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292 bytes removed ,  21:56, 28 February 2008
fixed installation instructions for repo install
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{{Warning box|This contrib has been successfully tested on Windows XP and 2000 computers, but there is no guarantee that it will work on every Windows XP/2000 installation. It may depend on the servicepacks or other software you have installed. Please also note, that (optional) scripts add commands to the netlogon.bat that modify the Windows Registry. Take the usual precautions!}}
{{Warning box|This contrib has been successfully tested on Windows XP and 2000 computers, but there is no guarantee that it will work on every Windows XP/2000 installation. It may depend on the servicepacks or other software you have installed. Please also note, that (optional) scripts add commands to the netlogon.bat that modify the Windows Registry. Take the usual precautions!}}
=== Download ===
==== Download SME Server Package====
Download the RPM from
=== Installation ===
====RPM Installation====
/usr/bin/yum install --enablerepo=smecontribs smeserver-openoffice-portable
signal-event workgroup-update
==== Download OpenOfficePortable Setup Program for Windows ====
==== OpenOfficePortable Windows Binary Installation====
On a Windows computer log into the domain as domain user 'admin' with the SME admin password. Download and save the OpenOfficePortable setup program from [ Soureforge download page]. There are serveral localized versions available. In the installation chapter below the English version OpenOffice_Portable_2.3.1_Rev_2_en-us.paf.exe is used.
On a Windows computer log into the domain as domain user 'admin' with the SME admin password. Download and save the OpenOfficePortable setup program from [ Soureforge download page]. There are serveral localized versions available. In the installation chapter below the English version OpenOffice_Portable_2.3.1_Rev_2_en-us.paf.exe is used.
Run the OpenOfficePortable installation program.
=== Installation ===
Enter '''exactly''' the the destination folder as shown in the screenshot, where MYPDC is to be replaced by the SMB servername of your SME Server.
====RPM Installation====
/usr/bin/yum localinstall smeserver-openoffice-portable-*.noarch.rpm
signal-event workgroup-update
==== OpenOfficePortable Binary Installation====
On the Windows computer log into the domain as domain user 'admin' with the SME admin password. Run the OpenOfficePortable installation program. Enter '''exactly''' the the destination folder as shown in the screenshot, where MYPDC is to be replaced by the SMB servername of your SME Server.


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