SME Server 10.0 Development

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The Koozali SME Server project

The Koozali Foundation Inc. is a nonprofit corporation that governs the open source Koozali SME Server project. Koozali SME Server is a stable, secure and easy to use/manage linux server that provides common server functionalities out of the box. Many open source contributions are available that can extend the default server functionality making Koozali SME Server an even more powerful and flexible business server solution. Thousands of Koozali SME Severs have been deployed as real or virtual servers and in the cloud to serve many small to medium enterprises, and this number is growing day by day. The Koozali SME Server is free to use but it takes a lot of effort and money to develop, make, and maintain. We therefore ask you for your considerations.


Koozali Foundation Inc. together with its community hosted at is a collaborative effort of volunteers. You too can contribute to the development and continuity of the Koozali SME Server project as described on our volunteering page. Everybody is welcome to join the already 4000+ member community and can contribute with any skill set.

Financial donations

You can also show your support by making financial donations. The preferred way to make financial donations is using the donate option in the forums. You are free to choose any amount and frequency, being monthly, yearly or only once. The benefit of donating through your forums account is that your forum user name will receive a badge, showing your donation status. If you do not have a forum account, you can create one, or select the below PayPal option to make your donations.

Commercial usage

Organizations that use Koozali SME Server for their business, provide professional services related to SME Server or in any other way benefit commercially from the Koozali SME Server project, are kindly requested to consider regular financial donations that reflect their business benefits.

Koozali Foundation Inc. is happy to supply an invoice for any donations received. For more information on invoicing please send a mail to

Thank you for your considerations and support!

Information.png Tip:
For a complete overview of SME Server Development see our SME Server Development Framework page.

SME Server 10

Current status

  • Latest Build: SME Server 10.1 Http but if You need to build your Own Iso for Testing purpose see the Jigdo page and specially

this one


All users are encouraged to test, see our draft quality assurance testing page for tasks SME10.0_QA.

All testing should be based on the released version.

Considerations before installing


[Hardware requirements]

There needs to be hardware (motherboard chipset video graphics etc) compatibility with the underlying Linux version that sme server uses.

For SME10 A4, it is based on CentOS 7.6.1810 and all available updates To test your hardware to see if compatible with the underlying Linux version, download & install the appropriate CentOS version as listed above. If you have problems installing CentOS then you are likely to have problems installing SME server, so in that case you may need to chose more compatible hardware. Sometimes you can turn off advanced features in the BIOS as a workaround where there are limited compatibility issues, and/or disable onboard components that are known to be incompatible & use add on plug in expansion boards to perform those functions eg NIC, graphics, where suitable drivers are not available for the onboard product.

[Installation procedure]

Current tasks

Current open bugs

IDStatusPackageSummary (4 tasks)
12141CONFIRMEDsmeserver-supportlist contribs
12761CONFIRMEDsmeserver-baseFailed to delete /var/spool/mail/groupname
12145IN_PROGRESSsmeserver-mysqlbackup restore user privileges
12764IN_PROGRESSsambaOne can retrieve the list of users without being logged on the domain

Important.png Note:
Bugs needing verification are shown here Verification_Queue


IDPackageSummary (3 tasks)
12357smeserver-backupPDC domain users can't log in after migration
12450qpsmtpdpatch auth_imap to disable it per port as auth_cvm
12661smeserver-yumyum plugin fails to restart servioces correctly after update


IDPackageSummary (62 tasks)
10720---nightly logwatch email
10926smeserver-yumCSRF time-out during yum update in server-manager
11454smeserver-proxyError message overnight from Squid
11518smeserver-baseallow customization of PRUNEPATHS
11827smeserver-manager-AdminLTEFix format of datetime panel
12146smeserver-basecheck and add back www user in shared group
12170smeserver-yumerror when selecting package to update in manager
12171smeserver-yummanager ask to reconfigure when not needed
12172smeserver-yumpanel say update /install is finished while an event is still running
12173smeserver-yumcgi error when trying to install a new package with panel
12175smeserver-baseimjournal rate-limiting prevent to see all output from events
12177smeserver-ntpntpd error /var/lib/ntp/drift chown error, no drift file
12178smeserver-basersshuser: CPU: ldapOperation: ldap_bind_s: Can't contact LDAP server
12179smeserver-yum/etc/e-smith/db/yum_repositories/defaults/smecontribs/status disabled
12182smeserver-baseraidmonitor not starting
12183smeserver-basedhcpd unit needs expand in other event
12184smeserver-clamavreview clamd.action
12190smeserver-basesmartd new configuration path
12193cvmAttempt to login via sqpsmtp using a group name causes a segfault in cvm-unix
12194smeserver-libstartScript not found for service network
12195smeserver-baseadd PartOf=networking.service to wan.service
12204e-smith-managerupdating e-smith manager using server-manager hangs at Executing signal-event temp ...........
12207smeserver-apacheRunning reconfigure from server-manager hangs at S07rotate_logfiles
12209smeserver-yumOnly show Reconfigure button and message after an update if UnsavedChanges='yes'
12210---The boot sequence for SME 10.1 shows 10.0 at the top of the text boot section
12220smeserver-localeapply local 2022-11-11.patch
12221smeserver-ldap/slapd.service.d/50koozali.conf:4] Assignment outside of section
12231smeserver-sambaRejoining to domain fails
12253smeserver-basebootstrap-runlevel7.service screen displayed while no sysv service is misleading
12257smeserver-baseDHCP Not working since last updates
12287smeserver-nutUPSnut-server not starting on boot when netserver mode enabled
12295smeserver-baseDHCP config template should add in SME as backup for DNS servers, but does not
12296smeserver-hordemysl.init fails if php cli is set to higher version
12303smeserver-phpphp_admin_value[session.save_handler] is set globally
12304smeserver-baseLogging stops to messages - imjournal: too many open files
12314smeserver-ldapremove Alias=slapd.service
12330smeserver-spamassassinFix spamassassin 4.0.0 logging
12331spamassassinUpgrade spamassassin to 4.0.0
12335smeserver-basesystem hangs after install and restore
12349smeserver-mockerrors in install of smeserver-mock on Centos 7
12378sambaThe trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed
12386perl-QuotaUpdate perl-Quota to current release
12392smeserver-domainsDomains panel does not show borders around table of domains
12393smeserver-dovecotremove obsoletes words
12395smeserver-qpsmtpdSMTP password fails if it includes double quotes (at the end or possibly anywhere).
12398smeserver-qpsmtpdqpsmtpd auth fails when imap is disabled
12399smeserver-dovecotmake dovecot and imap essential and always enabled
12403smeserver-phpNeed to add PHP 8.2 and 8.3 to smeserver-php
12405smeserver-phpNeed to add PHP 8.3 to smeserver-php
12417smeserver-mysqlmysqld Error: Out of resources when opening file
12421smeserver-basesystemd-preset wrong path for etc
12431smeserver-basegroup deletion leaves mail spool file with old uid, preventing further user creation /deletion
12434smeserver-qpsmtpdupdating perl-Net-DNS-1.07-1.of.el7.noarch prevents qpsmtpd from accepting email until restart of the service
12449smeserver-qpsmtpdrevert ability to disable login on qpsmtpd or sqpsmtpd with imap as it was with cvm
12462smeserver-sambaNo SID return on LDAP Modify
12514smeserver-phpPHP 8.3 logs to 8.2 logdir
12574spamassassinUpgrade spamasassin to 4.0.1
12613smeserver-ibayswrong path for /etc/e-smith/events/S06store-ldap-smbpasswd
12650smeserver-qpsmtpdwrong syntax in /var/service/qpsmtpd/config/tls_protocol template
12653smeserver-yummissing fws gpg key
12715smeserver-yumwrong url for vault sclo


IDPackageSummary (1079 tasks)
79smeserver-proxy[ 1200402 ] squid is logging (mostly) to syslog
118smeserver-yum[ 1296024 ] yum: Error: No Groups on which to run command
139e-smith-php[ 1350044 ] Move PHP sessiondir to /var/lib/php/session
156smeserver-baseUnlocalised strings in server-manager header
455smeserver-mysqlEnable mysqld slow queries log
946smeserver-baselogfiles2timestamp creates dangling symlinks (upgrade.log)
1005smeserver-hordeavoid losing user pref when changing primary domain / login using another virtualhost
1416smeserver-apachehttpd-e-smith does not have a logger
1502smeserver-yumpredownload rpm nightly to ease update yumdownloader or downloadonly -y
2370smeserver-qpsmtpdRequire valid reverse DNS in qpsmtpd
2408smeserver-base (network)Move dhcpd logs out of /var/log/messages
2475smeserver-proxysquid configuration redundant port specification
3139smeserver-backuprestore from backup does not report "disk full" error
3461smeserver-basemigrate fragment to validate key and crt settings
3802smeserver-emailNFR: Web interface to configure pseudonym for local networks only (visible internal) when adding new pseudonym
4079---RAID 6 / 10 with 4 HDD
4118e-smith-managerserver-manager login isn't locale aware (isn't UTF-8 aware either)
4123e-smith-managerServer manager header is not locale aware
4402smeserver-hordehorde DB entries are not removed when deleting users from SME
4536smeserver-hordeConsider adding Kronolith (Calendar) to base for webmail
4537smeserver-hordeConsider adding nag (Tasks) to base for webmail
4538smeserver-hordeConsider adding mnemo (notes) to base for webmail
4597smeserver-qpsmtpdbadrcptto should not be evaluated for connections from lan
4606smeserver-mysqlTemplate more mysqld parameters
4607smeserver-baseConsole "Manage disk redundancy" does not capture add_drive_to_raid die() output to console or messages log
4661smeserver-lib-compspecPressing TAB to autocomplete causes bash error to fail on db foo bar show <TAB> like commands
5092smeserver-qpsmtpdDisable DNSBL for authenticated users
5759smeserver-phpOption to update PHPBaseDir to include PEAR on dynamic content enabled ibay
5890smeserver-baseSMART on by default
5933smeserver-baseOnly list devices that carry a backup when performing a console restore
6404smeserver-baseTerabyte quotas display incorrectly
6458multiple-packagescpu won't allow local users to be added to ldap groups
6499smeserver-yumAdd support for yum-plugin-priorities
6536smeserver-baseMake also validate the subnet octets
6713?e-smith-managerServer-manager access via HTTPS proxy forwarding fails after login success
6804smeserver-proftpdAdding TLS support to proftp configuration
6807smeserver-formmagickFormmagick error with file upload fields
6940smeserver-yumserver-manager says system is up to date, but cron email says there are updates available (and packages being obsoleted)
7011?e-smith-phpSet php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir per ibay
7224e-smith-dynamicdns-dyndns.orgdyndns client not working
7510smeserver-dovecotLet dovecot handle pop3
7655smeserver-baseerror during ftp - Unable to open config file: /etc/security/pam_env.conf
7827smeserver-mysqlBackup fails in pre-backup in mysqldump on invalid views, with possible solution
7958---Exact version shown during installation
8077smeserver-phpibay customisation: PHP error reporting
8150smeserver-ibaysibay customisation: merge SSL option
8156smeserver-baseWild Card support in the default self signed certificate
8160smeserver-spamassassinintegrate BayesAutoLearnThresholdSpam and BayesAutoLearnThresholdNonspam properties and handle bayes_auto_learn
8244smeserver-basecannot find backup media during console restore due to bad filesystem
8292---NFR: Rename admin account
8316smeserver-ibaysAdd more PHP settings by db command
8362smeserver-dnscachednscache CNAME chain lookup problem (
8365---phpinfo shows Password in plain text!?
8393smeserver-backupAllow backup to mounted drive
8484smeserver-qpsmtpdqpsmtpd dnsbl does not allow configuration of blocklists without TXT records
8591smeserver-qmailError in template expansion /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains
8675smeserver-ldap[SAMBA4] e-smith-LDAP + Samba 4
8692---The account xxx' can't be created because there is already a system account of that name.
8693smeserver-apachemoving SSL httpd certificate to virtual host and allow multiple certificates
8705smeserver-yumavoid reboot after updating smeserver-X rpms
8762?smeserver-basegenerate a wildcards domain certificate by marco hess
8782smeserver-yumcheck4contribsupdates minor language and formatting corrections
8783e-smith-managerAdd bug reporting templates to server manager
8787smeserver-phpadd mail.add_x_header and mail.log to php-ini
8834smeserver-yuminstall deltarpm to reduce updates sizes
8876smeserver-baseServerName property from smb key is missing in defaults. Leads to perl warning
8881smeserver-ntpUse /var/lib/ntp/ as home for ntp drift file instead of /etc/ntp/
8903smeserver-supportRemove option in server manager to create a starter website
8952smeserver-qpsmtpdlogterse summary record not found in qpsmtpd logs after unrecognised command
8961---Add support for SPDNS.DE dynamic dns to the console.
9060smeserver-sambaremove the win98pwdcache.reg of the server-resources
9090?smeserver-backupTest if the remote (nfs,cifs) host is mountable in the worskation backup panel
9105smeserver-ibayscreate tmp directory for every php enabled ibay
9127smeserver-backupMake sure only one backup run at a time
9155rsshuser needing scp access with rssh shell need to be member of rsshusers group
9159smeserver-backupBackup deletion of incomplete backups fail
9189---Koozali SME Server 10 tracking bug
9192smeserver-apacheport 80 and 443 shouldn't be hardcoded
9206smeserver-qpsmtpdAdd DMARC to qpsmtpd
9208---implement a cockpit's plugin to interact with SME's command
9209LPRngLPRng doesn't build on el7
9210perl-Object-Persistenceperl-Object-Persistence doesn't build on el7
9211pppppp doesn't build on el7
9212---Create SME Server 10 Alpha 1
9215smeserver-apachee-smith-apache doesn't build on el7
9216smeserver-basee-smith-base doesn't build on el7
9219smeserver-spamassassinspamassassin doesn't build on el7
9220smeserver-sambae-smith-samba doesn't build on el7
9221smeserver-radiusde-smith-radiusd doesn't build on el7
9222smeserver-qmaile-smith-qmail doesn't build on el7
9223smeserver-proxye-smith-proxy doesn't build on el7
9224smeserver-proftpde-smith-proftpd doesn't build on el7
9225e-smith-pptpde-smith-pptpd doesn't build on el7
9226smeserver-opensshe-smith-openssh doesn't build on el7
9227smeserver-ntpe-smith-ntp doesn't build on el7
9228smeserver-emaile-smith-email doesn't build on el7
9229smeserver-yumsmeserver-yum doesn't build on el7
9230smeserver-qpsmtpdsmeserver-qpsmtpd doesn't build on el7
9232smeserver-devtoolsgenfilelist should not treat symlinks as directories
9233bufferbuffer doesn't build on el7
Warnings were generated during the execution of function
  1. Report truncated - count greater than max allowed 101 > 100

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