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386 bytes added ,  06:34, 14 December 2022
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{{Note box|If you just installed the [[OpenVPN_Bridge]] contrib and are installing PHPki as suggested by the wiki page, or you just want to use [[PHPki]] without [[OpenVPN_Bridge]] contrib, then you are done here, and you don't have to migrate any certificates}}
{{Note box|If you just installed the [[OpenVPN_Bridge]] contrib and are installing PHPki as suggested by the wiki page, or you just want to use [[PHPki]] without [[OpenVPN_Bridge]] contrib, then you are done here, and you don't have to migrate any certificates}}
=== Add another admin  ===
if you happen to need to delegate certifciate generation, you can use user-panel to add access to the panel, but you will also need to add the user manually to phpki config 
edit /opt/phpki/phpki-store/config/config.php<syntaxhighlight lang="php">
#$PHPki_admins = Array(md5('admin'));
$PHPki_admins = Array(md5('admin'),md5('user2'));
=== Uninstall ===
=== Uninstall ===
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