MySQL loging of clients requests is handled by a independent daemon called squid-db-logd. It monitors squid access log and squidGuard deny log in real time, parse it and put everything in the database called squid_log. In this database, the table access_log list all the access while the deny_log only list denied pages. This feature may need a lot of space. On a busy server, you can easily reach 3GB / month only for the database (and more for the dump when you backup your server). To lmit the needed space, a cron job rotate and compress the access_log and deny_log tables each month. Old tables are also removed. The default config keeps one year of log. You can change this setting with (value is in day and default is 365)
MySQL loging of clients requests is handled by a independent daemon called squid-db-logd. It monitors squid access log and squidGuard deny log in real time, parse it and put everything in the database called squid_log. In this database, the table access_log list all the access while the deny_log only list denied pages. This feature may need a lot of disk space. On a busy server, you can easily reach 3GB / month only for the database (and more for the dump when you backup your server). To limit the needed space, a cron job rotate and compress the access_log and deny_log tables each month. Old tables are also removed. The default config keeps one year of log. You can change this setting with (value is in day and default is 365)
db configuration setprop squid-db-logd Retention 180
db configuration setprop squid-db-logd Retention 180