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Back to SME Server 9.0 Development

Important.png Note:
This page is now obsolete, kept for reference only. see SME Server 9 Release Notes

SME 9 Alpha3 (March 12th 2013 version) ISO Testing

An overview of related SME9 development pages can be found here.

The process described on this page is the next major step by step cycle and a continuation of SME on CentOS.

User Feedback

The Alpha ISO will not give you a working system out of the box. There are steps here to follow after you install, but this will get you to a point that the other developers are at, and then you can report bugs and suggest fixes. Any issues that require developers attention should be logged in our Bug Tracker. (See below)


  • Check the recent activity in the SME9 category:link
  • SME9 Bugs by type / status: link

Installing SME9 Alpha

  • We suggest you use a virtual machine, like Virtualbox - [1]. The advantage is that you can save snapshots at important stages of testing and revert to them quickly. Some tips for virtualbox: The default settings for a Redhat virtual machine are fine, but you will want to change the Network settings to add a second network interface and be bridged adapters if you want to test Server-Gateway mode. The 1st adapter is local, the 2nd adapter is external.
Important.png Note:
keep in mind you need to activate the PAE option of your virtualisation environment.

  • Download the SME9 Alpha ISO from here. Use the x86_64 version if your hardware supports it. If possible use something like ZSync which will transfer just the changes to the ISO and not the whole file itself :
  • Start the machine and choose the ISO image to boot from and install SME Server following the instructions.

Reporting issues

  • Look for things to fix & Report bugs/problems

- If you have followed these steps and you are up to date with 'yum upgrade', go ahead and look for problems, and report them to the bug tracker. Currently there are many issues, but lots have been reported and fixed already, so report issues you find right away. - the repo smeupdates-testing is not enabled by default. At this point in the development process you will probably want those rpms. This will check what is available:

yum --enablerepo=smeupdates-testing upgrade --nogpg

Some ideas for things to look for:

Important.png Note:
Now go and verify the FIXED SME Server 9 bugs, see Verification_Queue for the list and link to the process.

  • Log onto the server-manager.
  • Go into every panel, try every option on each panel. Look at /var/log/messages and any other relevant log file
  • The testing of the above step could be made more systematic if someone could document each step. SME9.0_QA This is a copy of the SME 8 QA page, it could be adapted for SME 9

  • Services not starting
  • Config files (templates) that need changes, especially if the major version of the package has changed
  • Look in the various log files for clues to problems
  • add more generic ideas here....specific issues to the bugtracker please

Discussion, help and share

  • here are the current bugs that have been found
"Well done guys, no more open bugs!"
  • Please consult/subscribe to the devs list for more information. devinfo mailinglist
  • There is a IRC channel where people who are interested in this effort 'hang out'. You're most welcome to drop by and/or join. It's free! ;-)
    • You do not have to install anything to pay the channel a visit. All you need is a nice nickname and right click here to open the channel in a new browser window or tab. ChatZilla is a good option for Firefox users. #SME_server on freenode


Re-enable ssh access

  • Re-enable ssh access (the lazy not-so-secure way, but I am assuming for this testing/dev scenario that your external IP is really a local address behind a router)
config setprop sshd status enabled acccess public PermitRootLogin yes PasswordAuthentication yes
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event remoteaccess-update

easier access to the server manager

  • Enable easier access to the server manager if you prefer
config setprop httpd-admin ValidFrom all 
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event remoteaccess-update

Resources and references

Setting up a RPM Building environment under CentOS


  • You can get it for Debian/Ubuntu with
sudo apt-get install zsync

You can then do the following :

zsync http://mirror.contribs.org/releases/testing/9/iso/x86_64/smeserver-9.0alpha1-x86_64.iso.zsync
zsync http://mirror.contribs.org/releases/testing/9/iso/i386/smeserver-9.0alpha1-i386.iso.zsync

If the ISO changes, just run these commands again and it will propogate the changes, not the whole file.