2,515 bytes added
, 01:02, 12 March 2008
'''SME Server Community Constitution'''
[[SME Constitution]]
'''Team Members (official)'''
== Board of Directors ==
=== President ===
- The Business Agent
=== Vice-President of Development ===
- The Development Group Manager
=== Secretary ===
- The Communications Group Manager
=== Treasurer ===
-The Corporate Sponsor appointed Treasurer
== Leadership committee ==
Leadership committee is composed of the following group leaders from each of the three primary groups (3 total).
=== Communications Group Lead ===
=== Administrative Group Lead ===
=== Development Group Lead ===
== '''Communications Group''' ==
- The communications group, supported by the Communications Manager.
=== Documentation Team ===
- The SME Documentation Team is responsible for all the documentation for SME Server and add-ons.
=== Translations Team ===
- The SME Translations Team is responsible for making documentation available in all the languages for which there are sufficient interest and resources.
=== Web Site Team ===
- The Web Site team is responsible for all the features and activities on the community website(s)
=== Org Support Team ===
- The Org Support Team is responsible for any documents concerning the community.
== ''' Administrative Group''' ==
- People who deal with legal and monetary issues {if any}, deal with the organizational and reporting
structure issues, domain and trademark registration, resolve inter-group disputes, etc.
=== Business Agent ===
- This person will lead the Administrative Group and will assume responsibility for the business affairs of the SME community.
=== Corporate Steward ===
- The Corporate Steward will be a bona-fide corporation registered with the appropriate governmental authorities.
=== Administrative Team ===
- This group is comprised of people who wish to contribute to the organizational activities or the conduct of our financial affairs to the advancement of the community.
== ''' Development Group''' ==
=== Core Platform Developers ===
- People who actually work on the code, develop releases or contributions and evaluate security issues.
=== Contrib Developers ===
- The Contrib Developers are responsible for packages that add functionality to an SME Server release.
=== Maintenance Team ===
- The Maintenance Team is responsible for releases after their release, bug-fixes and security updates.
=== Support Team ===
- Facilitate the development of SME Server.
[[Category:SME Constitution]]