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Trac for SME Server
Trac is a minimalistic approach to web-based management of software projects. Its goal is to simplify effective tracking and handling of software issues, enhancements and overall progress.
This version of Trac is even easier to use as it is integrated into an SME Server with the following features:
- Simple setup through SME server-manager web panel
- Used with and complementary to the SME Subversion Webpanel were Trac provides a browser with a colourised view of your subversion repository and its change sets.
- Access configurable for Local Network Only or Entire Internet
- Configurable list of users and/or user groups that are allowed to login.
- Configurable entry point in the Subversion repository so you can setup multiple Trac Project environments pointing to different projects or modules within the same repository.
- User authentication uses SME user names and passwords.
- Many Trac configuration items automatically configured and updated by the SME server configuration.
- Preset Trac permissions with anonymous users mostly having read only access and wiki create and write access only granted to authenticated users.
- SME admin is also the Trac Administrator.
- Trac WebAdmin interface accessible to the admin user for further configuration of components, versions, milestones and permissions.
This contrib is currently under development and can be found in [1]. To install this contrib get shell access as root user and issue the following commands:
db yum_repositories set through-ip repository \ BaseURL \ Name 'Through IP Pty. Ltd.' \ EnableGroups yes \ Visible yes \ GPGCheck no \ status disabled
expand-template /etc/yum.conf
yum --enablerepo=smedev --enablerepo=through-ip install smeserver-trac
Additional information
More information about Trac can be found on