Difference between revisions of "Temporary release critical doc Update Status"

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Line 1: Line 1:
==This is a temporary doc page while the doc is corrected for the v.10 Gold release==
==This is a temporary doc page while the doc is corrected for the v.10 Gold release==
Please check status here and check for errors on the pages mentioned. Getting everything corrected won't happen --see [[https://www.worldhistory.org/sisyphus/#:~:text=Sisyphus%20(or%20Sisyphos)%20is%20a,in%20the%20depths%20of%20Hades Sisyphus]] -- but the aim is to have error-free Installation, Update and Management pages. This could go to Bugzilla if preferred, the idea was not to clog Bugzilla up with minor doc issues. Anything ''critical'' that could cause ''breakage'' should ''go to Bugzilla'' to be tracked.
Please check status here and check for errors on the pages mentioned. Getting everything corrected won't happen --see [https://www.worldhistory.org/sisyphus/#:~:text=Sisyphus%20(or%20Sisyphos)%20is%20a,in%20the%20depths%20of%20Hades Sisyphus] -- but the aim is to have error-free Installation, Update and Management pages. This could go to Bugzilla if preferred, the idea was not to clog Bugzilla up with minor doc issues. Anything ''critical'' that could cause ''breakage'' should ''go to Bugzilla'' to be tracked.
- Anyone error-checking: please add notes directly under Chapters and Notes of errors sections.
- General Note: there's a lot of good content in Language-specific version of the manuals that could perhaps usefully be imported into the English manual
===Administration Manual===
====Chapter 1====
====Chapter 1====
Line 12: Line 21:
Believed good.
Believed good.
Notes of errors:  
'''Notes of errors:'''
*Needs image updates<br />
*Needs image updates<br />
*<s>"Koozali SME Server 10 is an RPM-based distribution that uses many packages from CentOS and RepoForge" OK</s>
<sup><s>Repoforge deprecated, we use Centos, Epel, Remi-safe and OpenFusion OK</s></sup>
*<s>History we might want to add  SME 7.0 SME 8.0 and SME 9.0 release date for completeness.... there is like a hole</s>
*"<s>USB printer support - It is now possible to connect the SME Server to a printer via the USB por</s>t." <s>=> "USB printer support"</s>
*<s>''"Improved Macintosh file sharing support - The server now includes better support for Macintosh file sharing and eliminates some previous cases where Macintosh users were unable to access i-bays." =>'' remove ? DONE</s>
*<s>more globally in the last section remove the "is now " formulation as most of those changes dates</s>
*<sup><s>add an entry "limited need of reboot with dedicated events on installation and update of key components"</s></sup>
*<s>encryption corresponding to the industry standard of 2021</s>
====Chapter 2====
====Chapter 2====
Line 22: Line 41:
Believed good.
Believed good.
Notes of errors: none known  
'''Notes of errors:''' 
none known  
====Chapter 3====
====Chapter 3====
Believed good.
Believed good.  
<s>==> need removing Dynamic DNS Service</s>
'''Notes of errors:'''
Notes of errors:
*<s>Could use further updates re modern connectivity</s><br />
*Could use further updates re modern connectivity<br />
'''<s>Dynamic DNS Service  has been deprecated, should refer to smeserver-dyndns contrib if needed</s>'''
====Chapter 4====
====Chapter 4====
Line 39: Line 64:
Believed good.
Believed good.
Notes of errors: none known
'''Notes of errors:'''
*<s>remove PPTP references</s>
*<s>low requirement should state 4GB of memory unless you disable clamav and antivirus uses, as it needs 1.8GB  for its db in memory</s>
*<s>remove box for compatibility rhel 5 and rhel 6 references as well as sme 8 and 9</s>
*<s>RAM 768 MB to install, 2048 MB to effectively run all services including Clam AV, more memory is better.  => "</s>
<s>RAM 2048 MB to install and running disabling Clam AV, 4096 MB to effectively run all services including Clam AV, more memory is better. "</s>
*<s>Hard Drive Configuration : add a warning that using the default configuration from the text of GUI installer will override the SME defined at boot configuration for RAID.</s>
<s>A reboot will be necessary to reimplement the configuration before starting the installation</s>
<br />
====Chapter 5====
====Chapter 5====
Line 49: Line 84:
Believed good.
Believed good.
Notes of errors:
'''Notes of errors:'''
* Images from configuring on are form old versions need updating for 10 but not beilved wrong
*Images from configuring onwards are from old versions, need updating for 10 but not believed wrong
* DynDNS services availaiblity believed OOD needs new image
*<s>DynDNS has been removed from core, please remove related sections</s>
* PPoE not documented (is documented in German and Fench manuals butimages insame language need for Enlgish etc.)
*PPoE not documented (is documented in German and French manuals but images in same language need for English etc.) => to add please
*resize the boot image /trim the borders if not too much work otherwise for later
====Chapter 6====
====Chapter 6====
Believed good.
Believed good.
Notes of errors:
'''Notes of errors:'''
*Needs image updates
*Needs more image updates
====Chapter 7====
====Chapter 7====
Line 68: Line 106:
<s>Believed good.</s>
<s>Believed good.</s>
Notes of errors:
'''Notes of errors:'''
*Needs image updates, linked Win 10 SMB support OOD?
*Needs image updates, linked Win 10 SMB support OOD?
====Chapter 8====
====Chapter 8====
Believed good.
Believed good.
Notes of errors:
'''Notes of errors:'''
*Needs image update
*Needs image update
====Chapter 9====
====Chapter 9====
Believed good.
Believed good.
Notes of errors:
'''Notes of errors:'''
*Needs image updates
*Needs image updates
====Chapter 10====
====Chapter 10====
Believed good.
Believed good.
Notes of errors:
'''Notes of errors:'''
*Needs image updates and text verification
*Needs image updates and text verification
====Chapter 11====
====Chapter 11====
<s>Believed good.</s>
<s>Believed good.</s>
Notes of errors:
'''Notes of errors:'''
*Needs image updates
*Needs image updates
*PPTP? Really? Huge security hole, check.
*<s>PPTP has been removed, entry is now renamed</s> VPN, but has still to be integrated to current vpn contribs
*Why no SFTP?
*<s>Why no SFTP => SFTP is part of SSH , and SCP aswell</s>
*<s>please docuemnt FTP is now FTPs by default or FTP over TLS, and is forced. IF for any reason you want to be less secure than that check the wiki on how to do so (need documenting in the faq too see https://forums.contribs.org/index.php/topic,54454.0.html</s>
====Chapter 12====
====Chapter 12====
Line 111: Line 154:
Believed good.
Believed good.
Notes of errors:
'''Notes of errors:'''
*Needs image updates
*Needs image updates
*<s>remove Create Starter Web Site; deprecated</s>
*add section on report bug panel
====Chapter 13====
====Chapter 13====
Line 120: Line 165:
Believed good.
Believed good.
Notes of errors:
'''Notes of errors:'''
*Needs image updates
*Needs image updates
====Chapter 14====
====Chapter 14====
Believed good.
Believed good.
Notes of errors:
'''Notes of errors:'''
*Needs image updates for SME 10 and Win 10
*Needs image updates for SME 10 and Win 10
Believed good.
Believed good.
Notes of errors:
'''Notes of errors:'''
*DYN DNS needs checks and extensions
*<s>DYN DNS needs checks and extensions ==dropped, please remove; just state that if you do not have static ip , you need to refer the the contrib smeserver-ddclient</s>
Believed good.
'''Notes of errors:'''
*<s>Perhaps add more modern terms? yes</s>
*<s>precise that pptpd is insecure and deprecated</s>
*<s>in vpn precise that current protocols are openvpn, ipsec/xl2tpd available as contribs and soon wireguard</s>
==User Manual==
<br />
====Chapter 1====
<s>UPDATED FOR 10</s>
Believed good.
'''Notes of errors:'''
*<s>Needs PPTP/VPN updates</s>
*still needs revision
====Chapter 2====
<s>UPDATED FOR 10</s>
<s>Believed good.</s>
'''Notes of errors:'''
*Needs review
<br />
====Chapter 3====
<s>UPDATED FOR 10</s>
<s>Believed good.</s>
'''Notes of errors:'''
*Needs image updates from Win 7 to Win 10 and adjustments?
*Needs review
<s><br /></s>
====Chapter 4====
Believed good.
Believed good.
Notes of errors:
'''Notes of errors:'''
*Needs image updates (2002-2021)
*Needs review
<br />
==Developers Manual==
PENDING: Big jobs
'''Notes of errors:'''
I (JR) have not made much use of the Developers Manual. However, it looks to me as if a significant rewrite of sections may be called for particularly due to changes in systemd services, service control, monitoring etc etc: https://wiki.koozali.org/SME_Server:Documentation:Developers_Manual:Section2#Process_startup.2C_supervision_and_shutdown
'''Notes of errors:'''
*Much of this relates to OOD solutions for OOD problems, how much to keep?
*Boot options spectacularly so for 10
*logfile https://wiki.koozali.org/SME_Server:Documentation:FAQ:Section03
**need to introduce journalctl eg: myslq.init
**need to reflect changes in services that are not supervised by daemontool /runit anymore (filename change , format change : current => logname.log..)
**<s>move to mariadb</s>
**!!adjusted, need to know if rest of MySQL doc OK
**new templates with more already handled settings
'''Notes of errors:'''
*Notes re: MariaDB added, body text needs check for validity of exisiting MySQL notes for v.10
'''Notes of errors:'''
*Needs review
'''Notes of errors:'''
*Perhaps add modern terms?
*v.10 contribs OK
*what to do about earlier ones? New page for v.10 is tempting

Latest revision as of 13:21, 8 May 2021

This is a temporary doc page while the doc is corrected for the v.10 Gold release

Please check status here and check for errors on the pages mentioned. Getting everything corrected won't happen --see Sisyphus -- but the aim is to have error-free Installation, Update and Management pages. This could go to Bugzilla if preferred, the idea was not to clog Bugzilla up with minor doc issues. Anything critical that could cause breakage should go to Bugzilla to be tracked.

- Anyone error-checking: please add notes directly under Chapters and Notes of errors sections.

- General Note: there's a lot of good content in Language-specific version of the manuals that could perhaps usefully be imported into the English manual


Administration Manual


Chapter 1



Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • Needs image updates
  • "Koozali SME Server 10 is an RPM-based distribution that uses many packages from CentOS and RepoForge" OK

Repoforge deprecated, we use Centos, Epel, Remi-safe and OpenFusion OK

  • History we might want to add SME 7.0 SME 8.0 and SME 9.0 release date for completeness.... there is like a hole
  • "USB printer support - It is now possible to connect the SME Server to a printer via the USB port." => "USB printer support"
  • "Improved Macintosh file sharing support - The server now includes better support for Macintosh file sharing and eliminates some previous cases where Macintosh users were unable to access i-bays." => remove ? DONE
  • more globally in the last section remove the "is now " formulation as most of those changes dates
  • add an entry "limited need of reboot with dedicated events on installation and update of key components"
  • encryption corresponding to the industry standard of 2021

Chapter 2


Believed good.

Notes of errors:

none known

Chapter 3


Believed good.

==> need removing Dynamic DNS Service

Notes of errors:

  • Could use further updates re modern connectivity

Dynamic DNS Service has been deprecated, should refer to smeserver-dyndns contrib if needed

Chapter 4



Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • remove PPTP references
  • low requirement should state 4GB of memory unless you disable clamav and antivirus uses, as it needs 1.8GB for its db in memory
  • remove box for compatibility rhel 5 and rhel 6 references as well as sme 8 and 9
  • RAM 768 MB to install, 2048 MB to effectively run all services including Clam AV, more memory is better. => "

RAM 2048 MB to install and running disabling Clam AV, 4096 MB to effectively run all services including Clam AV, more memory is better. "

  • Hard Drive Configuration : add a warning that using the default configuration from the text of GUI installer will override the SME defined at boot configuration for RAID.

A reboot will be necessary to reimplement the configuration before starting the installation

Chapter 5



Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • Images from configuring onwards are from old versions, need updating for 10 but not believed wrong
  • DynDNS has been removed from core, please remove related sections
  • PPoE not documented (is documented in German and French manuals but images in same language need for English etc.) => to add please
  • resize the boot image /trim the borders if not too much work otherwise for later

Chapter 6


Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • Needs more image updates

Chapter 7


Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • Needs image updates, linked Win 10 SMB support OOD?

Chapter 8


Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • Needs image update

Chapter 9


Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • Needs image updates

Chapter 10


Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • Needs image updates and text verification

Chapter 11


Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • Needs image updates
  • PPTP has been removed, entry is now renamed VPN, but has still to be integrated to current vpn contribs
  • Why no SFTP => SFTP is part of SSH , and SCP aswell
  • please docuemnt FTP is now FTPs by default or FTP over TLS, and is forced. IF for any reason you want to be less secure than that check the wiki on how to do so (need documenting in the faq too see https://forums.contribs.org/index.php/topic,54454.0.html

Chapter 12


Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • Needs image updates
  • remove Create Starter Web Site; deprecated
  • add section on report bug panel

Chapter 13


Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • Needs image updates

Chapter 14


Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • Needs image updates for SME 10 and Win 10



Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • DYN DNS needs checks and extensions ==dropped, please remove; just state that if you do not have static ip , you need to refer the the contrib smeserver-ddclient



Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • Perhaps add more modern terms? yes
  • precise that pptpd is insecure and deprecated
  • in vpn precise that current protocols are openvpn, ipsec/xl2tpd available as contribs and soon wireguard

User Manual


Chapter 1



Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • Needs PPTP/VPN updates
  • still needs revision

Chapter 2



Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • Needs review

Chapter 3



Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • Needs image updates from Win 7 to Win 10 and adjustments?
  • Needs review

Chapter 4



Believed good.

Notes of errors:

  • Needs image updates (2002-2021)
  • Needs review

Developers Manual


PENDING: Big jobs

Notes of errors:

I (JR) have not made much use of the Developers Manual. However, it looks to me as if a significant rewrite of sections may be called for particularly due to changes in systemd services, service control, monitoring etc etc: https://wiki.koozali.org/SME_Server:Documentation:Developers_Manual:Section2#Process_startup.2C_supervision_and_shutdown




Notes of errors:

  • Much of this relates to OOD solutions for OOD problems, how much to keep?
  • Boot options spectacularly so for 10
  • logfile https://wiki.koozali.org/SME_Server:Documentation:FAQ:Section03
    • need to introduce journalctl eg: myslq.init
    • need to reflect changes in services that are not supervised by daemontool /runit anymore (filename change , format change : current => logname.log..)
  • mysql
    • move to mariadb
    • !!adjusted, need to know if rest of MySQL doc OK
    • new templates with more already handled settings




Notes of errors:

  • Notes re: MariaDB added, body text needs check for validity of exisiting MySQL notes for v.10




Notes of errors:

  • Needs review




Notes of errors:

  • v.10 contribs OK
  • what to do about earlier ones? New page for v.10 is tempting