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=== Uninstall ===
=== Uninstall ===
  yum remove {{#var:smecontribname}}  {{#var:contribname}}
  yum remove {{#var:smecontribname}}  {{#var:contribname}}
=== Mount with davfs on Fedora Clients ===
While you might love the easy setup of the gnome client for nextcloud, you might encounter some frustration of having your favourite applications not showing nextcloud as mounted and needing to find it to sometime not being able to access it.
Here is a workaround
First as root<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
dnf install davfs2 -y
usermod -aG davfs2 $YOURUSER
echo "use_locks 0" >> /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf
echo " /home/$YOURUSER/nextcloud davfs user,rw,auto 0 0
" >> /etc/fstab
davfs user,rw,auto 0 0
</syntaxhighlight>then you should log out /log in with your user in order to have the group membership
then as your user (replace your_password by your password, or a token;):<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
mkdir ~/nextcloud
mkdir ~/.davfs2
echo " your_Nextcloud_username your_password" >> ~/.davfs2/secrets
chmod 0600 ~/.davfs2/secrets
</syntaxhighlight>then just mount ! you should see the folder mount at every logon from now on, if you do not want that, change "auto in the fstab by noauto.<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
mount ~/nextcloud
adapted from those sources:
=== Known issues ===
=== Known issues ===
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