Setting up RPM Building for SME Server on rocky 8
Creating the build system
Build yourself a Rock8 system, probably minimal server, but any level will do.
Then login to the new system as you username, which is administrator and is able to sudo.
sudo dnf install wget sudo dnf install @development wget sudo rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-sme11 sudo dnf install epel-release sudo dnf install -y dnf install -y sudo rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-remi.el8 sudo rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-openfusion sudo dnf install mock git koji git-lfs lua glances make rpm-build rpm-sign xz policycoreutils-python-utils setools-console rsyslog setroubleshoot-server sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -G mock $USER
get the temp yum/dnf settings to install sme specifics
echo "[smeos] enabled=1 mirrorlist= name=SME Server - os gpgcheck=1 enablegroups=1 includepkgs=smeserver-mock,smeserver-devtools,perl-Algorithm-Dependency,perl-File-Flat,perl-File-chmod,perl-JSON-PP,perl-Test-Inline" > /etc/yum.repos.d/smeserver11.repo
then this will pull most needed devtools and more importantly smeserver mock configs.
sudo dnf install smeserver-mock smeserver-devtools
#!/bin/sh mkdir ~/rpmbuild for i in BUILD BUILDROOT RPMS SOURCES SPECS SRPMS do mkdir ~/rpmbuild/$i done
you need to install configuration to access koji. see Koji_Usage
tar -xzf koji-<userid>-bundle.tgz ls ~/.koji client.crt config <userid>_browser_cert.p12 serverca.crt
koji moshimoshi
The git utilities currently developed live in the smedev/smeserver-gitutils repo.
Pull it over as follows:
git clone
Then copy the shell scripts to ~/bin or wherever.
mkdir ~/bin cp smeserver-gitutils/git-*.sh ~/bin/. mkdir ~/.smegit cp smeserver-gitutils/conf ~/.smegit/config
Then edit the ~/.smegit/conf for your own setup. Make sure that ~/bin is in the $PATH - you can use .bashrc to set this up if necessary.
The gitutils use the change-log and scripts which are normally installed from smeserver-mock. Until an EL8 rpm is built, then you need to copy these to ~/bin or /usr/bin from your EL7 or SMEServer system.
They also use the json utilities "jq", and "git-lfs" plugin and "lua" (needed for change-log) so you need:
sudo dnf install jq sudo dnf install lua sudo dnf install git-lfs
Git is quite sensitive to the local time, so make sure your timezone is correct (adapt to your timezone):
timedatectl timedatectl list_timezones | grep London timedatectl set-timezone Europe/London
If you want to save your credentials to the gitea server, then do this:
git config --global credential.helper store
Then next time you need to access the repo to push and it asks for your credentials it will save them. This saves them apparently in plain to a restricted file called ".git-credentials" somewhere, however I've not found it yet!
Using the git utilities
Say you want to move a package from CVS to the GIT system. Here are the instructions:
- packagename organisation #Bring it across from CVS, create an equivalent git repo
- packagename organisation #Prime it down from the gitr repo and "make mockbuild" on it.
- packagename organisation tagname releasetype #Create the release as part of the repo and copy the rpms to it as attachments.
releasetypes are draft, prerelease or release. Note that a draft release is not visible unless you are logged in with write access to the repo.
Mockbuilding direct from the git repos
First create some sort of directory structure to hold the repo contents - this is what I use:
cd ~
mkdir -p GITFiles
cd GITFiles
mkdir -p {smedev,smecontribs,smeserver}
and add in the common directory which provides an environment for the mockbuild .
cd smecontribs
git clone
cd smeserver
git clone
we then can add in the repo we want to work on (you get the git clone link by browsing to and then (e.g.), or you can "guess" the URL!
cd ~/GITFiles/smecontribs
git clone
Then to mockbuild it locally you can:
cd ~/smecontribs/smeserver-mailstats
make mockbuild
after a lot of on screen messages you should finally see a positive outcome message. If you want to pull down a complete set of repos for (e.g.) the core system, then by using one of the git-utils you can do this:
cd ~/GITFiles/smeserver smeserver | xargs -I % sh -c 'git clone'
Submitting jobs to the build system
cd ~/GITFiles/smecontribs
git clone
git clone
cd smeserver-mailstats
do your changes, then up the release and edit the changelog in spec file
vim smeserver-mailstats.spec
check the files that were changed, and add modified files for the ongoing commit
git status
git add smeserver-mailstats
check you can mockbuild
make mockbuild
if you are ok with result, then commit / push
make commit
And then tag and build (tag in git and send to koji for building)
make tag
make build
#or one liner
make tagbuild
If you wat to get some changes from another users before starting your changes
cd ~/GITFiles/smecontribs/smeserver-mailstats
git pull