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Created instructions based on the Tech Handbook
This page once started as http://no.longer.valid/phpwiki/index.php/3rdPartyYumRepositories.

If you use the commands linked below to add 3rd party yum repositories, they will be added to the yum-repositories database, but they should not enabled by default, as not to affect automatic yum upgrades. It only adds options for running yum manually. They are also set up to block you from installing RPMs that exist already in SME Server 7.0.

To reflect the changes in the database you will have to regenerate the yum.conf file after executing the command to add the repository to the internal configuration database:

expand-template /etc/yum.conf

{{drawBoxWarning|content=Be sure to never set the status of one of these repositories to enabled as this imposes the risk of installing newer versions SME Server core packages which might brake your server. If you want to install software from them you can enable them using the SME Server shell and the yum option --enablerepo=reponame.}}

Below are a few repositories, for which the configuration can be copied to the SME Server shell to install them on your server. The lines are long, but it it so you can cut and paste into your ssh client. Also note you shouldn't enable these repositories, they should just be used at the command line with "yum install", and not with "yum upgrade".

If a site has a RPM-GPG-KEY you have to install it first with a line such as.
rpm --import

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