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=== Installation ===
=== Installation ===
= SME9 =
1. First, <u>increase the php memory limit to at least 128M  '''BEFORE the installation'''</u>, '''or it will fail''' in the middle leaving it in an unstable state ( half mysql db installed, no modules activated).
db configuration setprop php MemoryLimit 128M
expand-template /etc/php.ini
service httpd-e-smith restart
2. Install the 4 yum repos necessary (asterisk-13,asterisk-current,digium-current,digium-13):
3. After adding it to the database updating the configuration file is required:
  signal-event yum-modify
4. Then the actual installation :
yum  install smeserver-freepbx --enablerepo=smetest,smecontribs,asterisk-13,asterisk-current,digium-current,digium-13
5. By default en language with ulaw are added. You may want to add some extra format and languages. (you might choose codec {alaw,ulaw,g722,gsm} you want and language {en,en_AU,fr,es}, see You can also manually download them latter through the Freepbx interface (first install Freepbx Sound Languages module,then go to Admin/Sound Languages)
yum install asterisk-sounds-core-fr-ulaw  asterisk-sounds-extra-en-gsm --enablerepo=asterisk-current
6. This is the important step of the installation, the actual configuration and installation of files:
signal-event freepbx-update
7. Then you can start to configure and upgrade trough the interface in the server-manager
it might also be necessary to reboot or relaunch asterisk to allow all modules to be launch:
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
= SME8 =
You may need to first install the [[ATrpms]] repository.
yum --enablerepo=smecontribs --enablerepo=atrpms install smeserver-freepbx dahdi-linux-kmdl-$(uname -r)
signal-event freepbx-update
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
source :
= SME7 =
= SME7 =
{{Warning box|FreePBX will manage all asterisk configuration. If you have already configured asterisk by hands, you should backup everything. Of course, you'll latter be able to customize some parts of the diaplan, but in special files. Also, FreePBX is NOT compatible with SAIL (it's an alternative)}}
{{Warning box|FreePBX will manage all asterisk configuration. If you have already configured asterisk by hands, you should backup everything. Of course, you'll latter be able to customize some parts of the diaplan, but in special files. Also, FreePBX is NOT compatible with SAIL (it's an alternative)}}
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You should now be able to start using FreePBX on https://server.domain.tld/freepbx/admin
You should now be able to start using FreePBX on https://server.domain.tld/freepbx/admin
= SME8 =
You may need to first install the [[ATrpms]] repository.
yum --enablerepo=smecontribs --enablerepo=atrpms install smeserver-freepbx dahdi-linux-kmdl-$(uname -r)
signal-event freepbx-update
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
source :
= SME9 =
1. First, <u>increase the php memory limit to at least 128M  '''BEFORE the installation'''</u>, '''or it will fail''' in the middle leaving it in an unstable state ( half mysql db installed, no modules activated).
db configuration setprop php MemoryLimit 128M
expand-template /etc/php.ini
service httpd-e-smith restart
2. Install the 4 yum repos necessary (asterisk-13,asterisk-current,digium-current,digium-13):
3. After adding it to the database updating the configuration file is required:
  signal-event yum-modify
4. Then the actual installation :
yum  install smeserver-freepbx --enablerepo=smetest,smecontribs,asterisk-13,asterisk-current,digium-current,digium-13
5. By default en language with ulaw are added. You may want to add some extra format and languages. (you might choose codec {alaw,ulaw,g722,gsm} you want and language {en,en_AU,fr,es}, see You can also manually download them latter through the Freepbx interface (first install Freepbx Sound Languages module,then go to Admin/Sound Languages)
yum install asterisk-sounds-core-fr-ulaw  asterisk-sounds-extra-en-gsm --enablerepo=asterisk-current
6. This is the important step of the installation, the actual configuration and installation of files:
signal-event freepbx-update
7. Then you can start to configure and upgrade trough the interface in the server-manager
it might also be necessary to reboot or relaunch asterisk to allow all modules to be launch:
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
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