949 bytes added
, 12:29, 17 July 2017
<span id="_top">[[Qpsmtpd#Plugins]]</span>
= [[#___top|NAME]] =
bogus_bounce - Check that a bounce message isn't bogus
= [[#___top|DESCRIPTION]] =
This plugin is designed to reject bogus bounce messages.
In our case a bogus bounce message is defined as a bounce message which has more than a single recipient.
= [[#___top|CONFIGURATION]] =
Only a single argument is recognized and is assumed to be the default action. Valid settings are:
; log
: Merely log the receipt of the bogus bounce (the default behaviour).
; deny
: Deny with a hard error code.
; denysoft
: Deny with a soft error code.
= [[#___top|AUTHOR]] =
2010 - Steve Kemp - http://steve.org.uk/Software/qpsmtpd/
2013 - Matt Simerson - added Return Path check
<!-- Generated Mon Jul 17 07:29:08 EDT 2017 using
perldoc -T -ohtml /usr/share/qpsmtpd/plugins/bogus_bounce |pandoc -f html -t mediawiki |sed 1 i\\n\n\n<span id="_top">[[Qpsmtpd#Plugins]]</span> |sed -e s#</d.>##