Server Manager 2 Howto incorporate a legacy contrib

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There are 3 possibilities for incorporating an existing (legacy) contrib into Server manager 2:

  1. Re-code the contrib into the Mojolicious environment in which SM2 is written. This is documented here.
  2. Code up a "dummy" perl panel using mojolicious (see example below) which is inserted uatomatically into the menu and calls the "embedded.html.ep" template file.
  3. Just import the current contrib and access it through the "Legacy" category on the menu.

This page explains (2) and (3) in a bit more detail.

Code up a dummy page which calls the legacy panel

If you want to be able to control the position and category in the menu for the legacy contrib then you'll need to create a perl program in: the directory:


Here is an example for the smeserver-userpanel contrib:

package SrvMngr::Controller::Userpanelaccess;

# heading     : User management
# description : User Panel Access
# navigation  : 2000 150
# menu        : 
# name   : userpanelaccess,    method : get,   url : /userpanelaccess,     ctlact : Userpanelaccess#main
# routes : end

use strict;
use warnings;

use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';

use Locale::gettext;
use SrvMngr::I18N;
use SrvMngr qw(theme_list init_session);

#use SrvMngr::Model::Main;

sub main {

    my $c = shift;

    my $title = $c->l('User panel access');
    $c->stash( title => $title, modul => '', height => 600 );
    $c->render(template => 'embedded');


This file will need to be here:

Screenshot from 2024-02-29 12-25-32.png

Note the menu entries at the top, and the route specification (the capitalisation and case matching is important here)

Also note the full URL for the SM1 (legacy) contrib, and also the window length (it defaults to 600px if you do not specify).

This all that is necessary to customise the menu entry for a legacy contrib.

Just install the contribs rpm and call it from the "Legacy" category

Screenshot from 2024-02-29 12-25-15.png

Server manager 2 will scan for installed contribs, and any that are not fully compatible with Mojolicious will just load the menu entry, using the package name as a link, under the "Legacy" category, normally at the bottom of the menu stack.

The need to login into Server Manager 1

If the legacy contrib does not show after clicking on the menu entry (either for mode (2) or (3) above), then it is probably that you are not logged into SM1. This can be achieved using the button in the top border of SM2 titled "Legacy SM". You can almost certainly use the same credentials that you used to go into SM2. Unfortunately the two programs use different login mechanisms.


Please raise bugs under the SME-Server section in bugzilla

and select the component or use this link

Below is an overview of the current issues for this package:

IDProductVersionStatusSummary (159 tasks)
12948SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMEDWorkstation backup configure form on incorrect entry and press update errors but only shows backup share field
12947SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMEDDesktop Backup does not allow anything after until screen is refreshed.
12946SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMED"Argument "" isn't numeric" Error message on every refresh of SM2 screen
12943SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDWarning message about order of parameters to tar on desktop backup
12934SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDServer -Error on Backup to desktop
12933SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDWorkstation Backup/restore settings not returning changes after resetting
12932SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDLetsencrypt certificate 'check one domain' gives 'server error'
12927SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDRemote Access access setting ftp to Public Access entire interne fails
12924SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMEDNFR: allow smanager setting for ftp Anonymous access
12923SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDstatus select field can not be set to current value
12918SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDInclude End of Life, EOL, statement in Server Manager
12916SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDmove letsencrypt panel to smeserver-certificates
12910SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDWebmail / Roundcube access from user panel and menu does not work if local DNS not used.
12908SME Server 11.X11.alpha1UNCONFIRMEDsm2 v50 - Variable "$config" is not imported at template webhosting.html.ep line 6.
12907SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDSM2 V50 - Server-Error on Review Configuration
12905SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDMake SM2 db opening specific to the route, rather than opening only once
12903SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMEDThe jDatatable tables do not reflect the current locale in terms of language etc. Only show English
12901SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMEDLocale not consistently applied
12900SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMEDHtml shown in button labels on email panel italian locale
12893SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDCountry flag display uses a google data lookup to find country name
12892SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDCSRF protection plugin causes error message when in production mode
12891SME Server 11.X--VERIFIEDShould only display "Reconfiguration required" based on Configuration/UnsaveChanges DB entry
12889SME Server 11.X--IN_PROGRESSViewlogfiles panel has use perl::Time:TAI64 - not needed.
12887SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDMake Version number only display on admin login
12886SME Server 11.X--VERIFIEDAdd Mojolicious version to footer
12885SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDUpdate to fix crash with perl-mojolicious 9.39
12884SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDIf the First / last name are already duplicated in another account, then the error message is not specific enough (and confusing)
12870SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDMessages dropdown in View Log Files for Server manager 2 is too wide.
12866SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDserver-manager letsencypt should have on/off for ip check
12865SME Server 11.X--VERIFIEDserver-manager reconfigure returns blank page
12864SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDserver-manager letsencrypt panel spelling
12847SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDunexpected path fails some action scripts
12846SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDonclick should be replaced by href
12845SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDflag-icon.min.css should not be provided by cloud flare
12844SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDxxcolor unknown property for selector .login-button
12843SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDcross request to external website should be removed
12840SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDServer-Manager 2 CSP policy
12839SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDthere might be something hardcoded in userpanelaccess
12838SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDDevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for
12837SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDExternal files from CDN need to be internal
12828SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDUpdate JS components to latest version
12810SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDMove Letsencrypt action routines to a new package smeserver-certificates and getmyip to smeserver-lib
12803SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDAdd password display icon on password panels for user, ibays and system
12802SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDRed Error message does not respond to being compressed onto 2 lines (see attached)
12788SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDAH01215: CGI::param called in list context can lead to vulnerabilities (Persistent)
12762SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDNo valid prefix found in any entries
12758SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDAfter install a "signal-event smanager-refresh" is needed before SM2 comes up.
12757SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDArrange that all language translations are installed with smeserver-manager
12756SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDLoaded Server manager 2 shows "Sme server 2 - initial" on browser tab
12755SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDSetting deltarpm parameter in SM2 dnf/yum config results on warning on dnf call
12753SME Server 11.X--VERIFIEDInclude release number in Version of SM2 in footer.
12751SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDAdd email link to action column in user accounts panel
12748SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDSM2 - After hitting the "save" button on a panel, then need some feedback to show it is working on the change.
12746SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDSM2 does not seem to take the passwordStrength db property into allowance when checking passwords for users
12742SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDWebmail parameter "Save" on email panel gives "not updated"
12727SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDSoftware Install panel: Submit button for subservient panels centered.
12726SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDSoftware Installer panel not waiting for dnf to finish and displaying log to that point.
12725SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDTop message when reconfigure required not set to be translateable.
12724SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDBackground update using dnf does not update software in SM2 software installer panel
12718SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDError clicking on software manager
12714SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDTurkish menu missing from SM2 menu - does exist in SM1
12713SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDUpdate smeserver-manager.locale with po files (for weblate import) and also fix up a few lex files
12707SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDJapanese, Norwegian and Hebrew navigation files have incorrect language codes
12706SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDAdd flag indication of locale in header for SM2
12705SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDJapanese and Romanian translations only partial - headings, but not a lot more.
12704SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDHebrew translation only has "Date and Time" panel translated.
12703SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDGreek user panel has tag showing.
12702SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDsome translations missing Menu item translation
12701SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDSome translated panels are scrambled good example is Hostnames panel
12700SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDNo way of programming in the translation for a contrib menu item title to be translated
12699SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDSM2 Re-configure and Reboot not translated
12696SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDUncaught File 'Roboto-Regular.ttf' not found in virtual file system
12695SME Server 11.X--IN_PROGRESScache issue
12680SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDAlign "submit" button on the left consistently on initial panel for each function
12679SME Server 11.X--VERIFIEDAdd mojolicious logo to footer
12674SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDAdd some margin around the table controls
12672SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDSubmit (Save/Perform/etc) button on the bottom each panel is often not in the same place
12671SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDRemote Access form shows a empty network present - errors on save "field validation error"
12669SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDAfter using dnf to update and reboot, unable to login to SM1
12667SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDWorkstation restore from a removeable device fails
12666SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDLegacy panels under Server Manager 2 still require login to SM1
12664SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDsmanager excessive logging to messages
12656SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDTables do not show the Datatable stuff and extra buttons
12655SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDUnable to reset password through "password Reset" link on login
12652SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDUnable to add an ibay
12645SME Server 11.X--NEEDINFOsmanager - Wokstation Backup - attempt verify backup fails, does not list backups
12644SME Server 11.X--VERIFIEDsmanager - selecting workstation backup using a removeable device no devices displayed in form
12643SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDError message in logs on Startup 'Argument "" isn't numeric'
12640SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDAdmin User forward not displayed in user table
12608SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDAH01215: CGI::param called in list context can lead to vulnerabilities (FormMagick)
12498SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDRegression - menu restore does not work
12488SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDLegacy contribs (ones not converted to SM2 / mojo code) are left in the menu at the end and appear in a new browser window / tab
12485SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDRun the server manager perl files through perltidy.
12484SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDMake sure that the categories/sections in the menu are in the same order.
12483SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDhos_ERROR_CREATING_HOST on adding new hostname
12482SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDMake login by ordinary user show correct menu
12480SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDNFR: Suppress the version number in the footer unless user logged in.
12479SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDClick on "add domain" and it goes to corporate DNS Settings.
12478SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDAfter creating I-bay it was not visible in the ibay list.
12476SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDRe-organise menu as per discussions on Rocket
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  1. Report truncated - count greater than max allowed 101 > 100


Only released version in smeserver are listed here.