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Mimp for SME Server

This HowTo need further work to be acceptable, at least at step 9. /Per


John Bennett Services - JBS (software)


  • MIMP is a version of IMP suitable for mobile devices such as WAP phones or PDAs.
  • Basic IMP functionality is implemented including mailbox viewing and paging, viewing messages, deleting, replying, forwarding, and composing new messages.

Step-by-step silly HowTo for installation of Mimp on SMEserver 7.1.3.

It's intended for Linux-newbies.

This installs from smedev repository (the simple way), there could be later versions elsewhere.


1. Log in (with username root) to the SMEserver console.

2. Download and install mimp and smeserver-mimp

yum --enablerepo=smedev install smeserver-mimp

3. Do following commands for the changes to take effekt:

signal-event post-upgrade
signal-event reboot

Your SME server reboots

4. (optional) If you try to connect to https://yourserver/horde/mimp/ at this stage, you will probably get this message:

mimp is not activated

5. Then we activate it; go to the config template directory.

cd /etc/e-smith/templates/home/httpd/html/horde/config/registry.php/

6. Open this fragment with text-editor Pico (^-sign means ctrl-button).

pico -w 115AppRegistryMimp

Check this line:

my $Mimp = $mimp{'status'} || 'disabled'; return "    \'status\' => \'inactive\'" unless$

7. Change this: 'disabled' to 'enabled' and 'inactive' to 'active'

Then it should be like this:

my $Mimp = $mimp{'status'} || 'enabled'; return "    \'status\' => \'active\'" unless$

8. Exit Pico, and save file: ctrl+x - y - enter

We have just activated Mimp, and in the same sweep enabled Mimp login screen.

9. To make these changes take effect:

expand-template <path-blablabla> Need help here!!!

An alternative way is: Go to server-manager, email, a settings page and click "Save"-button.

10. Enable webmail access in server-manager (if not already done)

11. Open https://yourserver/webmail

12. Log in and check out Mobile email and related settings. Logout.

13. Connect your mobile device to "your.domain/horde/mimp" and login.

Additional information

Mimp website

JBS release notes

Announcement: SME Server 7.x Contribs

If you connect to the SMEserver console by Putty ssh-client (or similar) you can copy and paste the commands (very convenient).

Please note that this was written in april 2007, if the software change then this howto may be outdated.

Please do edit if you find errors or have improvements, but make sure that it works!

Good luck /Per

Tested software version

Host: SMEserver v7.1 with update 3 (7.1.3)

mimp-h3.noarch 1.0.1-1

smeserver-mimp.noarch 1.0-11