Who is who

From SME Server
Revision as of 20:38, 20 October 2013 by Cactus (talk | contribs) (Linkinfy my username)
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Warning.png Work in Progress:
This page is a Work in Progress. The contents off this page may be in flux, please have a look at this page history the to see list of changes.

Here you can find those members of our community who are actively involved in the SME Server Project, If you need to know who is an administrator (documentation, forum, translation) or a committer in order to push an rpm to sourceforge CVS or edit a protected page on the wiki, you are in the right place. However, if you want to contact them, the best way is to raise a bug in bugzilla, against the concerned package, the documentation page, or your language translation.

Information.png Tip:
In consideration of the limited number of people and their free time, which they give freely, be precise, polite, and consice, the project only exists by theirs and others time and resources freely given. Thanks a lot for their work!

You should read the page on volunteering in order to understand how you can become involved, no matter how much or little, in helping the community and these pages to develop around a Development Framework. We hope that you are able to find your place amongs us, do not hesitate to direct your questions to the Forums.

Koozali Foundation

Koozali Foundation Inc is a Non-Profit Corporation under the Non-Profit Corporation Laws of the State of Oregon. The corporation is organized exclusively for Charitable, Educational, and Scientific purpose, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations. To this end, the corporation shall foster the creation, distribution, and maintenance of a free integrated, all-in-one server operating system with bundled applications designed for homes, small businesses, medium-size businesses, and non-profit organizations, and it will be licensed under the GNU General Public License. The server operating system will be focused on simplicity, stability and security, designed to be operated by people with no technical background, while providing a platform for technical users to extend.

You can see this page for more article about Koozali Foundation

Main Officers :

Board members :

  • Daniel Berteaud
  • Stephane de Labrusse
  • Shad Lords
  • Jean-philippe Pialasse
  • Stefano Zamboni
  • Ian Wells

SourceForge Admin

SourceForge is a web-based source code repository. It acts as a centralized location for software developers to control and manage free and open source software development. Project developers have access to centralized storage and tools for managing projects, although it is best known for providing revision control systems such as CVS that it is the central tool for building SME Server.

-Admin of CVS project at sourceforge

  • Gavin Weight (bytegw)
  • Shad Lords and (slords)
  • Charlie Brady (charliebrady)

CVS committers

People that we call Committers have a write access to our CVS on Sourceforge or here for our contribs CVS. They can push your patch via the correct path to build an RPM for the system, please raise a bug in bugzilla if you want their help.

  • Gavin Weight (bytegw)
  • Shad Lords and (slords)
  • Charlie Braddy (charliebrady)
  • Filippo Carletti (filippocarletti)
  • daniel Berteaud (vip-ire)
  • Stephen Noble (dungog)
  • Chris Burnat (burnat)
  • John Bennett (mrjhb3)
  • Jean-Paul leclre (gnujpl)
  • Ian Wells (wellsi)
  • SME Server Builder (smebuild)
  • Greg J Zartman (gzartman)

contribs CVS

For people who want to push a patch for a contrib or a contrib to the Contribs CVS contribs CVS, These are people who make life easier for us all.

  • Jean-Philippe Pialasse (Unnilennium)


Bugzilla is a Web-based general-purpose bugtracker and testing tool originally developed and used by the Mozilla project, and licensed under the Mozilla Public License, for now it is the best tool we have to track bugs and to make this distro better. Here you will find those who spend most of their time in Bugzilla, confirming, resolving, verifying Bugs, most of them are already named.

Wiki Admin

This page is built with MediaWiki. The concept of a Wiki is that anybody may add and modify content. On Help:Contents, find a quick tutorial if you're unfamiliar with wikis. As long as you edit anything on the wiki you are de facto member of the Wiki Team, but whenever you want to modify the manual or any protected pages of this wiki, you have to raise a bug against the documentation and explain what you want to modify.

Here are those people who have the right to apply your changes to the documentation area.

  • Paul Floor (Pfloor) administrator
  • (Mmccarn) administrator
  • stephen Nobles (Dungog) administrator
  • ian Wells (Wellsi) administrator
  • Greg Zartman (Gzartman) board and director
  • Shad Lords (Slords) bureaucrat, administrator and board
  • (Byte) administrator and bureaucrat
  • (Timn) administrator
  • Daniel berteaud (VIP-ire) administrator
  • Chris Burnat (Burnat) administrator
  • Terry Fage (Trex) administrator
  • John Crisp (ReetP) administrator
  • Stephane de Labrusse (Stephdl) administrator


SME Server Supports more than a dozen languages. See http://translate.contribs.org/ for the current list, there you will find those involved in our translation works, a big thank for their help, the world does not speak only English yet.

Language Translators

Language Responsibles (Pootle username)
Bulgarian stefangk
Chinese gfengyoung
Danish koopmann - p1ur - skovsgaard
Dutch Cactus - thf - jester - skydivers
French jpl - mmccarn - esibert - GrandPa - dadoudidon - Cool34000 - unnilennium - dani
German Reinhold - ente - koopmann
Greek MAuVE - pfloor
Hungarian tacsaby
Indonesion thomasch
Italian matprova - nicolatiana - Fumetto - nenonano - filippoc
Japanese misnerspace - sreejith - pranathi - yuka
Norwegian terje
Portuguese nrgomes
Portuguese (Brazil) jader
Russian Nikolay?
Slovenian bpivk
Spanish Normando - juanidada - oscartenerife - Calimenio
Swedish chrille
Thai Thirawoot
Turkish sami


A very big thank you to people who give freely their bandwith and servers to this project, without them it would no be possible to download and update your SME Server. It is not free for them, but it is free for you. Here are individuals or businesses that bring SME Server to you.

For a full list of our download mirrors see our download locations

  • Canada

mirror.canada.pialasse.com : Jean-Philippe Pialasse (unnilennium)

smeserver.bhs.mirrors.ovh.net : ovh.net

  • France

sme-mirror.firewall-services.com : Firewall-services

mirror.pialasse.com : Jean-Philippe Pialasse (unnilennium)

aubrac-medical.fr : Stephane de Labrusse (stephdl)

mirror.chiropratique.org : Jean-Philippe Pialasse (unnilennium)

  • Germany

mirror.absolutnet.de : Thanks to him

  • Hong kong

smeserver.hkisl.net : Horace Ng hklist

  • Italy

smeserver.mirror.garr.it : Dr. Enrico Cavalli Garr

  • Netherlands

mirror.hakkers.com : Thanks to them

ftp.nluug.nl The Netherlands Local Unix User Group NLUUG

ftp.surfnet.nl surfnet

  • Poland

mirror.chmuri.net (chmuri)

  • United kingdom

www.mirrorservice.org University of Kent's School Of Computing

  • United states

distro.ibiblio.org The Public's Library and Digital Archive