Tftp server

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Revision as of 10:03, 29 March 2018 by ReetP (talk | contribs) (→‎Defaults)
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Maintainer: Trevor Batley

Devel 11:
Contrib 10:
Contrib 9:
The latest version of smeserver-tftp-server is available in the SME repository, click on the version number(s) for more information.


This contribution adds a tftp server (tftp-server) to your smeserver (primarily used by workstations that are using the pxeboot protocol to retrieve boot images and parameters from the server).

It was produced to support my smeserver-thinclient contrib, but can be used independently.


  • smeserver >= 7.0
  • tftp-server >= 0.39


This contrib is held in the smecontribs repository, so the following commands will install on your smeserver.

yum --enablerepo=smecontribs install smeserver-tftp-server

Note: this will download and install the latest tftp-server from the Centos base repository, so if you don't have that repository ebnabled, please use the following command

yum --enablerepo=smecontribs --enablerepo=base install smeserver-tftp-server

Officially you should then need to apply the database changes etc. Whilst this is not required to be able to run the tftp server straight away, it will be required at some stage, and the server manager will remind you to, until you do.

signal-event post-upgrade
signal-event reboot

The tftpd status is controlled via the Thin Clients server-manager panel if you have installed my smeserver-thinclient contrib.

If you haven't, you'll need to enable the tftp server

config setprop tftpd status enabled
signal-event tftpd-conf

If for any reason the tftp server isn't running, try:

service tftpd restart


You shouldn't need to play with any parameters (except status). The defaults and allowed values are listed below.

<prop> default <value> allowed Values description
status disabled enabled/disabled
access private private/public/localhost
log normal normal/verbose/disabled equivalent to -v or -vv or none
user nobody nobody/<user> default to nobody, any valid user id
privilege ro ro/rw read-only or read-write (rw equivalent to -c)
timeout default default/nnn timeout value in seconds (default is 900)
directory /tftpboot any directory
blksize 1 Value between 512-65464 e.g. equivalent to -B [512-65464]
refuse 2 any tftp parameter e.g. blksize equivalent to -r blksize

These settings can be set/changed via

config setprop tftpd <prop> <value>
signal-event tftpd-conf

*1 blksize does not have a default entry in the configuration database. It can be added as above or removed via

config delprop tftpd blksize
signal-event tftpd-conf

*2 refuse does not have a default entry in the configuration database. It can be added as above or removed via

config delprop tftpd refuse
signal-event tftpd-conf


yum remove smeserver-tftp-server tftp-server
signal-event post-upgrade ; signal-event reboot

If you want to fully clean up, by removing the entries from the configuration database

config delete tftpd


The source for this contrib can be found in the smecontribs CVS on sourceforge.


Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla and select the smeserver-tftp-server component or use this link .

"No open bugs found."