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Created page with "=== NAME === esmith::FormMagick::Panels::remoteaccess - useful panel functions In a root terminal you can do the command below if you want to display the up-to-date content ..."
=== NAME ===
esmith::FormMagick::Panels::remoteaccess - useful panel functions
In a root terminal you can do the command below if you want to display the up-to-date content
perldoc esmith::FormMagick::Panels::remoteaccess
=== SYNOPSIS ===
use esmith::FormMagick::Panels::remoteaccess;

my $panel = esmith::FormMagick::Panel::remoteaccess->new();


Exactly as for esmith::FormMagick

==== get_prop ITEM PROP ====

A simple accessor for esmith::ConfigDB::Record::prop

==== get_value ITEM ====

A simple accessor for esmith::ConfigDB::Record::value

==== get_ftp_access ====

Returns "normal", "private" or "off" depending on the ’access’ and ’status’ properties of the "ftp" config file variable

==== get_pptp_sessions ====

Get the # of pptp sessions defined in the sessions property of the pptp config file variable

==== get_ssh_permit_root_login ====

returns ’yes’ or ’no’ depending on whether ssh permit root login is enabled

==== get_ssh_password_auth ====

Returns ’no’ or ’yes’ depending on whether ssh password auth is enabled

==== get_ssh_access ====

Returns ’public’ ’private’ or ’off’, depending on the current ssh server mode.

==== get_ssh_port ====

Get the tcp port defined in the TCPPort propery in the sshd config file variable

==== get_ftp_password_login_access ====

Returns "public" or "private" depending on the ’status’ and ’LoginAccess’ properties of the "ftp" config file variable
==== get_telnet_mode ====

Returns "public", "private" or "off" depending on the current telnet configuration

==== get_serial_console ====

Returns "disabled" or the serial device on which a login console is enabled.
==== zero_or_positive ====

Validate that the input is a number >= 0.

==== _get_valid_from ====

Reads the ValidFrom property of config entry httpd-admin and returns a list of the results. Private method.

==== add_new_valid_from ====
Adds a new ValidFrom property in httpd-admin.

==== remove_valid_from ====

Remove the specified net/mask from ValidFrom

==== show_valid_from_list ====

Displays a table of the ValidFrom networks for httpd-admin.

=== ACTION ===
==== change_settings ====

If everything has been validated, properly, go ahead and set the new settings
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