SME11 Roadmap

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Work in progress

This page provides the roadmap objectives and status updates for SME Server version 11

Base software present

here is some of the basic software that will be present on SME11. Modular is a way to change the default version running on the system. Software collection allows you torun multiple version aside, e.g. php-**-php-fpm.

for modules enabled by [default]
name core version Apstream modules Remi modular Remi-safe software collection
horde 6 6 with php8.2
httpd 2.4 [2.4]
mariadb 10.5 [10.3] 10.5
perl 5.26.3 5.24 [5.26] 5.30 5.32
php 8.3 (fpm=8.4) [7.2] 7.3 7.4 8.0 7.2 7.3 7.4 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 7.2 7.3 7.4 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4
python 3.6 [2.7] [3.6] [3.8] [3.9]


A selection of improvements and or additions to SME Server 11 has to be made from the wishlist

Current suggestions:

  • SME Server 11 is to be considered a MAJOR update
  • SME Server 11 based on upstream Rocky 8
  • Updated Horde Framework, ease switching to an alternate webmail
  • Improvements to Backup and Restore
  • encrypted backup (for cloud purpose and others)
  • Updated packages to latest releases at the time of ISO release
  • new version of qpsmtpd
  • MariaDB
  • switch from yum to dnf
  • deal with modularity and dnf
  • systemd improvement and removal of last runit/daemontool scripts
  • Move server manager to Mojolicious
  • Facilitate Integrator Customization SME10_Integrator_Customization
  • ibays
  • merger ibays with Shared folders Bugzilla:9568
  • The contrib Shared folder offers many new features which enhance a lot the file sharing. We will be winners if we can have this contrib in the sme core
  • finish tmp folder integration Bugzilla:9568
  • Cloud awareness
  • Market development and usage of services and software are changing quickly. One of them being 'Cloud' and all xaaS related services
  • Being able to deploy SME Server as a Virtual Machine (VPS) in ServerGateway mode with an ISP that only offers 1 Network interface
  • Patch available, Proof of concept applied on production servers Bugzilla:7200
  • ease backup to cloud Bugzilla:9517
  • SSL Certificates
  • MTA to MTA delivery

see all final changes on :

Build Base Packages and missing deps

Upstream repos

upstream repo are :

  • Rocky 8 BaseOS, AppStream, PowerTools
  • remi 8 safe
  • epel 8
  • openfusion 8 (missing arm)

State of the builds


and Sme11BuildQueue


Development has been performed using Rocky 8 minimal and rebuild packages from SME 10.0 and any other needed repo.

Goal for next release

  • signing packages (blocker)
  • populate repositories (blocker)
  • first iso with limited hardware support for install (blocker)
  • horde webmail dropped
  • improve systemd integration
  • server-manager 2
  • bootloader
  • global functionality
  • change DNS stack
    • move to bind9
  • change email stack
    • upgrade qpsmtpd and add submission port 581 support
    • drop qmail
    • drop /usr/local/sbin/
    • configure postfix
IDPackageSummary (303 tasks) VersionMilestoneStatus
6453smeserver-baseremove use_authtok from pam config when ldap auth is enabled--11.alpha1RESOLVED
6510smeserver-qpsmtpdAllow port 587 to be used as mail submission port (ESMTP with authentication)--11.alpha1RESOLVED
7463e-smith-managerHeadingWeight Wrong in Server Panel navigation scripts--11.alpha1RESOLVED
8268smeserver-baseRemove primary (all lower case) from defaults and accounts database--11.alpha1RESOLVED
8275smeserver-libno console page uses whiptail--11.alpha1RESOLVED
9492smeserver-qpsmtpdRemove unused config for qmail-smtpd--11.alpha1RESOLVED
9566e-smith-managerServer-Manager uses unsafe-inline scripts/stylesheets <-> Strong Content-Security-Policy on VirtualHosts--11.alpha1RESOLVED
9567smeserver-apacheTemplate for Content-Security-Policy on VirtualHosts--11.alpha1VERIFIED
9751sambaRebuild Samba-4.18.6-3 Upstream Package with Domain Controller Support--11.alpha1CLOSED
10935smeserver-dovecotdovecot should use ssl_dh=</path/to/dh.pem instead of ssl_dh_parameters_length--11.alpha1VERIFIED
10976smeserver-managerMake validate the subnet octets for Server- manager2--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11185smeserver-managerNew version for smeserver-manager--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11380smeserver-devtoolsbrb and python for genfilelist--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11545smeserver-manager-AdminLTEUpdate smeserver-manager-AdminLTE with crealinks -update event--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11571smeserver-managerTheme switch no longer works.--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11572smeserver-manager-AdminLTEUpdate to AdminLTE 3.1--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11623smeserver-manager-AdminLTEUpdate default.ep.html to new contribs-header and remove heading from status line--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11708smeserver-managerCSRF security check should fully protect smeserver-manager--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11733smeserver-dovecotDovecot quota-fs error--11.alpha1VERIFIED
11780smeserver-managerAdd in dummy classes to div in each ep file for future themes--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11781smeserver-manager-AdminLTEUpdate login screen and add password visibility--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11782smeserver-manager-AdminLTEFix up Configuration Review panel--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11783smeserver-manager-AdminLTEBring update event into line with smanager update event--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11785smeserver-manager-AdminLTESort out alignment of descriptions and inputs on panels, and make work for mobile screens--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11793smeserver-managerFor smeserver-manager - add module class to div id="module"--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11802qpsmtpdUpdate qpsmtpd to latest from git--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11815smeserver-managerBring Group add and update panels into line with others--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11821smeserver-managerMail log file analysis shows blank--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11822smeserver-managerIn Review Configuration virtual domains not aligned.--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11823smeserver-managerIn Review Configuration - IP address not show correctly for Server Gateway--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11824smeserver-managerUser and Hostnames list does not act responsivly as window is made smaller--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11825smeserver-managerReview configuration panel - In Server-Gateway, External IP and DHCP range not properly displayed--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11826smeserver-manager-AdminLTEMore format changes to make it compatible--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11830smeserver-managerUpdate Datetime and reboot ep files to help AdminLTE--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11833smeserver-manager-AdminLTEMore formatting--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11846smeserver-managerWarning from Browser when jquery loaded - unable to find .map file--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11856smeserver-mysqlUpgrade MariaDB to 10.x--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11863smeserver-manager-AdminLTEUpdate css and checkbox for dark mode--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11880smeserver-manager-AdminLTEBrowser error on non login pages (smeserver-manager-AdminLTE)--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11881smeserver-manager-AdminLTEBrowser Error in js for AdminLTE version extraction--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11906smeserver-manager-AdminLTESort out spacing in menu when small fonts selected--11.alpha1RESOLVED
11989smeserver-manager-AdminLTERollup changes including AdminLTE 3.1--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12111smeserver-manageruntainting server-manager2--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12113smeserver-updateupdate plugin to be dnf compatible--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12114smeserver-updateupdate yum to dnf and modules--11.alpha1VERIFIED
12144smeserver-dovecotUpdating dovecot-extras overwrites existing sharedmailbox.db--11.alpha1CLOSED
12150smeserver-dovecotNFR: use INDEXPVT instead of INDEX for shared mailboxes (per-user \Seen flags)--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12265smeserver-dovecotupdate sieve /spam script--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12359---Rename all baseos e-smith* packages to smeserver*--11.alpha1CLOSED
12387smeserver-managerServer Manager 2 should open unconverted contribs/panels in the current page, possibly within an iframe--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12423smeserver-mockbuild proof of concept--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12424---list of rpm in smeos for 10 that will probably need build for sme 11--11.alpha1CLOSED
12428smeserver-managerSM2 Login button does not highlight when you press it. - default Theme--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12430smeserver-phpdefault setting for serialize_precision in PHP 7.1 and higher is incorrect--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12442smeserver-managerDefault theme for SM2 submit button does not reflect hover or click--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12451smeserver-qpsmtpdseparate qpsmtpd sqpsmtpd and uqpsmtpd configurations--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12457smeserver-managerExperiment with making tables sortable and filterable and paged - using jquery.--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12458smeserver-managerUpdate SM2 to use jquery plugin dataTable for tables--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12459smeserver-manager-jqueryCreate rpm - smeserver-manager-jquery--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12464smeserver-managerServer Manager 2 needs to save and restore menu organisation--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12465smeserver-managerUpdate smeserver-manager-jsquery to fix left alignment of tables--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12466smeserver-managerAdd export buttons to tables in SM2 default theme.--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12467smeserver-managerIcon not shown when second page selected on dataTable table--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12476smeserver-managerRe-organise menu as per discussions on Rocket--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12478smeserver-managerAfter creating I-bay it was not visible in the ibay list.--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12479smeserver-managerClick on "add domain" and it goes to corporate DNS Settings.--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12480smeserver-managerNFR: Suppress the version number in the footer unless user logged in.--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12483smeserver-managerhos_ERROR_CREATING_HOST on adding new hostname--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12485---Run the server manager perl files through perltidy.--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12488smeserver-managerLegacy contribs (ones not converted to SM2 / mojo code) are left in the menu at the end and appear in a new browser window / tab--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12498smeserver-managerRegression - menu restore does not work--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12499smeserver-phpNew PHP Options - max_input_vars/short_open_tag/session.gc_probability--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12501smeserver-devtoolsmissing pod2test deps--11.alpha1VERIFIED
12504multiple-packagesmultiple failed build with empty debugsourcefiles.list--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12509smeserver-basedrop rssh support in smeserver-base--11.alpha1VERIFIED
12510smeserver-ldapdrop rssh support smeserver-ldap--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12511smeserver-yumbrp python compile fails with python3--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12512daemontoolsdaemontools fails to build on el8--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12518multiple-packagesmassive rebuild of smeserver-* core rpm--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12521multiple-packagesinitial instal on rocky8 minimal--11.alpha1CLOSED
12522smeserver-supportdrop dmraid support--11.alpha1VERIFIED
12523smeserver-supportdrop prelink support--11.alpha1VERIFIED
12524smeserver-mysqlremove smeserver-mariadb* packages for rh-sclo--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12525smeserver-ntpntp deprecated--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12526smeserver-radiusdchange confirugration from radiusclient-ng to freeradius-client--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12527smeserver-updatednf plugins availables--11.alpha1VERIFIED
12528smeserver-updatechange yum-cron to an alternative--11.alpha1VERIFIED
12533smeserver-clamavmove /etc/yum/post-actions/clamd.action to /etc/dnf/plugins/post-transaction-actions.d/--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12534smeserver-packetfiltermove /etc/yum/post-actions/ulogd.action to /etc/dnf/plugins/post-transaction-actions.d/--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12535smeserver-qpsmtpdmove /etc/yum/post-actions/qpsmtpd to /etc/dnf/plugins/post-transaction-actions.d/qpsmtpd.action--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12537smeserver-emailscriptlet error during first install--11.alpha1VERIFIED
12538ulogdulogd : No such file or directory--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12539smeserver-manager-jqueryscriptlet: smeserver-manager-jsquery--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12543smeserver-baserework /etc/e-smith/events/actions/systemd-default--11.alpha1VERIFIED
12544smeserver-basemissing rsyslog--11.alpha1VERIFIED
12545smeserver-base/usr/sbin/rsyslogd: invalid option -- 'c'--11.alpha1VERIFIED
12546smeserver-basefailed to fix user group /etc/e-smith/events/post-install/S05init-accounts--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12547smeserver-baselogrotate[431564]: ALERT exited abnormally with [1]--11.alpha1VERIFIED
12548smeserver-dovecotmigrate//dovecot: Program fragment delivered error--11.alpha1RESOLVED
12549smeserver-updateMigrating existing database yum_repositories: 4 errors--11.alpha1RESOLVED
Warnings were generated during the execution of function
  1. Report truncated - count greater than max allowed 101 > 100

SME 11 Alpha 1

  • Status: February 2025

Goal for next release

  • bug fixes
  • cleanup
  • drop server-manager 1
  • drop runit for core services
  • iso/installer refining
  • let's encrypt panel
  • nut panel
  • replace djbdns by bind 9 ?

IDPackageSummary (79 tasks) VersionMilestoneStatus
131smeserver-apache[ 1323823 ] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) does NOT match...--11.beta1CLOSED
931smeserver-proftpdNFR: ftp Anonymous should be disabled by default11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
2269smeserver-apacheLoad apache mod_dav module by default--11.beta1RESOLVED
7914?smeserver-proftpdCorrect proftpd.conf template(40IBayAccess).--11.beta1RESOLVED
9196smeserver-certificatesServer manager panel for the letsencrypt--11.beta1RESOLVED
11367---change type from service to configuration--11.beta1RESOLVED
11416smeserver-testremove pptpd references--11.beta1RESOLVED
11417smeserver-libremove pptpd references--11.beta1RESOLVED
11418smeserver-hostsremove pptpd references--11.beta1RESOLVED
11478smeserver-audittoolsConfiguration report (under Server Manager/Report a bug) Includes some parts of the standard install11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
11671smeserver-qpsmtpdFiles and folders in /var/spool/qpsmtpd are not being cleaned up--11.beta1RESOLVED
12211smeserver-libtemplate-begin-ini should be in e-smith-lib not smeserver-php--11.beta1RESOLVED
12382smeserver-formmagickpassword requirement is different in panel and from samba--11.beta1RESOLVED
12383smeserver-libincrease password size requirement from 6 to 12-14 and make it configurable--11.beta1RESOLVED
12384smeserver-liballow more granularity in the content of password--11.beta1RESOLVED
12396cvmobsolete cvm-unix--11.beta1CLOSED
12454smeserver-proftpdMissing PassivePorts fragment--11.beta1RESOLVED
12507multiple-packagesdrop rssh support--11.beta1CLOSED
12540smeserveruseradd: user 'apache' already exists--11.beta1RESOLVED
12541smeserver-basenetwork-scripts needs initscripts--11.beta1RESOLVED
12573spamassassinUpgrade spamasassin to 4.0.1--11.beta1CLOSED
12592smeserver-mysqlsanitize mysql.dump--11.beta1RESOLVED
12634---Failed to add route ... dev ..., using ip route replace instead.--11.beta1CLOSED
12646anacondaset modules for installer--11.beta1CLOSED
12745smeserver-managerReconfigure message stays despite post-upgrade.--11.beta1CLOSED
12746smeserver-managerSM2 does not seem to take the passwordStrength db property into allowance when checking passwords for users--11.beta1RESOLVED
12755smeserver-updateSetting deltarpm parameter in SM2 dnf/yum config results on warning on dnf call11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12757smeserver-managerArrange that all language translations are installed with smeserver-manager--11.beta1RESOLVED
12758smeserver-managerAfter install a "signal-event smanager-refresh" is needed before SM2 comes up.--11.beta1RESOLVED
12814smeserver-qpsmtpdtls: dhparam is not exist or empty, possible DHE ciphers will be unavailable--11.beta1RESOLVED
12826smeserver-basehandle dhparams via template--11.beta1RESOLVED
12865smeserver-managerserver-manager reconfigure returns blank page--11.beta1VERIFIED
12874smeserver-proftpdcreate systemd unit to remove deps on daemontools--11.beta1RESOLVED
12875smeserver-basewrite wan systemd unit to remove deps on daemontools--11.beta1RESOLVED
12876smeserver-basewrite systemd unit for ippp to remove deps on daemontools--11.beta1RESOLVED
12877smeserver-tinydnswrite systemd unit for tinydns to drop deps on runit--11.beta1RESOLVED
12878smeserver-dnscachewrite systemd unit for dnscache and dnscache.forwarder to drop runit--11.beta1RESOLVED
12881---closure of openfusion repo--11.beta1CLOSED
12882smeserver-updatecleanup yum_repositories : closure of openfusion repo--11.beta1RESOLVED
12888smeserver-baseFetching the value or values of a single named parameter--11.beta1CLOSED
12889---Viewlogfiles panel has use perl::Time:TAI64 - not needed.--11.beta1RESOLVED
12890smeserver-emailInternal Server Error--11.beta1CLOSED
12897smeserver-mysqlfeedback plugin: failed to retrieve the MAC address11.alpha111.beta1CLOSED
12898smeserver-grubdefault kernel entries show Rocky11.alpha111.beta1VERIFIED
12899smeserver-updatednf update @smeserver serves packages we do not want after install/configuration11.alpha111.beta1VERIFIED
12905smeserver-managerMake SM2 db opening specific to the route, rather than opening only once11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12906smeserver-managersmanager and other SM2 controller files still using FormMagick routines11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12909isdn4k-utilsmissing isdn4k-utils11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12912smeserver-quotaquota on non root partition is not initialized11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12913smeserver-basepam_tally is deprecated11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12914pam_ablbuild missing pam_abl and add as requirement of smeserver-base11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12915e-smith-managerupdate eol message and date11.alpha111.beta1VERIFIED
12916smeserver-managermove letsencrypt panel to smeserver-certificates11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12917smeserver-roundcubednf post transaction calls signal-event smeserver-roundcube11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12918smeserver-managerInclude End of Life, EOL, statement in Server Manager11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12923smeserver-managerstatus select field can not be set to current value11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12925smeserver-proftpdunknown protocol: 'TLSv1.3' proftpd 1.3.6 does not support TLS v1.311.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12928smeserver-roundcuberoundcube not accessible after install11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12929smeserver-roundcubeneed to login again after /etc/roundcubemail/ update11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12930smeserver-mysqlchange mariadb version from 10.5 to 10.11 or 11.411.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12931smeserver-baseremove rhel-configure.service brandbot.path from sme-server.target11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12934smeserver-managerServer -Error on Backup to desktop11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12937smeserver-managerpassword requirement is different in panel and from samba--11.beta1RESOLVED
12938spamassassinUpdate Spamassassin to 4.0.111.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12939smeserver-emailremove /usr/local/sbin/
12942smeserver-proftpdtemplate expand error--11.beta1RESOLVED
12944smeserver-domainswrite systemd unit for tinydns to drop deps on runit--11.beta1RESOLVED
12945smeserver-hostswrite systemd unit for tinydns to drop deps on runit--11.beta1RESOLVED
12951smeserver-managerMail log analysis panel needs re-write for Postfix.11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12952smeserver-phpset base php to php8411.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12953smeserver-managerAdd systemd-analyze plot >boot.svg to Report a bug panel11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12956smeserver-managerBackup to workstation (dar) fails on first run - unable to mount.11.alpha111.beta1CLOSED
12958smeserver-managerSM2 does not respond to the Locale Switcher extension under firefox (works fine for Chrome)11.alpha111.beta1CLOSED
12960smeserver-updatenot all rpm gpg keys are added11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12962smeserver-updatemissing group or module php:remi-8.411.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12963smeserver-proftpdprotpd handle dhparams11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12964smeserver-radiusdradiusd handle dhparams via template11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12965smeserver-dovecotdovecot handle dhparams via template11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED
12966perl-IP-Geolocation-MMDBSpamassassin - Deprecated Maxmind perl module11.alpha111.beta1RESOLVED

SME 11 Beta 1

  • Status: TBD

Goal for next release

  • bug fixes
  • testing

IDPackageSummary (2 tasks) VersionMilestoneStatus
12926smeserver-base(Login failed): Invalid shell: '/usr/sbin/false'11.alpha111.RC1RESOLVED
12967smeserver-managerRationalise the css11.alpha111.RC1RESOLVED

SME 11 RC 1

  • Status: TBD

Goal for next release

  • bug fixes
  • testing
  • contribs testing and integration

"Well done guys, no more open bugs!"

SME 11.0

  • Status: target may 2025