SME8.0 Contribs QA

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Version 8.0 Contrib testing

This document lists Contribs that have had been tested running under SME 8

Contribs should work if they are perl or php based. Some binary application will work as well.

Test guidelines

Considerations_before_installing advises that Contribs for SME 8 have not yet been released, this is to avoid dev workload diagnosing bugs caused by contribs.

Please don't post sme 8 bugs unless you can replicate the bug with the contrib removed or isolated.

If you have suggestions, issues or solutions for a contrib, please post them in bugzilla

against the contrib.


During the transition from SME7 to SME8, contrib packages will be migrated to the SME8 contrib repository. If the contrib is not yet in the SME8 Contrib repository and an entry in this Q&A suggests it will install properly then you will need to install the contrib from the SME7 repository.

Check to see if you already have the sme7contribs repository set up using the command:

db yum_repositories show sme7contribs

If it returns nothing then you will need to create a repo named sme7contribs, which points to the SME7 smecontribs repo

db yum_repositories set sme7contribs repository \
GPGCheck yes \
MirrorList \
Name 'SME 7 - contribs' \
Visible no \
status disabled

signal-event yum-modify
yum clean all

now when you will install a package from sme7contribs, you need to use smecontribs to resolve some problems of dependencies...

The following shows an example of how to install a contrib from the SME7 repo:

yum --enablerepo=sme7contribs --enablerepo=smecontribs install smeserver-openvpn-s2s


List of Contribs being tested



logwatch - Installed from addons repo - seems to work fine afaict

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Ajaxterm - install as per wiki, works as expected

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Installed and running (ver: smeserver-arpwatch-0.1-2) in a semi-production environment (SME8b6)

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


AWStats - install as per wiki, works as expected

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


BackupPC To install Backuppc, there is some problemes of dependancies, so you need to refer to this post on the forum [1]

todo :

db yum_repositories set rpmforge repository \
BaseURL '$basearch/rpmforge' \
EnableGroups no \
Exclude freetype,htop,iptraf,rsync,syslinux \
GPGCheck yes \
GPGKey \
Name 'RPMForge - EL5' \
Visible no \
status disabled
signal-event yum-modify
yum install --enablerepo=rpmforge perl-XML-RSS perl-Time-module* perl-File-RsyncP
yum localinstall BackupPC-3.2.0-7.beta0.el5.fws.noarch.rpm
signal-event post-upgrade && signal-event reboot


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Works as expected, although the built in backup to workstation has more functionality (and uses dar)

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Denyhosts - install as per wiki, works as expected

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Diskusage - install as per wiki, works as expected

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


A new package will soon be available in sme8 contribs repo, check:

- Installs OK and fully functional.


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Installed OK to sme8.0 final and setup one mailing list & tested, works OK, not extensively tested though

- All dependencies are in smecontribs (or from manually configured sme7contribs repo on sme8.0)


Fetchmail installs as per wiki, version 1.3.6-17 works as expected

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install AND update.

Needs atprms-repository configured. Install as per howto[2]

After installing I was able to update FreePBX from 2.6 to 2.9, the latest stable, by using the update function in the FreePBX web-interface.

There are some udev errors while booting, claiming about invalid dahdi.rules. This seems not to be critical. I will post this to the bug-tracker.


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Geneweb installs as per wiki and works as expected. Not thoroughly tested, but basic functionality (transfering a database form 7.5.1, uploading pictures, restricting access) is available

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Hardware Info - install as per wiki, works as expected

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Smeserver-mailsorting - install as per wiki, works as expected

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


mailstats - sme-mailstats - Install as per wiki

Works as expected.

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

Install using this post: testing Mediawiki 1.15.1 on SME 8 (may no longer be necessary)

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install - see Note Nagios about making this work in SME8 (needs to be rechecked with updated pacakges and dependencies)

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Install as per Wiki - Works as expected.

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Install as per Wiki - Works as expected.

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Install as per Wiki - Works as expected.

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras

Note: The version of phpldapadmin supplied in smeserver-phpldapadmin (0.9.8) is old, upgrading to the latest version (1.2.2) is required, refer:


PHPMyAdmin - install as per wiki, works as expected

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras

phpmyadmin 2 package too old, not supported with php 53, numerous deprecated function, will do a lot of buggy sql request DO NOT USE phpmyadmin 2, update immediatly to the newest package (phpmyadmin3.5)provided in smecontribs ! see : This issue has now been fixed, check:


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


LPRng print queue monitor‎ - install as per wiki, works as expected

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Smeserver-remoteuseraccess - install as per wiki, bash works as expected

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


rkhunter - Installed from contribs repo - seems to work fine afaict

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


SANE - install as per wiki, works as expected

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Sarg - install as per wiki, works as expected

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

by Jáder: I have installed it as by howto.

Just had to use "signal-event post-upgrade && signal-event reboot " because just "expand-template /etc/fstab" do not worked.

I found an error (will put on bugzilla): when creating a share with name longer than limit (12 as standard), just returns an generic ERROR and do not say the cause.

Other than that, it appears to be working I was able to copy to, read, del files.

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


subversion Install as per Wiki - Works as expected in SME8b7

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras

Warning: The contrib allows to specify the TFTP server as "Self". This worked well under SME7 but not under SME8. To get this working under SME8, we had to choose the SME server's IP address to achieve the same result as "self" otherwise the clients cannot find/load from the TFTP server.

We have reported this as bug 6542 for the contrib but with this workaround, the contrib is working well under SME8.


Smeserver-tw-logonscript Install as per Wiki - Works as expected.

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functional, except some error message are present in the panel of the server manager about the interface. will be fixed soon.

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


User-manager - install as per wiki, works as expected

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Smeserver-userpanels - install as per wiki, works as expected

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Smeserver-vacation - install as per wiki, works as expected

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Email#Email_WBL_server_manager_panel - Installs and runs fine as far as I can see.

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras


Contribs that sort of work, but need improvement


This contrib introduces a dependency that cannot be resolved and it is no longer necessary. Please see the Vmware wiki entry for complete installation and maintenance instructions for SME8.


Zarafa - Because of PHP 5.2.10 in SME8b5 WIP there is a problem with the module, see bugzilla:5789:

Tested with:

- SME8b5 WIP
- zarafa-6.40.0 RC2
- smeserver-zarafa-0.9.0-49.el4.sme

User WebSpace

This contribs work followin the steps described here [3]

but without php interpretation. to enable php for users we need to edit the templated istalled with the package:


and add the following lines:

   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml
   AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

in the fragment of code that define "Generic user dir access directive"

after that we expand the modified template and restart the service:

   expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
   sv h /service/httpd-e-smith

i hope that this hint can help unexperienced users, REDTEO

Broken (or missing dependencies)



Dansguardian - install as per wiki, works as expected

dansguardian would likely benefit from rebuilding on a .el5 base

- Needs to have package rebuilt for el5




Reported to be working in Forums:;topicseen#new








No longer required as php5 is in SME 8 base

see,47647.0.html and also


Functionality hasn't been tested beyond ability to install

- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras

phpmyadmin package too old, not supported with php 53, numerous deprecated fucntion, will do a lot of buggy sql request DO NOT USE ! should be adapted to a phpmyadmin

NOTE: This issue has now been fixed, check:



Works for me as follows:

  • install from sme7contribs:
yum enablerepo=sme7contribs install smeserver-roundcube
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot

At this point, attempting to open roundcube generates the following error in /var/log/messages:

 httpd: PHP Fatal error:  Cannot redeclare quoted_printable_encode() in /opt/roundcube/program/include/ on line 2656
  • download the latest sources from sourceforge (0.7.1 as of this writing):

- browse to - click the download button - right-click the 'direct link' url in the download page header, and select 'copy link location' - at a shell prompt on the sme server:

wget <paste link location>
  • extract the downloaded source (replace "roundcubemail-0.7.1.tar.gz" with the actual filename downloaded in step 2):
tar zxvf roundcubemail-0.7.1.tar.gz
  • copy extracted roundcube code on top of the code that was installed by the rpm:
'cp' -rf roundcubemail-0.7.1/* /opt/roundcube
  • Drop and re-create all roundcube tables from mysql (If you're updating an existin roundcube installation you'll need to manually figure out which of the commands in /opt/roundcube/SQL/mysql.update.sql)
mysqldump --add-drop-table --no-data roundcube |grep ^DROP |mysql roundcube
cd /opt/roundcube
mysql roundcube < SQL/mysql.initial.sql

Note: drop all tables using mysqldump courtesy of

Roundcube now opens at http://<my.smeserver.tld>/roundcube

  • Configuration changes (for each user):
    • login and select "Settings" from the top right
    • Folders (do this first)
      • Subscribe to the imap folders you want to access in roundcube. Only subscribed folders are available for selection as 'special folders' in the next step.
    • Preferences
      • Select 'special folders' and set the values you want to use for 'Drafts', 'Sent', 'Junk' and 'Trash'
    • 'Identities'
      • Verify or create a default identity. Create a signature if you want to have one.


Scuttle - install as per wiki, works as expected

- Needs to have package rebuilt for el5



should upgrade to smeserver-sme8admin

yum install smeserver-sme8admin --enablerepo=smetest


Sysmon UPDATE: A new version of this contrib is now available from the sme8 contribs repo. Fully functional. Check:



The Address Book - install as per wiki, works as expected

please take note of if you have issues with groups

- Needs to have package rebuilt for el5



Webshare installs but breaks httpd.conf after creating the first webshare in server manager:

Syntax error on line 1583 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'AuthUserFile', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
- All dependencies are in smecontribs, smeaddons or smeextras

There is a more detailed workaround explained here:

This workaround works fine on sme8.0 final.

These workarounds have been incorporated into a new package compatible with sme8.0, currently in the sme7 smetest repo, smeserver-webshare-1.0.0-10.el4.sme.noarch.rpm

yum install --enablerepo=smetest smeserver-webshare

(manually enable this repo so your sme8 server can access it)


Install wordpress contrib from the SME7 repo:

yum --enablerepo=sme7contribs --enablerepo=smecontribs install wordpress smeserver-wordpress
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot

Initial Setup

To setup wordpress start your browser with the URL http://www.yourmaindomain/wordpress and complete the forms. 
To make basic setup just enter a blog name and an administrator email address then click Setup. 
On the next screen you will be presented with the admin user name and a randomly generated admin password. Record these somewhere safe now! 
Then click the Log in button, and enter your admin username (ie admin) and password (the ones just displayed on the previous screen). 
The initial setup is done in the Settings link at the top right corner of the blog screen. 
Configure as required, and save your changes before exiting. 

Optional: If you want to change the domain URL that wordpress will be accessed with, apply any changes to the URL property before setting up wordpress, refer to options below, default is wordpress.

Upgrade Wordpress:

Download the 3.4.2 tar file from

Put the tar file in /opt, extract it and adjust ownership if necessary.

tar xvf wordpress-3.4.2.tar
chown -R root:root wordpress

Go to http://www.yourdomain/wordpress/wp-admin and choose yes to update the Wordpress database.

Now you'll be able to download themes and extract them in your /opt/wordpress/wp-content/themes directory and apply them in wp-admin.


Normal access by bloggers ->

Admin or backend user access ->



  • You can fine tune access to wordpress with DB settings:

  • Local Settings:

The config file is now templated, so changes need to be made in a new fragment, eg:

nano /etc/e-smith/templates/opt/wordpress/wp-config.php/05local 

check which setting you want to change with:

cat /opt/wordpress/wp-config-sample.php

then add the new setting in the new fragment and expand, it will overrule the old:

expand-template /opt/wordpress/wp-config.php

If you think your setting should be the default, raise a bug.

Recommended Plugin (Akismet install):

Spam filtering is a popular plugin and recommended to prevent excessive spam being added to your wordpress blogsite. To configure the Akismet plugin offered by Wordpress do the following:

Login as admin. 
Click on the Plugins link at top right of page. 
The Plugin Management page will appear, and a list of Inactive Plugins is shown. 
Check the tick box next to Akismet and then click on Activate 
To complete the process you will need to enter your API key 
Click on the "enter your API key" link at the top of the page. 
If you do not already have a key, then click on the (Get your key) link. 
This will take you to the site. You need to create a new user account (if you don't already have one). 
Click the Signup link and enter required details. Select the option to create "Just a username please" and do not create a blog site at 
You will receive a email confirmation to activate your account. 
After confirming your account creation, you will receive another email advising your new account details, and giving you the API key details. 
Return to the admin page of your new wordpress blog site and click on the Plugins link. 
Select Akismet configuration and enter your API key details. 
If preferred, tick the check box next to "Automatically discard spam comments on posts older than a month" 
Click the Update options button, and you should then see a confirmation notice that your key has been verified. 
Configure other Akismet settings as required. 
Save your changes, exit as admin user, and start using your blogsite. 

Un-installation of Wordpress and removal of MySQL database:

1. To remove the package issue the following command on the SME Server shell:

rpm -e wordpress smeserver-wordpress

2. Delete MySQL database:

drop database wordpress;

3. Delete MySQL user:

USE mysql;
DELETE FROM user WHERE user = 'wordpress';




Contribs not hosted on



cyrus-imap - install as per howto, works as expected Refer Forum post

Postgresql and sql-ledger

sql-ledger - install as per howto, works as expected [4]


Sogo - install as per wiki, works as expected


Install using the instructions in the howto. Note the advice that you should omit the sections 'Install Perl 5.10.0' and 'Patch Squeezebox server to use Perl5.10.0'.


SystemMonitor This is a version from Nethesis which comes very close to smeserver-sysmon functionality. Use deps from sme8contribs. Check:;topicseen#new

Note: a new version of smeserver-sysmon is now available from the sme8 contrib repo, check:

smeserver-saco-qmHandle mail queue manager

smeserver-saco-qmHandle Installs OK om sme8.0 final as per wiki. Functionality OK although not extensively tested. This is the version originally from saco services, although at May 2012 the rpm cannot be found on their site. See