Originally I used pendrivlinux.com, UNetbootin was a lot simpler
Originally I used pendrivlinux.com, UNetbootin was a lot simpler
5th July 2013: I found that unetbootin-windows-585.exe expanded the smeserver-8.0-i386.iso onto the USB stick (creating the directory structure etc), thus there was no .iso image to be found at the select an image point in the install process. I simply copied the smeserver-8.0-i386.iso into the USB sticks root directory.
{{Note box|5th July 2013: I found that unetbootin-windows-585.exe expanded the smeserver-8.0-i386.iso onto the USB stick (creating the directory structure etc), thus there was no .iso image to be found at the select an image point in the install process. I simply copied the smeserver-8.0-i386.iso into the USB sticks root directory.}}