We have now imported these contribs originally built by Daniel into smecontribs.
[1]Daniel B. from Firewall Services
Tiny Tiny RSS is a web based feed reader. You can take a look at the online demo, login - demo, demo
Installation 9.x
v9 is now EOL and deprecated
Installation v10.x
To install normally you would use the following:
yum --enablerepo=smecontribs install smeserver-tt-rss
You should not need a reboot.
Any changes should be activated with
signal-event webapps-update
You can now access the application using this URL: https://your-server.domain.tld/tt-rss All users created on your SME Server can login with their usual credentials.
If you cannot access the application and get the following error : Please set SELF_URL_PATH to the correct value ..... you can change the default URL in the configuration DB like this :
db configuration setprop tt-rss Uri https://your_server_address/tt-rss expand-template /usr/share/tt-rss/config.php
Additional options
Some settings are available from the DB
- Authentication: Control the way users are authenticated. Correct values are http (apache protect the access), internal (uses the internal database to manage users and groups. An admin have to create user account before they can login). If you use the internal authentication mechanism, you need to login using admin/password. A last value is available for this prop: LemonLDAP which uses LemonLDAP-NG to validate credentials, and the internal ldap server to get user/group information. You can have more information on this later on this page.
- MultiUser: If set to disabled, the application will only manage one profile, everyone will share the same settings, the same list of RSS etc...
- AliasOnPrimary: can be enabled or disabled (default is enabled). This prop lets you disable the access to Tiny Tiny RSS on your primary domain (the alias /tt-rss won't be added in apache configuration). This is useful if you want the application to be available only with a virtualhost.
- Uri: This prop lets you change the URL of your Tiny Tiny RSS application.
- status (enabled|disabled). Enable or disable web access, as well as the demon update
- access (public|private). Private by default, gives access only to local networks and the IP address are allowed to access in the server-manager ($ $ localAccess externalSSLAccess)
db configuration setprop tt-rss AliasOnPrimary disabled signal-event webapps-update
db configuration setprop tt-rss access public signal-event webapps-update
Integration with LemonLDAP::NG
Tiny Tiny RSS can be protected by LemonLDAP::NG. Here're the steps to protect it
Disable the access on the primary domain
You should disable the access to Tiny Tiny RSS on your primary domain:
db configuration setprop tt-rss AliasOnPrimary disabled signal-event webapps-update
Enable LemonLDAP::NG integration
This contrib support LemonLDAP NG auth quite easily:
db configuration setprop tt-rss Authentication LemonLDAP signal-event webapps-update
Create a new virtualhost for Tiny Tiny RSS
Lets create a new virtualhost for Tiny Tiny RSS. You can choose the name you want, for example, lets create rss.domain.tld:
db domains set rss.$(db configuration get DomainName) domain Content Primary Description 'Tiny Tiny RSS' \ DocumentRoot /usr/share/tt-rss Nameservers internet TemplatePath WebAppVirtualHost \ Authentication LemonLDAP signal-event domain-create rss.$(db configuration get DomainName) signal-event webapps-update
Declare this virtualhost in LemonLDAP
You can now create the virtualhost in LemonLDAP management interface. You can create the rules you want. For example, here're the rules to accept only members of the group 'rss'
- Comment: default
- Rule: $groups =~ /\brss\b/
If you want to remove the contrib, just run:
yum remove tt-rss
Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla and select the tt-rss component or use this link .
Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla
and select the smeserver-tt-rss component or use
this link
ID | Product | Version | Status | Summary (2 tasks) ⇒ |
11966 | SME Contribs | 10.0 | CONFIRMED | Unable to open Unix domain Socket on web page access |
11878 | SME Contribs | 10.0 | UNCONFIRMED | Unable to see pages after logging in (smeserver-ttrss) |
Only versions released in smecontrib are listed here.