2. Once installed, use SSH, SSH access must be enabled with the /server-manager, set remote access to allow, from the cli run a # yum update (DO NOT enable any repos) there can be many mb of updates depending on age of iso, on occasion ie very very rarely smeserver-yum may also need updating first, it may be in smeupdates-testing or updates, so a heads up a quick look under the hood can save a world of grief, [http://mirror.canada.pialasse.com/releases/testing/10/ Koozali Repository] eg | 2. Once installed, use SSH, SSH access must be enabled with the /server-manager, set remote access to allow, from the cli run a # yum update (DO NOT enable any repos) there can be many mb of updates depending on age of iso, on occasion ie very very rarely smeserver-yum may also need updating first, it may be in smeupdates-testing or updates, so a heads up a quick look under the hood can save a world of grief, [http://mirror.canada.pialasse.com/releases/testing/10/ Koozali Repository] eg |