{{Note box|Please note that with April 2008 update set any additional contribs you may have installed may give translation warnings, you'll notice the panels in server-manger are unsorted, this is because we have made major translation changes to incorporate many NEW languages. See [[:Translations#Outdated_contribs]] for how to identify problem contribs and how to update them.}}
{{Note box|Please note that with April 2008 update set any additional contribs you may have installed may give translation warnings, you'll notice the panels in server-manger are unsorted, this is because we have made major translation changes to incorporate many NEW languages. See [[:Translations#Outdated_contribs]] for how to identify problem contribs and how to update them.}}
{{Note box|'''Before to install some of this contribs on SME8, you need to read this page. see [[:SME8.0 Contribs QA]]'''}}
{{Note box|'''Before to install some of this contribs on SME8, you need to read this page. see [[:SME8.0 Contribs QA]]''' and this one if you want to install contribs on SME Server 9. see [[SME9.0_Contribs_QA]]}}
{{Note box|It is recomended to upgrade you contribs manually from the console with the option <nowiki> --enablerepo=smecontribs</nowiki>}}
{{Note box|It is recomended to upgrade you contribs manually from the console with the option <nowiki> --enablerepo=smecontribs</nowiki>}}