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Maintainer | Unnilennium |
Url | https://wiki.contribs.org |
Licence | proprietary |
Category | |
Tags | wifi, ubnt, ubiquity, |
Ubiquity network (ubnt) provides a UniFi controller which can run on a Linux server to monitor your UniFi devices. Those are WiFi and networking, professional grade devices. This contribution allow to install and follow the upgrade of this controller on a SME server . As this is proprietary software, we can not bundle it as a rpm and distribute it. This rpm is all you need to easily download and install with the least intervention on your SME.
First install the needed repositories.
yum install smeserver-extrarepositories-centos-sclo-rh smeserver-extrarepositories-epel signal-event yum-modify
Install the SME Server Package
yum install smeserver-unifi --enablerepo=smecontribs,smedev,epel,centos-sclo-rh
Launch the download and installation of your installer.
signal-event smeserver-unifi-install config set UnsavedChanges no
you can now access to your UniFi controller using : https://YOURSERVERIP:8443
Follows the steps to configure the interface, and add your first devices.
yum remove smeserver-unifi unifi
you can then remove the content of : /opt/UniFi and /opt/Unifi_bak
here are the available configurations:
- access : default is local, you can set it to public to allow access from the outside network
- status : enabled
- TCPPort : 8080,8443,8880,8843
- VersionToInstall: here is the version number you want to install. Default is usually the version number of the rpm, currently 5.6.30 for smeserver-unifi-5.6.30. But you can force to install another version, if needed
You might get the following warining in logs for mongodb
WARNING: soft rlimits too low. rlimits set to 1024 processes, 4096 files. Number of processes should be at least 2048 : 0.5 times number of files
the way to fix
sed -i s/1024/2048/ /etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf
Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla and select the smeserver-unifi component or use this link
Below is an overview of the current issues for this contrib:
Only released version in smecontrib are listed here.
- fix execution bit again [SME: 12225]
- add execution bit [SME: 12225]
- fix [SME: 10534]
2022/08/03 Jean-Philippe Pialasse 5.6.30-2.sme
- systemd enabled [SME: 12139]
- update event [SME: 12139]
- update Ports [SME: 12139]
- use LE cert if available [SME: 10534]
- initial release
Operating System:
- Ubuntu Desktop / Server 14.04 or later (LTS Releases, 16.04 recommended)
- Debian 7 “Wheezy” or later (LTS Releases, 8 recommended)
- macOS Mavericks 10.9 or later (10.12 recommended)
- Windows 7 or later (10 recommended)
- Windows Server 2008 or later (2016 recommended)
CPU: x86-64 Processor (Intel / AMD x64 Processors)*
RAM: 1GB for Headless Servers; 2GB for GUI*
Network: 100Mbps Wired Ethernet*
HDD: Minimum 10GB free (20GB or more preferred)*
Java: Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 8
Web Browser: Google Chrome
MongoDB: version 2.6.10. (Mongo is offered bundled, so most users will not need to acquire separately. Some distros might use a slightly older version, but v2.6.10 is the one typicallybundled in the Windows/Mac packages, and hence what we will recommend here).
- https://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Wireless/Unifi-Controller-software-license/m-p/1744454#M194230
- https://www.stevejenkins.com/blog/2016/06/automated-script-unifi-controller-upgrade-linuxunix-systems/
- https://github.com/stevejenkins/unifi-linux-utils/blob/master/upgrade_unifi_controller.sh
- https://github.com/stevejenkins/unifi-linux-utils
- https://gist.github.com/olegslavkin/6120d931f56bd781a75e
- https://community.ubnt.com/t5/UniFi-Wireless/initial-set-up-cannot-connect-to-Unifi/td-p/747972