975 bytes added
, 12:27, 17 July 2017
<span id="_top">[[Qpsmtpd#Plugins]]</span>
= [[#___top|NAME]] =
= [[#___top|DESCRIPTION]] =
Plugin to implement automatic whitelisting for relayclient recipients by adding them (if necessary) to the 'whitelistsenders' config file. Should be called before the 'whitelist' or 'whitelist_soft' plugin.
Useful, for example, where you are using a denysoft plugin of some kind in conjunction with whitelisting and don't want replies to your emails to be delayed.
= [[#___top|BUGS]] =
Whitelisting recipients is obviously likely to be a fairly bad idea unless that list is reasonably small i.e. don't try this if you're an ISP of any size. :-)
= [[#___top|AUTHOR]] =
Written by Gavin Carr <gavin@openfusion.com.au>.
<!-- Generated Mon Jul 17 07:27:01 EDT 2017 using
perldoc -T -ohtml /usr/share/qpsmtpd/plugins/autowhitelist_relayrcpt |pandoc -f html -t mediawiki |sed 1 i\\n\n\n<span id="_top">[[Qpsmtpd#Plugins]]</span> |sed -e s#</d.>##