SME10 Roadmap
Work in progress
This page provides the roadmap objectives and status updates for SME Server version 10
A selection of improvements and or additions to SME Server 10 has to be made from the wishlist
Current suggestions:
- SME Server 10 is to be considered a MAJOR update
- SME Server 10 based on upstream Centos 7
- Updated Horde Framework to 5.2
- Improved Samba 4 support
- Improvements to Backup and Restore
- encrypted backup (for cloud purpose and others)
- Updated packages to latest releases at the time of ISO release
- new version of qpsmtpd 0.96
- MySQL replaced with MariaDB
- systemd as the default init
- The boot loader is now grub2
- Move server manager to Mojolicious
- Facilitate Integrator Customization SME10_Integrator_Customization
- ibays
- merger ibays with Shared folders Bugzilla:9568
- The contrib Shared folder offers many new features which enhance a lot the file sharing. We will be winners if we can have this contrib in the sme core
- finish tmp folder integration Bugzilla:9568
- better integration of php and httpd setting per ibay Bugzilla:
- Cloud awareness
- Market development and usage of services and software are changing quickly. One of them being 'Cloud' and all xaaS related services
- Being able to deploy SME Server as a Virtual Machine (VPS) in ServerGateway mode with an ISP that only offers 1 Network interface
- Patch available, Proof of concept applied on production servers
Bugzilla:7200 - ease backup to cloud Bugzilla:9517
- SSL Certificates
- integrate Let'sencrypt certificates Bugzilla:8676
Bugzilla:9196 - redesign apache configuration to handle SNI [[Bugzilla:1775
Bugzilla:8693 - panel for certificates
- integrate Let'sencrypt certificates Bugzilla:8676
- MTA to MTA delivery
- implement encrypted sending of emails
Bugzilla:9349 - find a way to adapt to new smarthosts Bugzilla:9050
- implement encrypted sending of emails
see all final changes on :
Development has beend performed using COS7 minimal and rebuild packages from SME 9.0 and any other needed repo.
Create SME 10 packages
- Build all SME Server packages on COS7, see Sme10BuildQueue
- Cleanup SME 10 packages
- Import package into SME10
status: completed on 2016-03-18
SME 10 Alpha 1
- Status: completed on 18-03-2016
Goal for next release
- first iso with limited hardware support for install
- horde webmail excluded of iso because of anaconda conflicts
- functional systemd integration
- bootloader
ID | Package | Summary (271 tasks) ⇒ | Version | Milestone |
139 | e-smith-php | [ 1350044 ] Move PHP sessiondir to /var/lib/php/session | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
2370 | smeserver-qpsmtpd | Require valid reverse DNS in qpsmtpd | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
4597 | smeserver-qpsmtpd | badrcptto should not be evaluated for connections from lan | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
5092 | smeserver-qpsmtpd | Disable DNSBL for authenticated users | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
6804 | smeserver-proftpd | Adding TLS support to proftp configuration | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
7011? | e-smith-php | Set php_admin_value upload_tmp_dir per ibay | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
8484 | smeserver-qpsmtpd | qpsmtpd dnsbl does not allow configuration of blocklists without TXT records | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9105 | smeserver-ibays | create tmp directory for every php enabled ibay | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9189 | --- | Koozali SME Server 10 tracking bug | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9206 | smeserver-qpsmtpd | Add DMARC to qpsmtpd | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9209 | LPRng | LPRng doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9210 | perl-Object-Persistence | perl-Object-Persistence doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9211 | ppp | ppp doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9212 | --- | Create SME Server 10 Alpha 1 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9215 | smeserver-apache | e-smith-apache doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9216 | smeserver-base | e-smith-base doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9219 | smeserver-spamassassin | spamassassin doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9220 | smeserver-samba | e-smith-samba doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9221 | smeserver-radiusd | e-smith-radiusd doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9222 | smeserver-qmail | e-smith-qmail doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9223 | smeserver-proxy | e-smith-proxy doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9224 | smeserver-proftpd | e-smith-proftpd doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9225 | e-smith-pptpd | e-smith-pptpd doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9226 | smeserver-openssh | e-smith-openssh doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9227 | smeserver-ntp | e-smith-ntp doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9228 | smeserver-email | e-smith-email doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9229 | smeserver-yum | smeserver-yum doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9230 | smeserver-qpsmtpd | smeserver-qpsmtpd doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9232 | smeserver-devtools | genfilelist should not treat symlinks as directories | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9233 | buffer | buffer doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9235 | --- | mod_perl doesn't build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9236 | qpsmtpd | qpsmtpd failed to build on el7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9237 | --- | Suggested new method for esmith::DB - get_all_by_props() | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9268 | clamav | Update ClamAV to 0.99.1 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9269 | smeserver-support | Update copyright notification in server manager | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9287 | smolt | Remove smolt | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9288 | smeserver-support | Remove dependency on smolt | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9289 | --- | Build or resolve dependencies not available through default CentOS repo's | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9299 | smeserver-backup | Fix removable device detection (e.g. backup devices) | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9310 | --- | Need to build mod_auth_tkt | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9311 | --- | Need to build perl(Apache::AuthTKT) | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9312 | --- | Need to build perl(WWW::Automate) | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9318 | --- | need to import and build cpuspeed for SME10 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9319 | smeserver-ldap | e-smith-ldap-5.6.0-1.el7.sme.noarch requires db4-utils | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9320 | --- | e-smith-grub should requires grub2 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9321 | smeserver-grub | e-smith-grub need to be adapted to grub2 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9322 | --- | import checkpasswd-pam to sme10 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9323 | --- | Need to build perl(Net::Ident) | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9324 | --- | Need to build perl(Class::ParamParser) | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9325 | --- | Need to build perl(I18N::AcceptLanguage) | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9326 | --- | Need to build perl(HTML::Tabulate) | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9327 | --- | Need to build perl(Mail::RFC822::Address) | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9328 | --- | Need to build perl(IP::Country) | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9329 | --- | Need to build perl(CGI::Persistent) | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9330 | --- | Need to build perl(RPM2) | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9331 | smeserver-spamassassin | Remove DCC as it's not a free software | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9332 | --- | need to build perl(Crypt::Cracklib) | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9333 | --- | need build perl-Net-DNS-Native | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9334 | --- | need to build wv | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9335 | --- | need build RSSH | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9336 | smeserver-spamassassin | razor-agent not available but perl-razor-agent is in EPEL7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9337 | smeserver-base | cpuspeed is obsolete | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9338 | --- | need to build perl(Unix::PasswdFile) | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9339 | e-smith-manager | Get rid of perl-suidperl dependency | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9340 | --- | need to build oidentd | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9341 | smeserver-base | need to build pam_abl | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9342 | smeserver-base | need to remove Requires:HAL from e-smith-base | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9343 | --- | need to lowercase the REquires : DCC in smeserver-spamassassin | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9344 | --- | perl(Data::UUID) conflict between epel and base repo | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9345 | smeserver-mysql | mysql-server from an external repo | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9346 | --- | installation of e-smith-base | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9347 | smeserver-devtools | genfilelist should ignore some system directories | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9348 | --- | smeserver-spamassassin should not claim to own /usr/bin | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9352 | smeserver | migrate to systemd | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9363 | smeserver-clamav | smeserver-clamav - test and analysis for SME Server 10Alpha | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9364? | smeserver-apache | httpd-e-smith does not start | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9365? | e-smith-manager | http-admin does not start | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9366? | smeserver-runit | launch runsvdir | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9367 | --- | copy EPEL package needed for bare install to smetest | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9372 | smeserver-base | console internet test needs Digest::SHA1 module | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9374 | --- | NetworkManager versus old network | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9377 | smeserver-yum | smeserver-yum needs to point to sme10 repo | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9378 | smeserver-base | /etc/sysconfig/i18n is now /etc/locale.conf in centos7 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9379 | smeserver-support | move references from to | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9380 | --- | qpsmtpd doesn't run - postfix needs to be disabled/removed | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9381 | --- | e-smith-apache isn't installed | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9382 | smeserver-base | bootstrap-console doesn't run | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9383 | --- | bootstrap-console crashes after entering network parameters | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9386 | qpsmtpd | warnings during qpsmtpd startup | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9389 | --- | moving files from /sbin to /usr/sbin and /bin to /usr/bin | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9390 | --- | minimal CentOS 7 install : services running that should be disabled from systemd | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9392 | smeserver-base | dhcp packages are not installed. | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9393 | smeserver | Alternatives to perl suid | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9396 | --- | test of the console | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9397 | --- | console configure this server does not run | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9398 | --- | rsyslog configuration has deprecated syntax | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9399 | buildsys-macros | buildsys-macros-6-1.el7 macro inside still point to el6 | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9402 | --- | start services with runit | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9403 | smeserver-clamav | clamd service launch test | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
9404 | smeserver-oidentd | service oidentd fails to start | 10.0a1 | 10.0a1 |
- Report truncated - count greater than max allowed 101 > 100
SME 10 Alpha 2
- Status: completed 09-08-2016
Goal for next release
- improve installation process of the iso
- Koozali branding
- Hoirde back on the anaconda install
- few improvements and fixes see release
ID | Package | Summary (12 tasks) ⇒ | Version | Milestone | Status |
1502 | smeserver-yum | predownload rpm nightly to ease update yumdownloader or downloadonly -y | 10.0a1 | 10.0a2 | CLOSED |
8834 | smeserver-yum | install deltarpm to reduce updates sizes | 10.0a1 | 10.0a2 | CLOSED |
9401 | --- | modify anaconda to become SMEserver installer, rather than manually configured CentOS installer. | 10.0a1 | 10.0a2 | CLOSED |
9532 | --- | creating a kickstart file | 10.0a1 | 10.0a2 | CLOSED |
9538 | --- | Anaconda error 'Disk vda does not exist'. System halts | 10.0a1 | 10.0a2 | CLOSED |
9548 | smeserver | Change logo to include Koozali | 10.0a1 | 10.0a2 | CLOSED |
9585 | smeserver-lib | console startup does not display correctly | 10.0a1 | 10.0a2 | CLOSED |
9607 | smeserver-backup | add and remove paths to backup | 10.0a1 | 10.0a2 | CLOSED |
9633 | smeserver-backup | Add exclusion to the dar backup by a file with a .exclude | 10.0a1 | 10.0a2 | CLOSED |
9634 | smeserver-backup | trim both ends for '/' in the restore_list | 10.0a1 | 10.0a2 | CLOSED |
9635 | smeserver-backup | Add exclusion to the tar backup (console,backup panel) by a file with a .exclude | 10.0a1 | 10.0a2 | CLOSED |
9715 | smeserver-dnscache | Modify e-smith-dnscache to allow connections from entire loopback network | 10.0a1 | 10.0a2 | CLOSED |
SME 10 Alpha 3
- Status: WIP
- Please add bug references to be able to track status and progress.
Goal for next release
- improve anaconda integration
- fix proxy
Bugzilla:79 - fix and improve backup/restore issues
Bugzilla:9090Bugzilla:8783Bugzilla:9127 - startup process and config db tidying
- Horde consolidation
Bugzilla:9600 - qpsmtpd 0.96 verification of the integration
Bugzilla:10126Bugzilla:10123Bugzilla:10139Bugzilla:10112 - qmail fix
Bugzilla:9884 - fix to prevent qmail and qpsmtpd to loop
Bugzilla:9705 - avoid reboot after most upgrades
Bugzilla:8705 - update yum repos
Bugzilla:10156 - ease access to and fix translation
Bugzilla:10121Bugzilla:9724 - bug reporting template
Bugzilla:8783 - improve security
Bugzilla:10110Bugzilla:10108 - fix quota reporting
Bugzilla:10211 - import and build Samba 4 with DC support
Bugzilla:9751Bugzilla:9817Bugzilla:10155 - samba 4 import required rpms from epel
Bugzilla:10104 - free SSL integration
ID | Package | Summary (41 tasks) ⇒ | Version | Milestone | Status |
79 | smeserver-proxy | [ 1200402 ] squid is logging (mostly) to syslog | 10.0a1 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
4123 | e-smith-manager | Server manager header is not locale aware | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
8783 | e-smith-manager | Add bug reporting templates to server manager | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
9090? | smeserver-backup | Test if the remote (nfs,cifs) host is mountable in the worskation backup panel | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
9127 | smeserver-backup | Make sure only one backup run at a time | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
9600 | smeserver-horde | build php-pear-packages needed for Horde | 10.0a1 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
9724 | smeserver-base | syntax of /etc/locale.cfg may vary | 10.0a1 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
9817 | samba | [Samba 4] Fork Samba 4.4.4-12 from upstream with DC Support | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
9884 | qmail | qmail shouldn't append the domain name to null sender envelope | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
9900 | e-smith-starterwebsite | "Create a starter website" does not create the site from server-manager | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10080 | --- | update dehydrated rpm to 0.4.0 | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10083 | smeserver-base (network) | local networks route problem | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10092 | smeserver-horde | signal-event email-update generate errors related to webmail | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10108 | smeserver-ldap | Disable SSLv3 and RC4 ciphers for ldap | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10110 | smeserver-dovecot | Disable RC4 ciphers imaps | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10112 | qpsmtpd | whitelist plugin needs updating to works with naughty plugin delayed denied | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10119 | smeserver-yum | add software collection gpg signing key to SME10 | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10121 | smeserver-locale | NFR: add link for translation of en-ca and other similar variations | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10123 | smeserver-qpsmtpd | rhsbl regex is inappropriate in migrate fragment | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10126 | qpsmtpd-plugins | wbl whitelist_soft should be removed from qpsmtpd-plugin | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10137 | smeserver-spamassassin | Add a switch to enable the TELL command in spamd | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10139 | qpsmtpd | "(data_post) headers: fail, too many Message-Id headers" SME10 | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10144 | samba | [SAMBA 4] import required rpms from epel | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10155 | smeserver-support | [SAMBA 4] exclude samba pakcages from being updated from upstream repo | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10156 | smeserver-yum | update centos repo list : centos 7 does not provides a contrib repo and some new are available | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10164 | --- | Create Koozali SME Server 10.0 Alpha 3 | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10167 | e-smith-manager | manager login page give Internal Server Error without back parameter | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10169 | smeserver-samba | Outlook 2016, error code: 0x8004011c. | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10192 | smeserver-grub | quotas not found - error message overnight. | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10209 | e-smith-manager | Use of uninitialized value in lc at /etc/e-smith/web/common/cgi-bin/login | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10210 | --- | uninitialized value $what_to_make in lc at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/CGI/FormMagick/ line 206 | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10211 | smeserver-grub | enable quota for xfs | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10252 | smeserver-locale | updates locales smeserver-locale-2.6.0-locale-2017-04-26.patch | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10263 | smeserver-yum | add rpmfusion rpm signing key | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10303 | smeserver-qpsmtpd | DMARC reporting enabled without user knowledge | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10318 | smeserver-qpsmtpd | Use of uninitialized value $domain in pattern match (m//) ... | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10325 | smeserver-devtools | updating e-smith-grub from updates-testing gives error | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10326 | samba | update samba from upstream to patch against CVE-2017-7494 | 10.0a2 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10429 | samba | samba need rebuild against samba-4.6.2-12 | 10.0a3 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10584 | --- | Nut dependencies problem while updating SME Sever 10Alpha3 | 10.0a3 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
10599 | smeserver-mock | update smeserver-mock to build spamassassin | 10.0a3 | 10.0a3 | CLOSED |
Difficulties encountered during update from previous versions
globally before any updates during the alpha phase you should always update smeserver-yum and smeserver-support first:
yum update smeserver-yum smeserver-support --enablerepo=smeupdates-testing
signal-event yum-modify
yum update
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
1- you might encounter an error for a missing key for REMI rpms.
Public key for php-pear-1.10.3-1.el7.remi.noarch.rpm is not installed
solution: pick one of those:
yum update smeserver-yum --enablerepo=smeupdates-testing -y signal-event yum-modify yum update --enablerepo=smeupdates-testing signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
alternatively you could
yum update --enablerepo=smeupdates-testing --exclude=php-pear signal-event yum-modify yum update --enablerepo=smeupdates-testing signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
yum update --enablerepo=smeupdates-testing --nogpgcheck
2- you might encounter a conflict between centos samba rpm and SME locally builtsamba rpms:
yum update smeserver-support smeserver-yum -y
signal-event yum-modify
then proceed to regular update
yum update
SME 10 Alpha 4
- Status: WIP
- Please add bug references to be able to track status and progress.
Goal for next release
- SSL management
Bugzilla:131Bugzilla:1500Bugzilla:7490 Bugzilla:8185Bugzilla:8762Bugzilla:8156 - multiple SSL certificate compatibility in httpd
- free SSL certificate integration Bugzilla:8676
- php fpm as default with panel
Bugzilla:10335 - yum and upgrade
Bugzilla:8705Bugzilla:10249Bugzilla:9388Bugzilla:10201Bugzilla:10690Bugzilla:9412Bugzilla:118Bugzilla:9697Bugzilla:6940 - improve fix admin and user management
Bugzilla:8292Bugzilla:8692 - installer
Bugzilla:7958Bugzilla:9542Bugzilla:9549Bugzilla:9727Bugzilla:10377Bugzilla:10632Bugzilla:10375 - manager fixes and improvement
ID | Package | Summary (19 tasks) ⇒ | Version | Milestone | Status |
8160 | smeserver-spamassassin | integrate BayesAutoLearnThresholdSpam and BayesAutoLearnThresholdNonspam properties and handle bayes_auto_learn | 10.0a3 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
8362 | smeserver-dnscache | dnscache CNAME chain lookup problem ( | 10.0a3 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
10100 | smeserver-yum | add yum-plugin-post-transaction-actions to the base | 10.0a2 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
10298 | smeserver-qpsmtpd | Redirect DMARC report cron task in a log file | 10.0a2 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
10338 | --- | Create Koozali SME Server 10.0 Alpha 4 | 10.0a3 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
10374 | djbdns | security and bug fixes for djbdns | 10.0a3 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
10386 | smeserver-qmail | qmail-update-group only update the first group | 10.0a2 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
10428 | smeserver-support | Dependencies problem while updating SME Sever 10Alpha3 | 10.0a3 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
10463 | --- | libtidy upgrade from EPEL from 0.99 to 5.4 | 10.0a3 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
10479 | --- | perl-RPM2 RPM with sme built version older than EPEL | 10.0a1 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
10500 | clamav | ClamAV 0.99.3 released | 10.0a3 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
10506 | smeserver-manager | create sandbox rpm for server-manager2 | 10.0a3 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
10515 | smeserver-samba | Typo / Missing letter in /server-resources/regedit/win10samba.reg | 10.0a3 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
10516 | smeserver-support | statusreport fails on sme10 with libperl-www >=6.02 | 10.0a3 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
10519 | smeserver-base | /etc/xinetd.conf template breaks xinet | 10.0a3 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
10537 | smeserver-mock | ease package building and update of buildsystems | 10.0a3 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
10573 | smeserver-support | libtevent conflict with locally build samba version | 10.0a3 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
10577 | --- | upgrade to dehydrated 0.6.2 | 10.0a3 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
10754 | clamav | needs clamav-update | 10.0a4 | 10.0a4 | CLOSED |
SME 10 Alpha 5
- Status:
- Please add bug references to be able to track status and progress.
Goal for next release
- fix nut ups
- systemd
- move services to systemd
- create dedicated unit.service and unit.service.d/unit.conf when first exist from upstream.
- create a
- create and populate 00-smeserver.preset
- move services to systemd
- improve/rationalize service launch
Bugzilla:9649Bugzilla:1416 - httpd - apache fixes
- certificates
- fix and improve ibays Bugzilla:9568
Bugzilla:7914Bugzilla:7915 - squid fixes
Bugzilla:9418Bugzilla:9419 - ssh sftp scp
Bugzilla:9893Bugzilla:3178 - dhcp Bugzilla:10152
- manager fixes and improvement
Bugzilla:9944Bugzilla:10090Bugzilla:10115Bugzilla:10550 Bugzilla:369 Bugzilla:2816 Bugzilla:4041 Bugzilla:6929Bugzilla:8316Bugzilla:10128 Bugzilla:10176 Bugzilla:10456Bugzilla:8365Bugzilla:9677Bugzilla:4118Bugzilla:1027 - horde fixes
Bugzilla:10224Bugzilla:10227Bugzilla:4402 - console restore fixes Bugzilla:10233
- console backup fixes and improvements
Bugzilla:10245Bugzilla:10236 - email qmail and qpsmtpd
Bugzilla:10289Bugzilla:10598 Bugzilla:1027 - samba
Bugzilla:10576 - geoip2
Bugzilla:10671 - dns Bugzilla:2388
- new manager
ID | Package | Summary (84 tasks) ⇒ | Version | Milestone | Status |
118 | smeserver-yum | [ 1296024 ] yum: Error: No Groups on which to run command | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
1005 | smeserver-horde | avoid losing user pref when changing primary domain / login using another virtualhost | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
3139 | smeserver-backup | restore from backup does not report "disk full" error | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
4402 | smeserver-horde | horde DB entries are not removed when deleting users from SME | --- | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
4536 | smeserver-horde | Consider adding Kronolith (Calendar) to base for webmail | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
4537 | smeserver-horde | Consider adding nag (Tasks) to base for webmail | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
4538 | smeserver-horde | Consider adding mnemo (notes) to base for webmail | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
5890 | smeserver-base | SMART on by default | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
5933 | smeserver-base | Only list devices that carry a backup when performing a console restore | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
6499 | smeserver-yum | Add support for yum-plugin-priorities | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
6940 | smeserver-yum | server-manager says system is up to date, but cron email says there are updates available (and packages being obsoleted) | 10.0a3 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
7510 | smeserver-dovecot | Let dovecot handle pop3 | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
7958 | --- | Exact version shown during installation | --- | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
8156 | smeserver-base | Wild Card support in the default self signed certificate | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
8244 | smeserver-base | cannot find backup media during console restore due to bad filesystem | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
8705 | smeserver-yum | avoid reboot after updating smeserver-X rpms | 10.0a1 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
8782 | smeserver-yum | check4contribsupdates minor language and formatting corrections | --- | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
8787 | smeserver-php | add mail.add_x_header and mail.log to php-ini | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
8876 | smeserver-base | ServerName property from smb key is missing in defaults. Leads to perl warning | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
8903 | smeserver-support | Remove option in server manager to create a starter website | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
9159 | smeserver-backup | Backup deletion of incomplete backups fail | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
9388 | smeserver-yum | check4contribsupdates disable message when smecontribs status=enabled | --- | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
9591 | smeserver-apache | browsing folders with Indexes allowed does not show apache icones | 10.0a1 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
9677 | smeserver-base | user-password : internal server error | 10.0a1 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
9697 | smeserver-yum | yum repo to update to koozali.og | 10.0a1 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
9727 | --- | missing install.log | 10.0a1 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
9865 | smeserver-dovecot | permit imap login using full email address | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
9893 | smeserver-openssh | NFR: allow white list for autoblock | 10.0a2 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10170 | smeserver-yum | message to alert that the installed version is end of life | 10.0a2 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10190 | smeserver-ntp | add a post-transaction action to e-smith-ntpd | 10.0a3 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10224? | smeserver-horde | Truncated mail domain in mail address | 10.0a2 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10245 | smeserver-backup | backup-data.d files should be in the backup set | 10.0a2 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10249 | smeserver-yum | switch centos base and updates mirror list to vault after eol | 10.0a2 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10335 | smeserver-php | Add php-fpm support in the core for all major PHP versions | 10.0a2 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10358 | smeserver-radiusd | Make Radius schared secret a db property under radiusd key | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10377 | --- | Netinstall ISO fails to complete installation | 10.0a3 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10426 | smeserver-backup | Error occurred during pre-backup actions (mysql-dump-tables failure) | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10459 | smeserver-apache | SSL/TLS: Report Vulnerable Cipher Suites for HTTPS | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10460 | smeserver-qpsmtpd | SSL/TLS: Report Weak Cipher Suites | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10600 | smeserver-mock | ffmpeg and other video tools deps for mock files | 10.0a3 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10621 | smeserver-openssh | Update ssh client ciphers in /etc/ssh/ssh_config | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10632 | --- | usb install failed due to bad media path in isolinux.cfg | 10.0a3 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10647 | smeserver-mock | smeserver-mock python-ctypes | 10.0a3 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10690 | smeserver-yum | revert autoinstallUpdates / add yum-cron support | 10.0a3 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10715 | smeserver-base | Daily cron email concerning regeneration of SSL certificate if City/Company/Department not set | 10.0a3 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10716 | smeserver-yum | make smecontribs Visible | 10.0a3 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10717 | smeserver-horde | smeserver-horde patches to bring everything up to date. | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10722 | smeserver-release | Create Koozali SME Server 10.0 Alpha 5 | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10723 | perl-CGI-FormMagick | From unauthenticated XSS to remote code execution as 'root' | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10742 | smeserver-yum | add RPM-GPG-KEY-openfusion to smeserver-yum | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10813 | smeserver-clamav | WARNING: Ignoring deprecated option AllowSupplementaryGroups at line 43 | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10823 | smeserver-horde | horde strict error with php70 | 10.0a3 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10833 | smeserver-clamav | align MemLimit values | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10843 | smeserver-yum | updates available : header detected as package in French (and probably other languages) | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10846 | smeserver-yum | plugin tries to expand template after their deletion | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10848 | smeserver-lib | serviceControl: Unknown serviceAction reload-or-restart | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10853 | smeserver-radiusd | radius log filling with radius restarting | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10865 | smeserver-php | remove reference to php3 php4 files and deprecated php modules | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10866 | smeserver-horde | remove reference to php3 php4 files and deprecated php modules | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10870 | --- | update base/comps.xml | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10871 | smeserver-php | php-fpm for ibays | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10872 | smeserver-horde | adapt horde for php-fpm | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10873 | smeserver-yum | yum should restart php-fpm services after update | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10877 | smeserver-php | log file does not fill up | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10879 | smeserver-php | make syslog log php to dedicated files | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10888 | smeserver-php | define sys_temp_dir | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10891 | smeserver-php | template all php.ini of every php version and update current php template | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10901 | --- | SME10.0a4.iso will not install or boot efi but stock Centos7.iso will | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10904 | smeserver-php | transfer SERVER auth variables from httpd server to php-fpm pool | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10908 | smeserver-horde | unable to log using apache auth for rpc.php and calendar use | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10909 | smeserver-horde | smeserver-horde-update event needed | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10910 | smeserver-horde | /usr/bin/php /usr/bin/horde-alarms will identify as admin@hostname.domain in prefs | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10912 | smeserver-horde | /etc/horde/ingo/backends.local.php refers to mail.$domain | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10916 | smeserver-apache | add option for SSLHonorCipherOrder Directive | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10917 | --- | Keyboard layout | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10921 | smeserver-backup | console restore from media doesn't reboot after initial install | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10924 | smeserver-mock | new script to helps releasing packages | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10932 | smeserver-dovecot | create smeserver-dovecot-update event for update without reboot | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10934 | smeserver-dovecot | disable TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 by default for pop3s and imaps and order ciphers | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10936 | smeserver-ldap | increase ldap TLS level for Protocol and Ciphers | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10937 | smeserver-openssh | add ssh server ciphers, macs and KexAlgorithms in /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10938 | smeserver-openssh | /proc/net/ipt_recent/SSH does not exist | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10943 | --- | /var/log/php/php/error.log being filled with php: DIGEST-MD5 common mech free | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
10946 | smeserver-mock | update smeserver mock for new default mock option | 10.0a4 | 10.0a5 | CLOSED |
SME 10 Alpha 6
- Status:
- Please add bug references to be able to track status and progress.
Goal for next release
- Fix Raid and LVM install
- disable and hide unwanted anaconda addons
- netinstall
SME 10 Beta 1
- Status:
- Please add bug references to be able to track status and progress.
Goal for next release for next release
- new server-manager
ID | Package | Summary (197 tasks) ⇒ | Version | Milestone | Status |
1416 | smeserver-apache | httpd-e-smith does not have a logger | 10.0a3 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
2408 | smeserver-base (network) | Move dhcpd logs out of /var/log/messages | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
3461 | smeserver-base | migrate fragment to validate key and crt settings | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
3802 | smeserver-email | NFR: Web interface to configure pseudonym for local networks only (visible internal) when adding new pseudonym | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
4607 | smeserver-base | Console "Manage disk redundancy" does not capture add_drive_to_raid die() output to console or messages log | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
6536 | smeserver-base | Make also validate the subnet octets | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
7827 | smeserver-mysql | Backup fails in pre-backup in mysqldump on invalid views, with possible solution | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
8693 | smeserver-apache | moving SSL httpd certificate to virtual host and allow multiple certificates | 10.0a1 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
8881 | smeserver-ntp | Use /var/lib/ntp/ as home for ntp drift file instead of /etc/ntp/ | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
9060 | smeserver-samba | remove the win98pwdcache.reg of the server-resources | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
9155 | rssh | user needing scp access with rssh shell need to be member of rsshusers group | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
9192 | smeserver-apache | port 80 and 443 shouldn't be hardcoded | 10.0a3 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
9419 | smeserver-proxy | squid: no forward proxy port configured | 10.0a1 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
9423 | smeserver-nutUPS | service needs migration to systemd rename nut service to ups | 10.0a1 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
9435 | smeserver-base | [systemd] starting a service with systemd only if `db configuration getprop SERVICE status` is enabled | 10.0a1 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
9590 | smeserver-base | remove /home/e-smith/web/common/edition/info.txt | 10.0a1 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
9642 | smeserver-base | failed to fix permissions for www and apache | 10.0a1 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
9649 | smeserver-base | [systemd] service * does not support chkconfig | 10.0a1 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10368 | smeserver-qpsmtpd | setting pseudonym to local network only yes let emails coming from outside | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10576 | smeserver-samba | add min protocol option SAMBA | 10.0a3 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10826 | smeserver-apache | httpd fails to start if SSL certificate file, key or chain point to a non existing file | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10840 | --- | [systemd] signal-event can not control systemd services | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10849 | --- | remove reference to php3 php4 files and deprecated php modules | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10867 | smeserver-apache | remove reference to php3 php4 files and deprecated php modules | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10869 | smeserver-ibays | remove reference to php3 php4 files and deprecated php modules | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10918 | --- | RAID 1 | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10931 | smeserver-yum | Update Fails at Clean stage | 10.0a2 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10939 | smeserver-openssh | allow use of /etc/hosts.deny_ssh file in /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/hosts.allow/sshd | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10940 | smeserver-openssh | create ecdsa and ed25519 hostkeys | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10947 | smeserver-dovecot | Dovecot set imap_idle_timeout | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10956 | smeserver-base | [systemd] better integration of systemd to SME | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10957 | smeserver-base | [systemd] create a | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10958 | multiple-packages | [systemd] use /usr/lib/systemd/system-preset/ | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10959 | multiple-packages | [updates w/o reboot] finishing integration | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10960 | smeserver-php | wrong link in /etc/systemd/system/ | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10963 | smeserver-samba | smb2 and smb3 protocols needs port 445 | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10966 | smeserver-apache | e-smith-apache : port 80 and 443 shouldn't be hardcoded | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10967 | e-smith-manager | e-smith-manager : port 80 and 443 shouldn't be hardcoded | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10968 | smeserver-ibays | e-smith-ibays : port 80 and 443 shouldn't be hardcoded | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10969 | smeserver-horde | smeserver-horde : port 80 and 443 shouldn't be hardcoded | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10974 | smeserver-base | Make validate the subnet octets | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10975 | smeserver-qpsmtpd | setting pseudonym to local network only yes let emails coming from outside | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
10998 | smeserver-grub | Yum update after initial install causes reboot hang or failure | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11006 | smeserver-LPRng | service needs migration to systemd - lpd - /service/lpd/run | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11007 | smeserver-LPRng | [updates w/o reboot] integration of e-smith-LPRng | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11008 | smeserver-ntp | service needs migration to systemd - ntpd | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11009 | smeserver-ntp | [updates w/o reboot] integration of e-smith-ntp | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11012 | multiple-packages | [updates w/o reboot] e-smith-base | 10.0a4 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11013 | smeserver-runit | [systemd] launch runit for | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11014 | smeserver-php | [systemd] enable php services for | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11015 | smeserver-php | [php] rsyslogd: warning: ~ action is deprecated, consider using the 'stop' statement instead | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11016 | smeserver-horde | [horde] rsyslogd: warning: ~ action is deprecated, consider using the 'stop' statement instead | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11021 | smeserver-mysql | mariadb needs migrating to systemd | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11047 | smeserver-yum | plugins does not trigger actions scripts | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11065 | smeserver-spamassassin | Initial Import in SME 10 [DCC] | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11087 | smeserver-php | add webappVirtualhost to smeserver-php | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11088 | smeserver-runit | runit should run at and before | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11089 | smeserver-packetfilter | service needs migration to systemd - masq | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11090 | smeserver-base | service needs migration to systemd - network | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11091 | smeserver-base | service needs migration to systemd - wan | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11092 | smeserver-php | typo in upload_tmp_dir = var/lib/php/php7*/tmp | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11093 | smeserver-samba | SMBClient krb5 error | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11094 | smeserver-base | service needs migration to systemd raidmonitor - /service/raidmonitor/run | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11095 | smeserver-oidentd | service needs migration to systemd - oidentd /service/oidentd/run * oidentd.service | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11096 | smeserver-ldap | service needs migration to systemd - ldap.init | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11097 | smeserver-dnscache | service needs migration to systemd - dnscache - /service/dnscache/run | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11098 | smeserver-tinydns | service needs migration to systemd - tinydns - /service/tinydns/run | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11099 | smeserver-ldap | service needs migration to systemd - ldap - /service/ldap/run | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11100 | smeserver-base | service needs migration to systemd - dhcpd - /service/dhcpd/run - dhcpd.service | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11101 | smeserver-dovecot | service needs migration to systemd - dovecot - /service/dovecot/run - dovecot.service, dovecot.socket | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11102 | smeserver-email | service needs migration to systemd - smtp-auth-proxy - /service/smtp-auth-proxy/run | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11103 | smeserver-clamav | service needs migration to systemd - clamd - /service/clamd/run - clamav-daemon.service, clamav-daemon.socket, clamav-freshclam.service | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11104 | smeserver-clamav | service needs migration to systemd - freshclam - /service/freshclam/run - clamav-freshclam.service | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11105 | smeserver-qmail | service needs migration to systemd - qmail - /service/qmail/run | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11106 | smeserver-proftpd | service needs migration to systemd - ftp- /service/ftp/run - proftpd.service | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11107 | smeserver-qpsmtpd | service needs migration to systemd - qpsmtpd - /service/qpsmtpd/run | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11108 | --- | service needs migration to systemd - sqpsmtpd - /service/sqpsmtpd/run | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11109 | smeserver-openssh | service needs migration to systemd - sshd - /service/sshd/run - sshd-keygen.service, sshd.service, sshd@.service, sshd.socket | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11110 | e-smith-manager | service needs migration to systemd - httpd-admin - /service/httpd-admin/run - httpd.service | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11111 | smeserver-apache | service needs migration to systemd - httpd-e-smith - /service/httpd-e-smith/run - httpd.service | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11112 | e-smith-pptpd | service needs migration to systemd - pptpd - /service/pptpd/run - pptpd.service | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11113 | smeserver-radiusd | service needs migration to systemd - radiusd - /service/radiusd/run - radiusd.service | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11114 | --- | service needs migration to systemd - spamassassin - spamassassin.service | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11115 | smeserver-spamassassin | service needs migration to systemd - spamd - /service/spamd/run - spamassassin.service | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11116 | smeserver-proxy | service needs migration to systemd - squid - /service/squid/run - squid.service | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11117 | smeserver-samba | service needs migration to systemd - smbd - /service/smbd/run - smb.service | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11118 | smeserver-samba | service needs migration to systemd - nmbd - /service/nmbd/run - nmb.service | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11119 | smeserver-base | service needs migration to systemd - local - /service/local/run | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11120 | smeserver-mysql | service needs migration to systemd - mysql.init | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11121 | smeserver-yum | does not expand path to metadata | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11122 | smeserver-packetfilter | [updates w/o reboot] e-smith-packetfilter | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11123 | smeserver-apache | [updates w/o reboot] migration intergration - e-smith-apache | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11124 | smeserver-backup | [updates w/o reboot] migration intergration - e-smith-backup | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11125 | e-smith-cvm-unix-local | [updates w/o reboot] migration intergration - e-smith-cvm-unix-local | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11126 | smeserver-devtools | [updates w/o reboot] migration intergration - e-smith-devtools | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11127 | smeserver-dnscache | [updates w/o reboot] migration intergration - e-smith-dnscache | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11128 | --- | [updates w/o reboot] migration intergration - e-smith-domains | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11129 | e-smith-dynamicdns-dyndns | [updates w/o reboot] migration intergration - e-smith-dynamicdns-dyndns | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11130 | | [updates w/o reboot] migration integration - | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
11131 | e-smith-dynamicdns-tzo | [updates w/o reboot] migration integration - e-smith-dynamicdns-tzo | 10.0a5 | 10.0b1 | CLOSED |
- Report truncated - count greater than max allowed 101 > 100
SME 10 Beta 2
- Status:
- Please add bug references to be able to track status and progress.
Goal for next release for next release
SME 10 RC 1
- Status:
- Please add bug references to be able to track status and progress.
Goal for next release for next release
ID | Package | Summary (76 tasks) ⇒ | Version | Milestone | Status |
455 | smeserver-mysql | Enable mysqld slow queries log | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
2475 | smeserver-proxy | squid configuration redundant port specification | 10.0a2 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
4079 | --- | RAID 6 / 10 with 4 HDD | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
4606 | smeserver-mysql | Template more mysqld parameters | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
5759 | smeserver-php | Option to update PHPBaseDir to include PEAR on dynamic content enabled ibay | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
7224 | | dyndns client not working | 10.0a4 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
8150 | smeserver-ibays | ibay customisation: merge SSL option | 10.0a4 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
9418 | smeserver-proxy | squid -z should not be used without cache_dir defined (in memory mode) | 10.0a1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
9429 | pwauth | pwauth RPM with sme built version older than EPEL | 10.0a1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
9692 | multiple-packages | cleaning between /etc/rc.d/init.d/supervise/ and /etc/rc.d/init.d/ services link to daemontools | 10.0a1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
10448 | e-smith-manager | false servermode information in bug report | 10.0a4 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
10772 | e-smith-dynamicdns-dyndns | listed as one of the Dynamic DNS services | 10.0a5 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
10890 | smeserver-php | allow interpretation of .html or .xml ... encapsulated php code | 10.0a4 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
10902 | smeserver-formmagick | Too small timeout for token Error: CSRF token is invalid or outdated. | 10.0a5 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
10907 | smeserver-php | make sure we execute an actual script | 10.0a4 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
10945 | smeserver-horde | Horde php open basedir does not include all needed files/paths | 10.0a4 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
10961 | smeserver-clamav | Various intermittent memory issues with ClamAV | 10.0a5 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11053 | smeserver-backup | Backup module fails to calculate data size | 10.0a5 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11195 | --- | update perl-Net-Ident to 1.25 | 10.0a5 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11206 | spamassassin | Update to latest spamassassin 3.4.4 | 10.0a5 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11248 | ulogd | ulogd 1.24 is eol should migrate to 2 branch | 10.0a5 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11256 | smeserver-openssh | sshd logs to messages | 10.0a5 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11287 | smeserver-php | Misssing pool name argument on reboot after update of smeserver-php-3.0.0-20 | 10.0a5 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11292 | --- | Can't restore from tape on SME10 A5 | 10.0a5 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11295 | smeserver-php | add php80 support | 10.0a5 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11308 | smeserver-horde | horde - Webmail - Configuration is not up to date | 10.0a5 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11312 | smeserver-lib-compspec | allow completion for expand-template to include listing from templates.metadata | 10.0a5 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11344 | smeserver-base | improve /sbin/e-smith/service | 10.0a5 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11345 | smeserver-base | systemctl wrapper | 10.0a5 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11349 | smeserver-samba | smbd and nmbd write to /var/log/messages | 10.0a5 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11354 | smeserver-grub | remove /boot/grub | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11359 | smeserver-openssh | make host key size bigger | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11360 | smeserver-yum | set remi-safe priority to 10 | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11361 | smeserver-spamassassin | spamd unable to load | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11362 | smeserver-spamassassin | check: spamd logs to message log | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11363 | smeserver-base | remove /var/service/klogd/ | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11364 | smeserver-yum | yum logging to message log | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11365 | smeserver-grub | system fails to boot when non xfs filesystem is chosen using custom graphical installer | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11372 | smeserver-yum | overriding all signals, forcing restart | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11374 | smeserver-base | partly removed pptp entries: errors in logs when browsing manager; create a vpn config key | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11375 | smeserver-spamassassin | conflicts between spamassassin and spamd as service : removing spamd.service and spamd in configuration db | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11376 | smeserver-horde | [horde] spamd SpamLearning needs to be changed to spamassassin SpamLearning | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11378 | smeserver-php | After update of smeserver-php.x86_64 0:3.0.0-24.el7 message log errors as shown below appeared | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11381 | --- | Install must allow nolvm option on installation | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11382 | anaconda | Installer should take note of noraid option. | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11384 | smeserver-proftpd | proftp activity writen to /var/log/messages needs to be directied to own ftp log file | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11391 | smeserver-domains | server manager some tables transform utf 8 string to garbage | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11401 | smeserver-php | templates does not honor db property for php-fpm | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11404 | smeserver-mysql | ease 4 databit characters | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11407 | smeserver-ibays | force SSL if auth is enabled on an ibay | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11410 | smeserver-php | sendmail_path sender email wrongly templated | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11411 | smeserver-php | update / sync php properties accross ibays fpm and php.init | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11412 | smeserver-ibays | e-smith-ibays: update / sync php properties accross ibays fpm and php.init | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11413 | smeserver-php | make a pm to ease display of available php versions | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11415 | smeserver-base | drop dyndns support in core | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11420 | smeserver-packetfilter | remove pptpd references | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11422 | multiple-packages | rewrite rsyslogd.conf fragments | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11423 | libnetfilter_acct | import libnetfilter_acct | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11424 | smeserver-backup | DAR workstation restore from 9.2 replace /bin /sbin /lib and /lib64 links, leaving system in an unstable state | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11425 | smeserver-mysql | mariadb logs to systemd journald not to /var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11426 | smeserver-packetfilter | e-smith-packetfilter - ulogd 1.24 is eol should migrate to 2 branch | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11431 | smeserver-horde | sendmail_path sender email wrongly templated | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11433 | smeserver-horde | horde : templates does not honor db property for php-fpm | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11443 | smeserver-horde | horde should be on SSL all the time | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11452 | smeserver-php | maxexecutionTime different between fpm pool and httpd | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11453 | --- | On restore of a SME9 workstation backup to a SME10 server mysql.init service fails to restart | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11456 | --- | Raid not present on new 3 drive install | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11458 | smeserver-yum | removal of e-smith smeserver- rpms with correct event ask for post-upgrade / reboot | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11464 | smeserver-release | build Koozali SME Server 10rc1 | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11466 | smeserver-yum | launch navigation-conf for contribs when a panel is offered | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11468 | smeserver-mysql | /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/e-smith/sql/init/00_restore_dumped_dbs | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11470 | smeserver-base | log noise ddns-update | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11477 | smeserver-yum | try to update using el6 packages | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11479 | smeserver-base | masq fails to start on initial boot with /etc/rc.d/init.d/mas not found | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11480 | smeserver-ldap | ldap fails to start | 10.0b1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
11494 | --- | e-smith-nutUPS monitor.service and driver.service tmpfiles.d incorrect dir | 10.0rc1 | 10.0rc1 | CLOSED |
- Samba 4 integration
- DNS backend for Samba4 Bugzilla:8638
- User account authentication with Active Directory and AccountsDB Bugzilla:8660
- update e-smith-lib for Samba 4 Bugzilla:8688
- Samba 4: Home directory Bugzilla:8703
- Remove smbpasswd and WINS pieces for Samba 4 Bugzilla:8674
- Qmail updates for Samba 4
Bugzilla:8670 - Proftpd and active directory authentication
Bugzilla:8663 - e-smith-pptpd updates for Samba 4 Bugzilla:8690
- e-smith-base updates due to Samba 4 WINS/smbpasswd removal Bugzilla:8690
- e-smith-backup updates for Samba 4 -- wins and smbpasswd Bugzilla:8689
- Bootstrap-Console update for Samba 4 Bugzilla:8668
- Add SSSD daemon for Samba 4 local authentication Bugzilla:8687
- smeserver-qpsmtpd changes for Samba 4 Bugzilla:9807
- Consider removing /sbin/e-smith/samba_check_password Bugzilla:9700
- Update password functions in esmith::util for Samba 4 Bugzilla:9804
- update e-smith-quota to process quotas for active directory users Bugzilla:9800
- Update console startup module for Samba 4 (smb) Bugzilla:9822
- System Initialization and Re-Configuration with Active Directory Bugzilla:9662
- Remove Samba Parts from esmith::Util for Samba 4 Bugzilla:9651
- Reconfigure shadowcopy for Samba 4 Bugzilla:9712
- Reconfigure recycle bin for Samba 4 Bugzilla:9713
- Modify user events/actions and server-manager panel Bugzilla:9802
- Evaluate registry fragments in server-resources for Samba 4 Bugzilla:9708
- e-smith-openssh modifications for Samba 4 Bugzilla:9806
- Add createADUser function to esmith::Util Bugzilla:9801
- esmith::AD perl module for interacting with Active Directory Bugzilla:8665
- Include dnscache and tinydns config in smeserver-samba for Samba 4 DNS queries
Bugzilla:9711 - e-smith-LDAP + Samba 4
Bugzilla:8675 - Pseudonyms handling with Active Directory
Bugzilla:9653 - missing win10samba.reg and maybe other changes between e-smith-samba and smeserver-sambaBugzilla:10177
- move admin Maildir