* recommended for USB drives intended for use only on SME
* works great under Linux
<li> recommended for USB drives intended for use only on SME
* supports hard links, symlinks
</li><li> works great under Linux
* can be read under Windows using ''explore2fs'' from http://www.chrysocome.net/explore2fs
</li><li> supports hard links, symlinks
* File & Disk size limits depend on the block size used when formatting the disk. SME defaults to a 1K block size.<br>1K block size: 16GB max file size, 2TB max disk size<br>2K block size: 256GB max file size, 8 TB max disk size.<br>4K block size: 2TB max file size, 16 TB max disk size
</li><li> can be read under Windows using ''explore2fs'' from http://www.chrysocome.net/explore2fs
</li><li> File & Disk size limits depend on the block size used when formatting the disk. SME defaults to a 1K block size.<br>1K block size: 16GB max file size, 2TB max disk size<br>2K block size: 256GB max file size, 8 TB max disk size.<br>4K block size: 2TB max file size, 16 TB max disk size
<li> You can determine your current block size using (replace /dev/sdc1 with the correct value for your USB drive)<br>