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1 byte added ,  21:34, 28 March 2022
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{{Warning box| when installing smeserver-freepbx, your default php cli will change to php56 by default instead of php54, unless you specifically point to the binary. This is because Fpbx 14 does not support anymore php54 and php5, and neither php70 and higher. Upon upgrade to Fpbx 15 and Fpbx 16 this default will be updated to php74 to allow cli php script to run smoothly}}
{{Warning box| when installing smeserver-freepbx, your default php cli will change to php56 by default instead of php54, unless you specifically point to the binary. This is because Fpbx 14 does not support anymore php54 and php5, and neither php70 and higher. Upon upgrade to Fpbx 15 and Fpbx 16 this default will be updated to php74 to allow cli php script to run smoothly.}}
original contributor: [][[User:VIP-ire|Daniel B.]] from [ Firewall Services]
original contributor: [][[User:VIP-ire|Daniel B.]] from [ Firewall Services]


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