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Centos 5:
Please use the version of openswan in the ReetP repo as below
The latest version of smeserver-openswan is available in the SME repository, click on the version number(s) for more information.


Alpha 10:
Contrib 9:
The latest version of libreswan is available in the SME repository, click on the version number(s) for more information.

Devel 10:
Devel 9:
Contrib 9:
The latest version of smeserver-libreswan is available in the SME repository, click on the version number(s) for more information.



Openswan is a free implementation of IPsec& IKE for Linux. IPsec is the Internet Protocol Security and uses strong cryptography to provide both authentication and encryption services. These services allow you to build secure tunnels through untrusted networks. Everything passing through the untrusted net is encrypted by the ipsec gateway machine and decrypted by the gateway at the other end of the tunnel.The resulting tunnel is a virtual private network or VPN.

Libreswan is a free software implementation of the most widely supported and standarized VPN protocol based on ("IPsec") and the Internet Key Exchange ("IKE"). These standards are produced and maintained by the Internet Engineering Task Force ("IETF").

Note that Libreswan will become the default ipsec installation from CentOS 6.8

  • Credits: John Crisp
  • Discuss: This How-to can be discussed on the forums here

For v9 you can simply install as follows

yum --enablerepo=smecontribs,epel install smeserver-libreswan

Configuration options and notes are here (check the latest branch):

For v8 you will additionally need the ReetP repo to install openswan

yum --enablerepo=smecontribs,epel,reetp install smeserver-openswan

Configuration options and notes are here (check the latest branch):



For SME Server 8, at least openswan-2.6.38-1.x86_64.rpm is required. However, this version is not to be found in the default repo's, nor any of the additional repo's. A trusted copy of Openswan for SME8 can be found here. (This is only for 64bit systems!)

After you have downloaded the above file, you can install it by issuing the following command:

yum localinstall openswan-2.6.38-1.x86_64.rpm

For SME Server 9, the Openswan can be found in the default repo's, so to install Openswan on SME Server 9, simply enter the following command:

yum install openswan

IPSEC server to server configuration

Openswan/IPSEC can be used to setup a secue and permanent VPN connection between a SME Server and another (local or remote) IPSEC enabled device such as a router.

Here is an example:

On the online VPS it has a 'dummy' internal network adaptor but works fine with this.

Here is a sample of my /etc/ipsec.conf with some added notes.

LEFT side is your server. RIGHT side is your router.

# /etc/ipsec.conf
# basic configuration
#auto = 'start' for both ways or 'add' for incoming only

version 2.0 config setup

# Debug-logging controls:  "none" for (almost) none, "all" for lots.
# syslog=syslog.warning
virtual_private=%v4:,   # Here you add the local/internal network of your server
nat_traversal=yes   # if required - probably yes
# Connection settings
# Router to Server
conn draytek-wan1 # Your connection name
auto=start   # n.b. "auto = start" for ipsec to try and make a connection or "auto = add" to accept incoming
leftsourceip=  # This is the IP address of your internal ethernet connection on your server
leftsubnet= # This is your local network on your server
pfs=yes  # If require
right=  # This is the WAN IP address of your router that is connecting in
rightsubnet=	# This is the local network behind the router at the far end
# More incoming connections here


It is recommended to create a very strong random password and keep this safe. One way of generating and store a random strong password is explained here

The following file needs to be looked after and should be set chmod 0600

# /etc/ipsec.secrets
# Format is 
# Incoming_IP Local_IP: PSK "Your#Strong#Password" %any: PSK "Your#Strong#Password" %any: PSK "Your#Strong#Password" PSK "Your#Strong#Password"
%any PSK "Your#Strong#Password"

Verifying configuration

To verify your configuration give the following command:

ipsec verify

A reboot should get everything going.

Now set up your router. Create a new IPSEC VPN connection with the correct credentials and it should connect up.

Check /var/log/secure for debug messages, and once you are happy, change the debug settings in ipsec.conf from debug to warning.

If you need more debugging you can set plutodebug = all

Bug report

SME8 OpenSwan IPSEC is listed in the bugtracker contribs section. Please report all bugs, new feature requests and documentation issues there.

"No open bugs found."

SME9 LibreSwan IPSEC is listed in the bugtracker contribs section. Please report all bugs, new feature requests and documentation issues there.

IDProductVersionStatusSummary (4 tasks)
12109SME Contribs10.0CONFIRMEDNFR reuse existing entries in manager code
11405SME Contribs10betaRESOLVEDInitial Import in SME 10 [smeserver-libreswan]
10661SME Contribs9.2CONFIRMEDNew file to adjust redirects in /etc/sysctl.d
9305SME Contribs9.1CONFIRMEDTrouble configuring kernel settings for ipsec contrib

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