Please use common packages and default package names (where possible)
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Line 64:
[1] smeserver-locale smefetchpo (added)
[1] smeserver-locale smefetchpo (added)
[2] smeserver-locale smefetchxml, smexml* smereload (to be added)
[2] smeserver-locale smefetchxml, smexml* smereload (to be added)
== Please use common packages and default package names (where possible) ==
A lot of the RPM's are in the DAG repository, no use of packaging them yourself or sharing them by copying them from the providing website and sharing them under a different name.
Please point users to download python-kid (replacing you kid RPM), python-lxml (replacing your lxml RPM), python-sqllite (replacing pysqlite RPM), python_Levenshtein and python-elementtree (which you called elementtree) which is also available in the DAG repository and AFAIK is already installed on SME Server by default.
On top of that not everything is required to install Pootle, only requirements AFAIK could find on the Pootle site are listed [ here] and because of the jToolkit requiring pythonabi-2.4 you have problems installing against pythonabi-2.3 which is installed on SME Server 7.3, perhaps you can find an older jToolkit, or recompile jToolkit from source and see if it will also work with pythonabi-2.3, this would drop the hack you have to do to make it work on SME Server 7.x.
- [[User:Cactus|Cactus]] 14:09, 19 February 2008 (MST)