8207smeserver-qmailError 454+451 in qmail log while trying to send mail trough ISP server
8376smeserver-proftpdproftpd: Can I disable Anonymous logins
9586---Move Mitel copyright notices to copyright and licenses page
9751sambaRebuild Samba-4.18.6-3 Upstream Package with Domain Controller Support
10336---plymouth screen on first boot display linux centos 7
10725smeserver-managererror logged on backup panel
10847smeserver-ldapibay-modify failed to modify entry
11476smeserver-phpEdit spelling and confirm db prop name ibay.conf and 20Horde
12144smeserver-dovecotUpdating dovecot-extras overwrites existing sharedmailbox.db
12149smeserver-baseerror opening /var/log/php/php/error.log
12180---IPv6 Support
12280---no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-dss,ssh-rsa
12338---Bug to cover the move from CVS to Git
12359---Rename all baseos e-smith* packages to smeserver*
12369smeserverRemove e-smith package?
12396cvmobsolete cvm-unix
12424---list of rpm in smeos for 10 that will probably need build for sme 11
12444smeserver-managerProxy Error following software update
12471smeserver-managerSM2 email-filtering spam settings display or change incorrectly
12484smeserver-managerMake sure that the categories/sections in the menu are in the same order.
12491smeserver-managerMail Log analysis - qmail-q based options need to run as root or qmail
12502---RPM build errors: error: Empty %files file /builddir/build/BUILD/ /debugsourcefiles.list
12507multiple-packagesdrop rssh support
12521multiple-packagesinitial instal on rocky8 minimal
12552smeserver-baseCan't opendir(./** ): No such file or directory
12559smeserver-radiusdradiusd-configure - not found /usr/local/bin/envuidgid
12560smeserver-updatepost-upgrade Missing perl-File-Slurp
12561smeserver-updatepost-upgrade error in migrate/39VisibleSmeContribs
12562smeserver-dovecotpost-upgrade error in migrate/dovecot
12565smeserver-baseconsole fails to enter configuration setup
12567smeserver-radiusdradiusd using deprecated ciphers
12569smeserver-tinydnsTiny DNS running but not answering queries
12573spamassassinUpgrade spamasassin to 4.0.1
12585smeserver-managermultiple owner
12588smeserver-updateWhen dnf/yum is run echoes to terminal after update of smeserver-update transaction error mesasge - AttributeError: 'RPMTransactionItemWrapper' object has no attribute 'installed'
12603smeserver-radiusdERROR: Cannot create output file //etc/radiusclient-ng/servers.5422 No such file or directory
12607AD smeserver-sambaSamba workaround the end of SMB1 style domain logon
12625smeserver-baseserviceControl: Couldn't system( /usr/bin/systemctl restart dhcpd.service): No such file or directory
12626smeserver-baseconsol show local network configuration first
12629---missing auhtconfig ; available authselect-compa
12632smeserver-basedrop smeserver-dynamicdns-dyndns and other related rpm
12634---Failed to add route ... dev ..., using ip route replace instead.
12641e-smith-managerBackup or Restore - when selected no drop down displayed to select method
12642smeserver-backupBackup to Workstation dar error
12646anacondaset modules for installer
12658smeserver-updateneeds to review service to restart on nut* update
12660smeserver-nutUPSSME10 nut-2.8 breaking upgrade
12666smeserver-managerLegacy panels under Server Manager 2 still require login to SM1
12708e-smith-managerLex files some are _en.lex and some are -en.lex
12710---Server-Manager loguot return page
12711---No mail sent and recive
12712---apache and www users not the same
12721smeserver-updatednf-makecache.service logs to message
12730smeserver-updateerror in rsyslog.conf setup prevents rsyslogd running
12732---smecontribs packages migrated to git still have e-smith Requires: and BuildRequires:
12739smeserver-qmailreplace qmail with postfix
12744smeserver-managerSetting webmail permissions in email panel is not correctly reflected in email front panel
12745smeserver-managerReconfigure message stays despite post-upgrade.
12747smeserver-managerSM2 - After adding a remote network network, then changing FTP settings, save gives error on empty network fields
12750smeserver-managerAdd EmailSettings options for uqpsmtpd, sqpsmtpd and qpsmtpd
12754smeserver-ldapLDAP logs to messages
12809smeserver-postfixmigrate fragment needed for most qmail properties to postfix
12811smeserver-managerNo ValidFrom for new server-manager
12813---qpsmtpd-forkserver logging to journalctl
12820smeserver-apacheimprove cipher list and order
12868---enabling custom spam filtering in smanager fails, returns disabled
12869---Test bug for Rocket Bugzilla channel
12881---closure of openfusion repo
12888smeserver-baseFetching the value or values of a single named parameter
12890smeserver-emailInternal Server Error
12897smeserver-mysqlfeedback plugin: failed to retrieve the MAC address
12956smeserver-managerBackup to workstation (dar) fails on first run - unable to mount.
12958smeserver-managerSM2 does not respond to the Locale Switcher extension under firefox (works fine for Chrome)

Recent documentation changes

Related changes:
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