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{{Note box| For v10 we have created a new update version of PHPKi called PHPKi-ng with fixes and higher security defaults. If you used the previous version you will need to create a new CA and certificates. We have imported the original version to contribs if you really need to use it, but it is not recommended, and will not be generally released}}
{{Note box| For v10 we have created a new update version of PHPKi called PHPKi-ng with fixes and higher security defaults. If you used the previous version you will need to create a new CA and certificates. We have imported the original version to contribs if you really need to use it, but it is not recommended, and will not be generally released.}}
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[ PHPki] is an Open Source Web application for managing a multi-agency PKI for HIPAA compliance. With it, you may create and centrally manage X.509 certificates for use with S/MIME enabled e-mail clients, SSL servers, and VPN applications. PHPki is now used to manage certificates with the latest release of the [[OpenVPN_Bridge|SME Server OpenVPN Bridge contrib]].
[ PHPki] is an Open Source Web application for managing a multi-agency PKI for HIPAA compliance. With it, you may create and centrally manage X.509 certificates for use with S/MIME enabled e-mail clients, SSL servers, and VPN applications. PHPki is now used to manage certificates with the latest release of the [[OpenVPN_Bridge|SME Server OpenVPN Bridge contrib]].
You can see a demo installation [ here]
You can see a demo installation [ here.]
=== Requirements ===
=== Requirements ===
*SME Server 10.x
Verified on:
SME Server 10.0 - [[User:RequestedDeletion|RequestedDeletion]]
{{Warning box|This version of PHPki is a slightly modified version, so it can be used with certificates generated with previous release of smeserver-openvpn-bridge, plus some others minor modifications.
{{Warning box|This version of PHPki is a slightly modified version, so it can be used with certificates generated with previous release of smeserver-openvpn-bridge, plus some others minor modifications.
Starting phpki-ng-0.84, default_md has been upgraded to sha512 (previous was sha1). You can keep your existing CA working, but we strongly advise you to upgrade to a new instance, as the weak sha1 hash is a security issue.
=== Installation ===
=== Installation ===
{{Warning box| If openvpn is not detected PHPKi cannot generate a TA Key and it should advise you during install. To generate a TA Key once you have openvpn installed do this (assuming this is the correct directory)
{{Warning box| If openvpn is not detected PHPKi cannot generate a TA Key and it should advise you during install. To generate a TA Key once you have openvpn installed do this (assuming this is the correct directory)
  openvpn --genkey --secret /opt/phpki/phpki-store/CA/private/takey.pem  
  openvpn --genkey --secret /opt/phpki/phpki-store/CA/private/takey.pem  
  chown phpki:phpki /opt/phpki/phpki-store/CA/private/takey.pem}}
  chown phpki:phpki /opt/phpki/phpki-store/CA/private/takey.pem}}
Line 130: Line 125:     
{{Note box|If you just installed the [[OpenVPN_Bridge]] contrib and are installing PHPki as suggested by the wiki page, or you just want to use [[PHPki]] without [[OpenVPN_Bridge]] contrib, then you are done here, and you don't have to migrate any certificates}}
{{Note box|If you just installed the [[OpenVPN_Bridge]] contrib and are installing PHPki as suggested by the wiki page, or you just want to use [[PHPki]] without [[OpenVPN_Bridge]] contrib, then you are done here, and you don't have to migrate any certificates}}
{{Note box|starting phpki-ng-0.84-14 new URL are available to access your CRL and request for certificate status
=== Migrate Certificates from previous OpenVPN-Bridge contrib installations===
If you are installing this phpki contrib because you have used [[OpenVPN_Bridge]] before and have already certificates, follow the instructions below. If you have a fresh and new install of [[OpenVPN_Bridge]], skip the below instructions for you do not have 'old' certificates!
PHPki is now the certificate manager recommended to manage [[OpenVPN_Bridge]] certificates.
=== Add another admin  ===
This part will explain how-to import your certificates created with openvpn-bridge into PHPki
if you happen to need to delegate certificate generation, you can use user-panel to add access to the panel, but you will also need to add the user manually to phpki config 
* First, you need to install the contribs as it's explain on this page (you can enter anything for the configuration of the CA, all your old parameters will be restored)
edit /opt/phpki/phpki-store/config/config.php<syntaxhighlight lang="php">
#$PHPki_admins = Array(md5('admin'));
$PHPki_admins = Array(md5('admin'),md5('user2'));
* Second, you need to copy this script on your server (for example as /root/ and execute it as root.
{{Warning box|Of course, take some time to read this script before runing it as root.}}
# Read Openvpn-Bridge DB
ORGNAME=$(/sbin/e-smith/db openvpn-bridge getprop default_config organizationName)
COUNTRY=$(/sbin/e-smith/db openvpn-bridge getprop default_config countryCode)
STATE=$(/sbin/e-smith/db openvpn-bridge getprop default_config countryName)
LOC=$(/sbin/e-smith/db openvpn-bridge getprop default_config localityName)
DEP=$(/sbin/e-smith/db openvpn-bridge getprop default_config sectionName)
KEYSIZE=$(/sbin/e-smith/db openvpn-bridge getprop default_config keySize)
EMAIL=$(/sbin/e-smith/db openvpn-bridge getprop default_config mailAddress)
# Store the actual time in $TIME
TIME=$(date +%d%m%Y%H%M%S)
# Create needed directories
        mkdir -p $NEWDIR/{certs,newcerts,requests,pfx,private}
# Migrate the certificates to phpki store
        cd $OLDDIR
        # Copy the old index.txt and serial
        cat $OLDDIR/index.txt > $NEWDIR/index.txt
        cat serial > $NEWDIR/serial
        # Copy the cacert related files
        cat ca.crt > $NEWDIR/certs/cacert.pem
        cat ca.key > $NEWDIR/private/cakey.pem
        # Now, for each file ending with .crt
        for CERT in $(ls ./*.crt); do
                CERT=$(basename $CERT .crt)
                ISININDEX=$(grep -c "/CN=$CERT/" $NEWDIR/index.txt)
                # If the current cert isn't referenced in the index,
                # or the corresponding key or csr file dosn't exists, then skip it
                # This can happen in some situation where the serial has been corrupted
                if [ $ISININDEX -gt 0 ]&&[ -s $CERT.key ]&&[ -s $CERT.csr ]; then
                        # Retrieve the serial number as reported by  openssl
                        SERIAL=$(openssl x509 -noout -serial -in $CERT.crt | cut -d"=" -f 2)
                        # Create the pem only cert in the new dir
                        $OPENSSL x509 -in $CERT.crt -inform PEM -outform PEM -out $NEWDIR/newcerts/$SERIAL.pem
                        # Create the der formated cert
                        $OPENSSL x509 -in $CERT.crt -inform PEM -outform DER -out $NEWDIR/certs/$SERIAL.der
                        # And the pkcs12 bundle (cert+key+ca)
                        $OPENSSL pkcs12 -export -in $CERT.crt -inkey $CERT.key -certfile ca.crt -caname $ORGNAME -passout pass: -out $NEWDIR/pfx/$SERIAL.pfx
                        # Copy the private key
                        cat $CERT.key > $NEWDIR/private/$SERIAL-key.pem
                        # And the cert request
                        cat $CERT.csr > $NEWDIR/requests/$SERIAL-req.pem
        # Restrict access
        chown -R phpki:phpki $NEWDIR
        chmod -R o-rwx $NEWDIR
        # Retrieve the common name of our CA with openssl command
        CACN=$($OPENSSL x509 -subject -noout -in $OLDDIR/ca.crt | cut -d'=' -f 8 | cut -d'/' -f 1)
        if [ -e /opt/phpki/phpki-store/config/config.php ]; then
                # Move the actual phpki configuration file             
                mv /opt/phpki/phpki-store/config/config.php /opt/phpki/phpki-store/config/config.php.$TIME
                # And use sed to configure it properly
                sed -e "s/config\['organization'\].*/config\['organization'\] = '$ORGNAME';/" \
                        -e "s/config\['unit'\].*/config\['unit'\] = '$DEP';/" \
                        -e "s/config\['contact'\].*/config\['contact'\] = '$EMAIL';/" \
                        -e "s/config\['locality'\].*/config\['locality'\] = '$LOC';/" \
                        -e "s/config\['province'\].*/config\['province'\] = '$STATE';/" \
                        -e "s/config\['country'\].*/config\['country'\] = '$COUNTRY';/" \
                        -e "s/config\['common_name'\].*/config\['common_name'\] = '$CACN';/" \
                        -e "s/config\['ca_pwd'\].*/config\['ca_pwd'\] = <nowiki>''</nowiki>;/" \
                        -e "s/config\['keysize'\].*/config\['keysize'\] = '$KEYSIZE';/" \
                        /opt/phpki/phpki-store/config/config.php.$TIME \
                        > /opt/phpki/phpki-store/config/config.php
        # Here, we just migrate dhparam and ta to phpki store
        if [ -e $OLDDIR/dh.pem ]; then
                cat $OLDDIR/dh.pem > $NEWDIR/private/dhparam1024.pem
        if [ -e $OLDDIR/ta.key ]; then
                cat $OLDDIR/ta.key > $NEWDIR/private/takey.pem
Now, go in the server-manager, in "Manage Certificates" and check your old certificates are here.
=== Uninstall ===
=== Uninstall ===
Line 271: Line 144:  
  yum remove smeserver-phpki-ng phpki-ng
  yum remove smeserver-phpki-ng phpki-ng
  expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  sv t /service/httpd-e-smith
  systemctl restart /service/httpd-e-smith
{{Note box|As with many other rpms, removing phpki won't remove everything from your server. Especially certificates will be kept, and some php files. PHPKi-ng will attempt to backup any old certificates.
{{Note box|As with many other rpms, removing phpki won't remove everything from your server. Especially certificates will be kept, and some php files. PHPKi-ng will attempt to backup any old certificates.
Line 277: Line 150:     
Certificates and PKI configuration are stored in /opt/phpki/phpki-store, php files are in /opt/phpki/html
Certificates and PKI configuration are stored in /opt/phpki/phpki-store, php files are in /opt/phpki/html
{{Warning box|These files can be very important, so my recommendation is to let them remain here. If you really want to remove them, just backup them before:
{{Warning box|To start from scratch after uninstallation you need to get rid of the html and pkpki-store directories before reinstalling.
The files in phpki-store can be very important, so my recommendation is to let them remain here. If you really want to remove them, just backup them before:
  cd /opt/phpki
  cd /opt/phpki
  tar cvzf ~/phpki-backup.tar.gz ./
  tar cvzf ~/phpki-backup.tar.gz ./
Now you can remove the entire /opt/phpki directory
Now you can remove the entire /opt/phpki directory
rm /opt/phpki/{html,phpki-store} -rf
=== Re-install ===
=== Re-install ===
If you have removed the contrib, and want to re-install it, you'll need to follow these steps after you have installed the rpms:
==== before phpki-ng 0.84-14 ====
If you have removed the contrib, and want to re-install it keeping your previous CA (assuming you restored /opt/phpki), you'll need to follow these steps after you have installed the rpms:
  cd /opt/phpki/html/
  cd /opt/phpki/html/
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=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in [ bugzilla]
Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in [ bugzilla].
For the old smeserver-phpki select the smeserver-phpki component or use {{BugzillaFileBug|product=SME%20Contribs|component=smeserver-phpki|title=this link}}
{{#bugzilla:columns=id,product,version,status,summary |sort=id |order=desc |component=smeserver-phpki|noresultsmessage="No open bugs found."}}
For the new smeserver-phpki-ng, select the smeserver-phpki-ng component or use {{BugzillaFileBug|product=SME%20Contribs|component=smeserver-phpki-ng|title=this link}}
{{#bugzilla:columns=id,product,version,status,summary |sort=id |order=desc |component=smeserver-phpki-ng|noresultsmessage="No open bugs found."}}
For the new smeserver-phpki-ng select the smeserver-phpki-ng component or use {{BugzillaFileBug|product=SME%20Contribs|component=smeserver-phpki-ng|title=this link}}
{{#bugzilla:columns=id,product,version,status,summary |sort=id |order=desc |component=smeserver-phpki-ng|noresultsmessage="No open bugs found."}}
Use this for bugs phpki-ng itself {{BugzillaFileBug|product=SME%20Contribs|component=phpki-ng|title=this link}}
For the new phpki-ng itself select the phpki-ng component or use {{BugzillaFileBug|product=SME%20Contribs|component=phpki-ng|title=this link}}
{{#bugzilla:columns=id,product,version,status,summary |sort=id |order=desc |component=phpki-ng|noresultsmessage="No open bugs found."}}
{{#bugzilla:columns=id,product,version,status,summary |sort=id |order=desc |component=phpki-ng|noresultsmessage="No open bugs found."}}
=== Changelog ===
Only released version in smecontrib are listed here.


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