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(Added photo of Chris Burnat)
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===Chris Burnat===
===Chris Burnat===
It is with the deepest regret we have to inform you that on Wednesday 11th June Chris passed away. He was one of the most ardent supporters of Koozali SME and we all owe him an enormous debt of gratitude.
It is with the deepest regret we have to inform you that on Wednesday 11th June Chris passed away. He was one of the most ardent supporters of Koozali SME and we all owe him an enormous debt of gratitude.

Revision as of 11:58, 13 June 2014

Current Stable Release:

SME Server 8.1 released on 28th February 2014

The World map of SME Server Under Development:

SME Server 9 Release Candidate 1 released on 12th May 2014.

Information.png Tip:
A comparative test on SME Server by Distrowatch : DistroWatch Weekly, Issue 540, 6 January 2014. Read more product reviews. The SME Server Development seen by Ohloh

Chris Burnat


It is with the deepest regret we have to inform you that on Wednesday 11th June Chris passed away. He was one of the most ardent supporters of Koozali SME and we all owe him an enormous debt of gratitude.

We intend to dedicate the upcoming release of v9 to Chris. Without him it be nowhere near ready.

If you download and use it, please remember him and his work, and that of all the other contributors who work tirelessly to make Koozali SME as good as it is

We extend our thoughts and deepest sympathies to his family.


Koozali Foundation Inc.

SME Server

Welcome to http://contribs.org, the home of the SME Server. We're here to provide collaborative documentation of the SME Server project. Please see how to get a wiki account and read the wiki help content.

SME Server is a leading Open Source distribution for small and medium enterprises. It is a simple, powerful, secure Linux server for networking and communicating, used by thousands of individuals, companies and organizations all over the world. SME Server provides a friendly, free alternative to expensive proprietary software, standing apart from the competition by shipping with most common functionality preconfigured, and features a number of popular additional enhancements in the form of downloadable Contributions.

SME Server is built on CentOS using the publicly available open source Red Hat Enterprise Linux sources. It's advantages include:

  • Simple to set up and use
  • Secure and stable to operate
  • Cross platform and extendible to meet future needs
  • Open source and Free to use

SME Server provides the following standard functionality (See About SME Server for more detail):

  • Ease of Administration
  • File and print sharing
  • Sharing of a single Internet connection between multiple computers
  • A robust email server, which includes virus and spam filtering and webmail
  • A network firewall to protect against Internet intruders
  • Secure remote access
  • Directory services
  • Web application server, including support for Apache, MySQL, PHP and Python (LAMPP)
  • RAID and Backup
  • Automatic updates
  • Extendibility
  • Support for multiple languages
  • and much more ...

all managed through an intuitive web interface

The wiki menu bar at the left together with the links to the right provide comprehensive access to all the available Documentation for SME Server including details of the Community, Server Manuals (including screenshots), FAQ, Contribs and How To's. There are also links for Downloads, Bugzilla to report any bugs, and the vibrant user community Forums.

Many individuals and corporations contribute to the ongoing development of SME Server, which is made available freely under the GNU General Public License. This license requires the public release of any modifications to the server, and allows these to be used to improve later versions.

While SME Server is freely available under the GPL license, if you find SME Server useful we ask that you make a Donation in order to help keep this project alive.


Support for SME Server is via the Community and it is highly recommended that you make yourself familiar with it and the Documentation (read this at least twice) before diving in. You should also read the Advice for new and existing users.

The three main methods of support available are:

  • The Wiki documentation is the primary source of information for SME Server. This should always be your first port of call when seeking help and support for SME Server
  • 'Google' is your friend (as well as all other internet search engines)
  • If you do something and it doesn't 'just work', or it doesn't work as per the Wiki, raise a Bug
  • If you want to do, or are trying to do, something which is not standard SME or not in the Wiki, ask in the Forums
  • For more information on Bugzilla see the Bugzilla Help page.
Important.png Note:
The place of choice of the Developers to solve problems is Bugzilla, so don't be afraid to use it.

  • Use the Forums if you want advice on how to do something not covered in the Wiki
  • Post to the Forums if you found or did something, and you think other people might find it interesting or helpful to share
  • If you don't know how to do something, or don't understand the Wiki, ask in the Forums
  • If you report a problem in the forums, and it relates to how standard SME Server, a Contributed Add-on or Howto should work, you will more than likely be directed to raise it as a Bug to be given structured advice and help you resolve it
For Koozali SME Server



Additional Documentation

Documentation - The official Manual
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
HowTo's - Specific Help, Instructions and Tutorials



Contribs - SME Server Contributed add-on packages



SME Server Development



Meet People around the world
Unread posts


Categorised Contribs and Howto's


Contribs and Howto's rated by Skill Level



Wiki Help

Help with reading and editing this Wiki
Language Template and Translation Help for this Wiki
MediaWiki Help with editing MediaWiki's generally

...and don't forget all the navigation links in the sidebar to the left.