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9,776 bytes added ,  20:33, 21 March 2020
Created page with "{{Languages|SME10.0_Contribs_QA}} Liste des contributions de SME 9 actuellement disponibles dans le dépôt smecontribs de Koozali : {{#ask: Version::~*9 Category:Contr..."
Liste des contributions de SME 9 actuellement disponibles dans le dépôt smecontribs de Koozali :
{{#ask: [[Version::~*9]] [[Category:Contrib]]
|format=count|limit=250 }}
{{#ask: [[Version::~*9]] [[Category:Contrib]]
|format=ul|link=all|headers=show|columns=4|limit=250 }}

==Version 10 Contrib testing==
This document lists Contribs that, need to be tested or have had been tested running under SME10

Contribs should work if they are perl or php based (unless php53 deprecated some functions needed). Some binary applications will work as well.

Contribs using perl modules might be broken due to change of path

Please also see [[Contribs Bugreport]]

===Test guidelines===
Considerations_before_installing advises that Contribs for SME10 have not yet been released, this is to avoid dev workload diagnosing bugs caused by contribs.

Please don't post SME 10 bugs unless you can replicate the bug with the contrib removed or isolated.

{{Note box|If you have suggestions, issues or solutions for a contrib, please post them in bugzilla {{BugzillaFileBug|product=SME%20Contribs|component=|summary=|comment=|title=against the contrib.}} }}

During the transition from SME9 to SME10, contrib packages will be migrated to the SME10 contrib repository. If the contrib is not yet in the SME10 Contrib repository and an entry in this Q&A suggests it will install properly then you will need to install the contrib from the SME9 repository.

Check to see if you already have the sme9contribs repository set up using the command:
db yum_repositories show sme9contribs
If it returns nothing then you will need to create a repo named sme9contribs, which points to the SME9 smecontribs repo

db yum_repositories set sme9contribs repository \
Name 'SME 9 - contribs' \
MirrorList '' \
GPGCheck yes \
Visible no \
status disabled

signal-event yum-modify
yum clean all

{{Note box|'''now you will need to add the package from sme9contribs and smecontribs to resolve some problems of dependencies...'''}}

{{Note box|'''you might also consider to add some external repo such as [[epel]]...'''}}

The following shows an example of how to install a contrib from the SME9 repo:

yum '''--enablerepo=sme9contribs,smecontribs''' install smeserver-openvpn-s2s

Notice the additional phrase "sme9contribs," in the command line.

Another example is as follows:
yum install smeserver-usbdisksmanager --enablerepo=sme9contribs --enablerepo=smecontribs

=== Usefull links ===
* Stephdl repo:
* FWS repo:
* Where to find dependencies :
* CVS:

=== Known issue: contribs using php and httpd ===
SME10 introduce the use of php-fpm and dedicated pools for ibays and contribs. Hence, by default PHP module is disabled. Installing contribs containing a fragment template for /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf that contain any PHP module specific syntax will prevent httpd-e-smith to restart and leave you without webserver and server-manager.

The following contribs will need rework of their /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf before testing ('''incomplete list to update'''):
* smeserver-phpmyadmin
* smeserver-phpldapadmin
* smeserver-cacti
* smeserver-phpsysinfo
* smeserver-phpvirtualbox
* smeserver-wordpress

The following contribs use PHP but have their own webserver and should be safe to install but would need some work to use a PHP pool instead of a dedicated httpd server.
* smeserver-backuppc
* smeserver-freepbx
* smeserver-phpki

Those contribs are safe as they already use a php pool:
* smeserver-nextcloud

=== Known issue: Transaction check error conflicts with file from package ===
Previously with el6 /CentOS6/SME9 there was a relaxed check on folder ownership, and it was ignored if a folder was ownde by multiple rpms. With el7/CentOS7/SME10 this is not allowed anymore. Hence few packages build for SME9, will not install on SME10 because of this conflict.

Here is an example<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
Transaction check error:
file /usr/bin/ from isntall or smeserver-durep-1.5.0-4.el6.sme.noarch conflicts with file from package filesystem-3.2-25.el7.x86_64
</syntaxhighlight>Please, report this after testing the contrib here under. This willbe an easy fix as we just need to import the rpm after rebuilding it for SME10. Of course you will then need to test it further after.

==Template for testing==
=== not working===
please open a bug {{BugzillaFileBug|product=SME%20Contribs|component=|summary=|comment=|title=against the contrib.}}, and write in the wiki you tested it and it fails.<br />
{{Tip box|the title of your bug should look to "'''sme10contribs:'''Can't locate esmith/FormMagick/Panel/" for example.}}
* bugs : [[bugzilla:NUMBER]]
* to install : yum install smeserver-contrib --enablerepo=sme9contribs,smecontribs,epel
* version-release tried:
* dependencies not in smeos,smeaddons,smecontribs:
* error :
* workaround :
* tested beyond installation : yes / no
with your signature here (<nowiki>--~~~~</nowiki>)

=== working===
write here it works, with the following information :<br />

* to install : yum install smeserver-contrib --enablerepo=sme9contribs,smecontribs,epel
* version-release installed:
* dependencies not in smeos,smeaddons,smecontribs:
* tested beyond installation : yes / no
with your signature here (<nowiki>--~~~~</nowiki>)

Then please open a bug {{BugzillaFileBug|product=SME%20Contribs|component=|summary=|comment=|title=against the contrib.}}, to ask to push the contribs to sme10contribs.<br />

{{Tip box|The title of your bug should be for example "'''first import to sme10 tree [smeserver-mediawiki]'''"}}

List of Contribs to be tested with current version
* [ Bugs related to contribs in SME10]

=== Need to import from external repositories ===
* smeserver-[[DAR2|dar2]] (stephdl)
* smeserver-[[egroupware]]-epl (stephdl)
* smeserver-[[phpvirtualbox]] (stephdl)
* smeserver-[[radicale]] (stephdl) [[Radicale (carddav/caldav)]]
* smeserver-[[raidstatus]] (stephdl) [[Raidstatus]]
* smeserver-[[sarg]] (stephdl)
* smeserver-[[shellinabox]] (stephdl)
* smeserver-[[sogo]] (stephdl)
* smeserver-[[transmission]] (stephdl)
* smeserver-[[Phpvirtualbox|virtualbox]] (stephdl)
* smeserver-[[callback]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[Clamav unofficial sigs|clamav-unoficial-sigs]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[DownloadTicketService|dl]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[dokuwiki]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[Dovecot-extras|dovecot-extra]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[ExpireAccounts|expire-accounts]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[fluxbb]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[Fusion Inventory|fusioninventory]]-agent (fws)
* smeserver-[[grr]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[jappix]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[LemonLDAP-NG|lemonldap]]-ng (fws)
* smeserver-[[limesurvey]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[minilist]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[ntop]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[ooo-headless]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[opensondage]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[OpenVPN Routed|openvpn-routed]] (fws) 21/03/2020 imported to contribs
* smeserver-[[pam_cas]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[phplist]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[pydio]] (fws) (probably not, not maintained for a while, nextcloud and seafile are better options)
* smeserver-[[qos]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[Qpsmtpd:log2sql|qpsmtpd-log2sql]]
* smeserver-[[Tt-RSS|tt-rss]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[webapps-common]]
* smeserver-[[WebFiltering|webfilter]] (fws)
* smeserver-[[zabbix]]-proxy (fws)
* smeserver-[[zabbix]]-agent (fws)

===Need to test===

==Working and in smecontribs==
{{#ask: [[Version::~Contrib10]] [[Category:Contrib]]
|format=ul|link=all|headers=show|columns=4|limit=150 }}

==Work ongoing in smedev or smetest for SME10 that need to test==
{{#ask: [[Version::~Devel10]] [[Category:Contrib]]
|format=ul|link=all|headers=show|columns=4|limit=150 }}

{{#ask: [[Version::~Alpha10]] [[Category:Contrib]]
|format=ul|link=all|headers=show|columns=4|limit=150 }}

==Won't be ported to SME9==
the following won't be ported :
* smeserver-kronolith ([[Kronolith]] included as part of the core with horde 5 )
* smeserver-mnemo ([[Mnemo]] included as part of the core with horde 5 )
* smeserver-nag ([[nag]] included as part of the core with horde 5 )
* smeserver-php-fpm ([[Php-fpm]] part of core now)
* smeserver-php-scl ([[PHP scl]] provided by core)
* smeserver-php5-cgi (deprecated)
* smeserver-phpmyadmin-multiuser (part of smeserver-phpmyadmin)
* smeserver-sme7admin (rename smeserver-smesysadmin)
* smeserver-sme8admin (rename smeserver-smesysadmin)
* smeserver-sme9admin (rename smeserver-smesysadmin)
* smeserver-subsonic ([[Subsonic]] smeserver-madsoinic is a fork)
* smeserver-system_monitor ([[SystemMonitor]] was a fork of smeserver-sysmon)
* smeserver-zarafa ([[Zarafa]] replaced by smeserver-zarafa-unix
* smeserver-gallery2 ([[Gallery2]] not maintained anymore)
* smeserver-raidmonitor ([[Raidmonitor]] deprecated after SME8, see [[Raidstatus]]
* smeserver-tf-b4rt (last update : 2008-Mar-22 18:12 - consider moving to [[transmission]], which is an active project)
* smeserver-htbwshaper ([[Wondershaper]] please see [[Qos]] this contrib is no longer maintained)
* smeserver-webconsole ( [[webconsole]]; considering the license considering Java is less and less implemented in webbrowsers; consider [[Shellinabox]] or [[Ajaxterm]] )
* smeserver-inventory-tools please move to [[OCS Inventory Tools]]
* smeserver-jinzora Unmaintained, please considere [[Madsonic]]
* smeserver-nagiosgrapher; should update to [[nagios]]
[[Category:Contribs QA]]


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