Talk:News feeds

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Forum feeds

The Simple Machines (SMF) software which is being used for the SME-Server forums offers a lot of possibilities for news feeds. The base URL for the forums is: . This will give you the 5 most recent posts over all boards.


To change the format of the feed you have to add the ;type= parameter to the base URL:

  • ;type=atom - Atom
  • ;type=rdf - RDF
  • ;type=rss - RSS 0.91
  • ;type=rss2 - RSS 2.0


To change the sub-action (default is: recent) of the feed you have to add the ;sa= parameter to the base URL:

  • ;sa=recent - displays the most recent posts that you can see
  • ;sa=news - displays the first post from the most recent topics that you can see
  • ;sa=members - displays most recent members
  • ;sa=profile - displays the "profile summary" data in a nice XML feed for the specified user