Line 167:
Line 167:
echo " /home/$YOURUSER/nextcloud davfs user,rw,auto 0 0
echo " /home/$YOURUSER/nextcloud davfs user,rw,auto 0 0
" >> /etc/fstab
" >> /etc/fstab
davfs user,rw,auto 0 0
</syntaxhighlight>then you should log out /log in with your user in order to have the group membership
</syntaxhighlight>then you should log out /log in with your user in order to have the group membership. You can also just do "su -l USERNAME"
then as your user (replace your_password by your password, or a token;):<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
then as your user (replace your_password by your password, or a token;):<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">