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71,997 bytes added ,  10:10, 16 July 2012
Created page with "The below howto is a copy of: on July 16th, 2012 == Zarafa 7.0.8 and above on SME 8 == '''IMPORTANT : If you want to have a m..."
The below howto is a copy of: on July 16th, 2012

== Zarafa 7.0.8 and above on SME 8 ==
'''IMPORTANT : If you want to have a multicompany-environment, <u>format of the SME-username and the ZARAFA-username has to be [username].[companyname]</u> !!!'''<br>
A multicompany-evironment is only possible with the DB-plugin (So, you make your Zarafa-users 'by hand').<br>
In a multicompany-evironment every company has his own Global Adressbook and public folders.

=== Search latest php53-mapi.rpm ===

SME8 uses PHP5.3<br>
Unfortunately, PHP 5.1 and PHP 5.3 are ABI incompatible, that means that PHP modules that were compiled for PHP 5.1 (like the php-mapi.rpm compiled in the Zarafa-rpms for RHEL 5) can not be run using PHP 5.3 :<br>

So, search on the EPEL-repositories the latest php53-mapi-package.

=== Set the epel-repository :===

/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set epel repository \
Name 'Epel - EL5' \
BaseUrl '$basearch' \
MirrorList '$basearch' \
EnableGroups no \
GPGCheck yes \
GPGKey \
Visible no \
status disabled

signal-event yum-modify

=== ONLY IF YOU ARE UPDATING AN EXISTING ZARAFA-7-INSTALLATION -> Remove the existing php53-mapi.rpm first : ===

rpm -e php53-mapi --nodeps

=== Download via the Zarafawebsite the package for ZCP corresponding with the php53-mapi.rpm (cf. version above) ===

cd /to an installdirectory, ex. : /root/InstallZarafa


The 'free'-version has the ability to connect with Microsoft Outlook (default 3 users for free, buy zarafa-CAL's if you want more).

=== Download the Z-push-package (version 1.5 !!)===

wget[z-push-latest version]

Save in the same installdirectory, ex. : root/InstallZarafa

=== Unpack the corresponding package for ZCP and the package for Z-push :===

Go (cd /...) to the installdirectory (if you haven't done this yet) :

cd /to the installdirectory

And unpack :

tar -zxvf zcp-*
tar -zxvf z-push-[latest version] -C /var/www/html

Change the name of the created z-push-directory in /var/www/html to 'z-push'.

Go (cd ./zcp-...) to the created subdirectory (zcp-...) :

cd ./zcp- ...

'''Remove the devel packages'''
'''Move the windows-directory to an installshare in your network'''

=== Download the latest webapp.rpm too in the same subdirectory :===


=== Install all rpm's in the unpacked package of ZCP and the webapp.rpm too :===

yum localinstall *.rpm

All packages have dependencies that cannot be resolved if you install only part of the rpm's.

If you only want to upgrade one package (ex. the Webapp) :

cd /to the new Webapp.rpm
rpm -Uvh --force zarafa-webapp-[version].noarch

=== Remove the default php-mapi.rpm ===

We have to remove the installation of the default php-mapi (because it's not built for php 5.3).

rpm -e php-mapi --nodeps

=== Install the php53-mapi.rpm ===

Install the php53-mapi.rpm of the EPEL-repository :

-If you downloaded the rpm :

rpm -Uvh --force php53-mapi

-If you did set the EPEL-repository :

yum install php53-mapi --enablerepo=epel

=== ONLY FOR FIRST INSTALLATION : Make actions ===

==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-expand-templates ====


/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/ical.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/server.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/unix.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg

==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services ====

if [ "$1" == start ]; then
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-dagent start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-gateway start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-ical start
if [ -a $FILE ]; then $FILE start; fi
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-monitor start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-spooler start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-indexer start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-server start
exit 0
if [ "$1" == stop ]; then
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-dagent stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-gateway stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-ical stop
if [ -a $FILE ]; then $FILE stop; fi
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-indexer stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-spooler stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-server stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-monitor stop
exit 0
if [ "$1" == restart ]; then
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-dagent stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-gateway stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-ical stop
if [ -a $FILE ]; then $FILE stop; fi
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-monitor stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-indexer stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-spooler stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-server stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-dagent start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-gateway start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-ical start
if [ -a $FILE ]; then $FILE start; fi
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-monitor start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-server start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-spooler start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-indexer start
exit 0
if [ "$1" == enabled ]; then
config setprop zarafa-gateway status enabled
config setprop zarafa-ical status enabled
if [ -a $FILE ]; then config setprop zarafa-licensed status enabled; fi
config setprop zarafa-monitor status enabled
config setprop zarafa-server status enabled
config setprop zarafa-spooler status enabled
config setprop zarafa-indexer status enabled
config setprop zarafa-dagent status enabled
exit 0
if [ "$1" == disabled ]; then
config setprop zarafa-gateway status disabled
config setprop zarafa-ical status disabled
if [ -a $FILE ]; then config setprop zarafa-licensed status disabled; fi
config setprop zarafa-monitor status disabled
config setprop zarafa-server status disabled
config setprop zarafa-spooler status disabled
config setprop zarafa-indexer status disabled
config setprop zarafa-dagent status disabled
exit 0
echo "Usage: start|stop|restart|enabled|disabled"
exit 0

==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-install ====


/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-expand-templates
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-update
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-create-user
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-create-company

/bin/echo "Enter the language of your choice for your zarafa-mailboxes and public store. Values: en_US.UTF-8, en_GB.UTF-8, nl_NL.UTF-8, fr_FR.UTF-8, de_DE.UTF-8, ..."
/sbin/e-smith/config set zarafa service status enabled language $ZARAFALANGUAGE
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/sysconfig/zarafa

/bin/echo "Setting up templates2expand-files"
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/server.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/group-create/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/group-create/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/group-delete/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/group-delete/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/group-modify/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/group-modify/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/user-create/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/user-create/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/user-delete/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/user-delete/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/user-modify/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/user-modify/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/ibay-create/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/ibay-create/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/machine-account-create/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/machine-account-create/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/server.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/timezone-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/timezone-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg

/bin/echo "Setting up services2adjust-links"
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/group-create/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/group-delete/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/group-modify/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/user-create/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/user-delete/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/user-modify/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/ibay-create/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/machine-account-create/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/timezone-update/services2adjust/zarafa-server

/bin/echo "Initialize-default-databases"

/bin/echo "Setting up db-entries for Zarafa"
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop mysqld InnoDB enabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop smtpd tnef2mime disabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server access private status enabled TCPPort 236 index_services_enabled yes
/bin/echo "Enter your user plugin. Values: unix or db (ldap is not supported, multicompany-support only with db-plugin)"
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server Plugin $USERPLUGIN

if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == db ]; then
/bin/echo "Do you want to set up a multicompany-environment ? Values: yes or no"
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server Multicompany $MULTICOMPANY

/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa access SSL
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-ical service access private status enabled TCPPort 8088
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-icals service access public status enabled TCPPort 8089
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-imap service access private status enabled TCPPort 8143
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-imaps service access public status enabled TCPPort 8993
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-pop3 service access private status enabled TCPPort 8110
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-pop3s service access public status enabled TCPPort 8995
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-ssl service access public status enabled TCPPort 237
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-gateway service status enabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-spooler service status enabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-monitor service status enabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-indexer service status enabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-licensed service status enabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-dagent service status enabled

/bin/echo "Expanding the my.cnf-template"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/my.cnf

/bin/echo "Restarting mysqld"
/usr/bin/sv t /service/mysqld

/bin/echo "Signal-event remoteaccess-update"
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event remoteaccess-update

/bin/echo "Creating the Zarafa-database"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql.init start

/bin/echo "Expanding the Zarafa-templates"

/bin/echo "Configuration of the Webaccess and Z-push"
/bin/chown -R www:www /var/lib/zarafa-webaccess/tmp
/bin/chown -R www:www /var/lib/zarafa-webapp/tmp
FILE=/etc/httpd/conf.d/zarafa-webaccess.conf; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/rm -f $FILE; fi
FILE=/etc/httpd/conf.d/zarafa-webapp.conf; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/rm -f $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown -R www:www $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/touch /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown www:www /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi

/bin/echo "Expanding http.conf-template"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

/bin/echo "Restarting httpd"
/usr/bin/sv restart /service/httpd-e-smith

/bin/echo "Setting up more symbolic links"
ln -s /lib/ /usr/lib/
ln -s /lib/ /usr/lib/
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-dagent
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-gateway
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-indexer
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-licensed
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-monitor
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-spooler
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-ical
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-server

/bin/echo "Starting Zarafa-services"
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services start

/bin/echo "Setting permissions on files"
FILE=/var/log/zarafa/dagent.log; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 666 $FILE; fi

if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == unix ]; then
/bin/echo "creating Public store"
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin --utf8 -s

if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == db ]; then
if [ "$MULTICOMPANY" == no ]; then
/bin/echo "creating Public store"
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin --utf8 -s

if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == db ]; then
if [ "$MULTICOMPANY" == yes ]; then
/bin/echo "Make your first company. Enter your first companyname :"
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin --create-company "$COMPANYNAME"
/bin/echo "!!! REMEMBER !!! : for a multicompany-environment the username-format of the SME-user and the ZARAFA-user, has to be : [username].[companyname]."

==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-update ====


/bin/echo "Stopping the Zarafa-services"
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services stop

/bin/echo "webaccess config"
/bin/chown -R www:www /var/lib/zarafa-webaccess/tmp
/bin/chown -R www:www /var/lib/zarafa-webapp/tmp
FILE=/etc/httpd/conf.d/zarafa-webaccess.conf; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/rm -f $FILE; fi
FILE=/etc/httpd/conf.d/zarafa-webapp.conf; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/rm -f $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown -R www:www $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/touch /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown www:www /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi

/bin/echo "Expanding Zarafa-templates"

/bin/echo "Expanding http.conf-template"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

/bin/echo "Restarting httpd"
/usr/bin/sv restart /service/httpd-e-smith

/bin/echo "Starting Zarafa-services"
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services start

/bin/echo "Setting permissions on files"
FILE=/var/log/zarafa/dagent.log; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 666 $FILE; fi

==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-create-user (ONLY FOR DB-PLUGIN) ====



/bin/echo "Enter the username of the ZARAFA-user"
/bin/echo "If you have a multicompany-setup, format of the SME-username and the ZARAFA-username"
/bin/echo "has to be [username].[companyname] !!!"

/bin/echo "Enter password:"

/bin/echo "Enter e-mail address:"
read EMAIL

/bin/echo "Enter full name:"

/bin/echo "Executing..."

/usr/bin/zarafa-admin -c "$USERNAME" -p "$PASSWORD" -e "$EMAIL" -f "$FULLNAME"
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin -l

/sbin/e-smith/db accounts setprop $USERNAME zarafa enabled

==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-create-company (ONLY FOR DB-PLUGIN) ====


/bin/echo "Enter the companyname :"

/bin/echo "Executing..."

/usr/bin/zarafa-admin --create-company "$COMPANYNAME"

=== ONLY FOR FIRST INSTALLATION : Make templates ===

==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/db/configuration/migrate/80zarafa ====
use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);

my $rec = $DB->get('zarafa-server') || $DB->new_record('zarafa-server', {type => 'service'});

my $pw = $rec->prop('DbPassword');
return "" if $pw;

$rec->set_prop('DbPassword', sprintf("%15.0f", int( (1000000000000000) * rand() )));

==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa ====

my $db = ${'zarafa-server'}{DbName} || 'zarafa';
my $user = ${'zarafa-server'}{DbUser} || 'zarafa';
my $pass = ${'zarafa-server'}{DbPassword} || 'changeme';
$OUT .= <<END
#! /bin/sh
if [ -d /var/lib/mysql/$db ]; then
/usr/bin/mysql <<EOF
use $db;

use mysql;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $db.* TO $user\@localhost
flush privileges;

==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates.metadata/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa ====

==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa ====
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa/zarafa ====
# Locale setting for all Zarafa services
ZARAFA_LOCALE="{ ${'zarafa'}{language} || 'en_US.UTF-8' ; }"

# Locale setting for Zarafa userscripts
ZARAFA_USERSCRIPT_LOCALE="{ ${'zarafa'}{language} || 'en_US.UTF-8' ; }"

==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases ====
# vim: ft=perl:

$haveSSL = (exists ${modSSL}{status} and ${modSSL}{status} eq "enabled") ? 'yes' : 'no';
my $zwebmailStatus = $zarafa{'status'} || "disabled";
my $zwebmailAccessType = $zarafa{'access'} || "SSL";

my $dirs;
$dirs{zarafa} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
$dirs{webaccess} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
$dirs{webmail} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
if ($imp{'status'} eq 'enabled') {$dirs{webmail} = ''};
$dirs{webapp} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webapp';
$dirs{'Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync'} = '/var/www/html/z-push/index.php';

return " # Zarafa is disabled in this VirtualHost\n"
unless $zwebmailStatus eq 'enabled';

foreach $place ('zarafa','webmail','webaccess','webapp','Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync')
if (($port eq "80") && ($haveSSL eq 'yes') && ($zwebmailAccessType eq 'SSL'))
$OUT .= " RewriteRule ^/$place(/.*|\$) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$place\$1 [L,R]\n";
} else {
if (($dirs{$place}) ne '') {$OUT .= " Alias /$place $dirs{$place}\n"};


==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias ====
my $zstatus = $zarafa{'status'};

if (defined $zstatus && $zstatus eq 'enabled')
$OUT .= qq(
# Zarafa specific configuration files.

Alias /zarafa /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/
<Directory /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/>
# DirectoryIndex index.php
# Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
# AllowOverride Options
Options -Indexes
AllowOverride All
order allow,deny
allow from all
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
php_flag track_vars on

Alias /webapp /usr/share/zarafa-webapp/
<Directory /usr/share/zarafa-webapp/>
Options -Indexes
AllowOverride All
order allow,deny
allow from all
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
php_flag track_vars on

<Directory /var/www/html/>
Options -Indexes
AllowOverride All
order allow,deny
allow from all
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off

<Directory /var/www/html/z-push/>
Options -Indexes
AllowOverride All
order allow,deny
allow from all
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
php_flag register_globals off
php_flag magic_quotes_runtime off
php_flag short_open_tag on

$OUT .= "# Zarafa Webmail is not configured as it is disabled in the config db";

==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg ====
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ====


server_bind =

# Please refer to the administrator manual or manpage why HTTP is used rather than the UNIX socket.
server_socket = http://localhost:{${'zarafa-server'}{TCPPort}||'236';}/zarafa

# Set this value to a name to show in the logon greeting to clients.
# Leave empty to use DNS to find this name.
server_hostname =

# Whether to show the hostname in the logon greeting to clients.
server_hostname_greeting = no

# drop privileges and run the process as this user
run_as_user =

# drop privileges and run the process as this group
run_as_group =

# create a pid file for stopping the service via the init.d scripts
pid_file = /var/run/

# run server in this path (when not using the -F switch)
running_path = /

# enable/disable POP3, and POP3 listen port
pop3_enable = { if (${'zarafa-pop3'}{status} eq 'enabled') {'yes'} else {'no'}; }
pop3_port = { ${'zarafa-pop3'}{TCPPort} || '8110'; }

# enable/disable Secure POP3, and Secure POP3 listen port
pop3s_enable = { if (${'zarafa-pop3s'}{status} eq 'enabled') {'yes'} else {'no'}; }
pop3s_port = { ${'zarafa-pop3s'}{TCPPort} || '8995'; }

# enable/disable IMAP, and IMAP listen port
imap_enable = { if (${'zarafa-imap'}{status} eq 'enabled') {'yes'} else {'no'}; }
imap_port = { ${'zarafa-imap'}{TCPPort} || '8143'; }

# enable/disable Secure IMAP, and Secure IMAP listen port
imaps_enable = { if (${'zarafa-imaps'}{status} eq 'enabled') {'yes'} else {'no'}; }
imaps_port = { ${'zarafa-imaps'}{TCPPort} || '8993'; }

# Only mail folder for IMAP or all subfolders (calendar, contacts, tasks, etc. too)
imap_only_mailfolders = { ${'zarafa-imap'}{imap_only_mailfolders} || 'yes'; }

# Show Public folders for IMAP
imap_public_folders = { ${'zarafa-imap'}{imap_public_folders} || 'yes'; }

# IMAP clients may use IDLE command
imap_capability_idle = yes

# The maximum size of an email that can be uploaded to the gateway
imap_max_messagesize = { ${'zarafa-imap'}{imap_max_messagesize} || '134217728'; }

# Override the e-mail charset and generate using utf-8 (when imap data is not present on the item)
imap_generate_utf8 = { ${'zarafa-imap'}{imap_generate_utf8} || 'no'; }

# Internally issue the expunge command to directly delete e-mail marked for deletion in IMAP.
imap_expunge_on_delete = { ${'zarafa-imap'}{imap_expunge_on_delete} || 'no'; }

# Store full rfc822 message during APPEND
imap_store_rfc822 = { ${'zarafa-imap'}{imap_store_rfc822} || 'yes'; }

# File with RSA key for SSL
ssl_private_key_file = /home/e-smith/ssl.key/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.key

#File with certificate for SSL
ssl_certificate_file = /home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt

# Verify client certificate
ssl_verify_client = { ${'zarafa-gateway'}{ssl_verify_client} || 'no'; }

# Client verify file and/or path
ssl_verify_file =
ssl_verify_path =

# Process model, using pthreads (thread) or processes (fork)
process_model = { ${'zarafa-gateway'}{process_model} || 'fork'; }


# Logging method (syslog, file)
log_method = { ${'zarafa-gateway'}{log_method} || 'file'; }

# Loglevel (0=no logging, 5=full logging)
log_level = { ${'zarafa-gateway'}{log_level} || '2'; }

# Logfile for log_method = file, use '-' for stderr
log_file = /var/log/zarafa/gateway.log

# Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
log_timestamp = { ${'zarafa-gateway'}{log_timestamp} || '1'; }


==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg ====
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ====

# drop privileges and run the process as this user
run_as_user =

# drop privileges and run the process as this group
run_as_group =

# create a pid file for stopping the service via the init.d scripts
pid_file = /var/run/

# run server in this path (when not using the -F switch)
running_path = /

# IP Address to bind to ( for ANY)
server_bind =

# wether normal connections can be made to the ical server
ical_enable = { if (${'zarafa-ical'}{status} eq 'enabled') {'yes'} else {'no'}; }

# port which the ical server listens on for normal connections
ical_port = { ${'zarafa-ical'}{TCPPort} || '8088'; }

# wether ssl connections can be made to the ical server
icals_enable = { if (${'zarafa-icals'}{status} eq 'enabled') {'yes'} else {'no'}; }

# port which the ical server listens on for ssl connections
icals_port = { ${'zarafa-icals'}{TCPPort} || '8089'; }

# default connection to the Zarafa server
# Please refer to the administrator manual or manpage why HTTP is used rather than the UNIX socket.
server_socket = http://localhost:{${'zarafa-server'}{TCPPort}||'236';}/zarafa

# Process model, using pthreads (thread) or processes (fork)
process_model = { ${'zarafa-ical'}{process_model} || 'fork'; }


# Logging method (syslog, file)
log_method = { ${'zarafa-ical'}{log_method} || 'file'; }

# Loglevel (0=no logging, 5=full logging)
log_level = { ${'zarafa-ical'}{log_level} || '2'; }

# Logfile for log_method = file, use '-' for stderr
log_file = /var/log/zarafa/ical.log

# Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
log_timestamp = { ${'zarafa-ical'}{log_timestamp} || '1'; }


# File with RSA key for SSL
ssl_private_key_file = /home/e-smith/ssl.key/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.key

# File with certificate for SSL
ssl_certificate_file = /home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt

# Verify client certificate
ssl_verify_client = { ${'zarafa-ical'}{ssl_verify_client} || 'no'; }

# Client verify file and/or path
ssl_verify_file =
ssl_verify_path =


# The timezone of the system clock
server_timezone = {$TimeZone}

# The charset of data to expect when the client doesn't specify any
default_charset = { ${'zarafa-ical'}{default_charset} || 'utf-8'; }

# Enable the iCalendar GET method for downloading calendars
enable_ical_get = { ${'zarafa-ical'}{enable_ical_get} || 'yes'; }

==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg ====
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg ====


# IP Address to bind to ( for ANY)
# Set to if connections should only come from localhost
# and through the webserver proxy
server_bind =

# Accept normal TCP connections (not recommended to disable)
server_tcp_enabled = { ${'zarafa-server'}{server_tcp_enabled} || 'yes'; }

# Port to bind to
server_tcp_port = { ${'zarafa-server'}{TCPPort} || '236'; }

# Accept unix pipe connections (not recommended to disable)
server_pipe_enabled = { ${'zarafa-server'}{server_pipe_enabled} || 'yes'; }

# Unix socket location
server_pipe_name = /var/run/zarafa
server_pipe_priority = /var/run/zarafa-prio

# Name for identifying the server in a multi-server environment
server_name = { ${'zarafa-server'}{server_name} || 'Zarafa'; }

# Override the hostname of this server, used by Kerberos SSO if enabled
server_hostname =

# Database engine (mysql)
database_engine = { ${'zarafa-server'}{database_engine} || 'mysql'; }

# Allow connections from normal users through the unix socket
allow_local_users = { ${'zarafa-server'}{allow_local_users} || 'yes'; }

# local admin users who can connect to any store (use this for the zarafa-dagent)
# field is SPACE separated
# eg: local_admin_users = root vmail
local_admin_users = { ${'zarafa-server'}{local_admin_users} || 'root'; }

# e-mail address of the Zarafa System user
system_email_address = { ${'zarafa-server'}{system_email_address} || 'postmaster@localhost'; }

# drop privileges and run the process as this user
run_as_user =

# drop privileges and run the process as this group
run_as_group =

# create a pid file for stopping the service via the init.d scripts
pid_file = /var/run/

# run server in this path (when not using the -F switch)
running_path = /

# session timeout for clients. Values lower than 300 will be upped to 300
# automatically. If the server hears nothing from a client in session_timeout
# seconds, then the session is killed.
session_timeout = { ${'zarafa-server'}{session_timeout} || '300'; }

# Socket to connect to license server
license_socket = /var/run/zarafa-licensed

# Time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to the license server before
# terminating the request.
license_timeout = { ${'zarafa-server'}{license_timeout} || '10'; }


# Logging method (syslog, file), syslog facility is 'mail'
log_method = { ${'zarafa-server'}{log_method} || 'file'; }

# Logfile (for log_method = file, '-' for stderr)
log_file = /var/log/zarafa/server.log

# Loglevel (0=no logging, 5=full logging)
log_level = { ${'zarafa-server'}{log_level} || '2'; }

# Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
log_timestamp = { ${'zarafa-server'}{log_timestamp} || '1'; }


# Audit logging is by default not enabled
audit_log_enabled = { ${'zarafa-server'}{audit_log_enabled} || 'no'; }

# Audit logging method (syslog, file), syslog facility is 'authpriv'
audit_log_method = { ${'zarafa-server'}{audit_log_method} || 'syslog'; }

# Audit logfile (for log_method = file, '-' for stderr)
audit_log_file = /var/log/zarafa/audit.log

# Audit loglevel (0=no logging, 1=full logging)
audit_log_level = { ${'zarafa-server'}{audit_log_level} || '1'; }

# Audit log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
audit_log_timestamp = { ${'zarafa-server'}{audit_log_timestamp} || '1'; }

# MYSQL SETTINGS (for database_engine = mysql)

# MySQL hostname to connect to for database access
mysql_host = { ${'zarafa-server'}{mysql_host} || 'localhost'; }

# MySQL port to connect with (usually 3306)
mysql_port = { ${'zarafa-server'}{mysql_port} || '3306'; }

# The user under which we connect with MySQL
mysql_user = { ${'zarafa-server'}{DbUser} || 'zarafa'; }

# The password for the user (leave empty for no password)
mysql_password = { ${'zarafa-server'}{DbPassword}; }

# Override the default MySQL socket to access mysql locally
# Works only if the mysql_host value is empty or 'localhost'
mysql_socket =

# Database to connect to
mysql_database = { ${'zarafa-server'}{DbName} || 'zarafa'; }

# Where to place attachments. Value can be 'database' or 'files'
attachment_storage = { ${'zarafa-server'}{attachment_storage} || 'files'; }

# When attachment_storage is 'files', use this path to store the files
attachment_path = /home/e-smith/files/zarafa

# Compression level for attachments when attachment_storage is 'files'.
# Set compression level for attachments disabled=0, max=9
attachment_compression = { ${'zarafa-server'}{attachment_compression} || '6'; }


# enable SSL support in server
server_ssl_enabled = { ${'zarafa-ssl'}{server_ssl_enabled} || 'yes'; }

# Listen for SSL connections on this port
server_ssl_port = { ${'zarafa-ssl'}{TCPPort} || '237'; }

# Required Server certificate, contains the certificate and the private key parts
server_ssl_key_file = /home/e-smith/ssl.pem/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.pem

# Password of Server certificate
server_ssl_key_pass = { ${'zarafa-server'}{DbPassword}; }

# Required Certificate Authority of server
server_ssl_ca_file = /home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt

# Path with CA certificates, e.g. /etc/ssl/certs
server_ssl_ca_path = /home/e-smith/ssl.crt

# Path of SSL Public keys of clients
sslkeys_path = /home/e-smith/ssl.pem


# Number of server threads
# default: 8
threads = { ${'zarafa-server'}{threads} || '8'; }

# Watchdog frequency. The number of watchdog checks per second.
# default: 1
watchdog_frequency = { ${'zarafa-server'}{watchdog_frequency} || '1'; }

# Watchdog max age. The maximum age in ms of a task before a
# new thread is started.
# default: 500
watchdog_max_age = { ${'zarafa-server'}{watchdog_max_age} || '500'; }

# Maximum SOAP keep_alive value
# default: 100
server_max_keep_alive_requests = { ${'zarafa-server'}{server_max_keep_alive_requests} || '100'; }

# SOAP recv timeout value (time between requests)
# default: 5
server_recv_timeout = { ${'zarafa-server'}{server_recv_timeout} || '5'; }

# SOAP read timeout value (time during requests)
# default: 60
server_read_timeout = { ${'zarafa-server'}{server_read_timeout} || '60'; }

# SOAP send timeout value
# default: 60
server_send_timeout = { ${'zarafa-server'}{server_send_timeout} || '60'; }


# Softdelete clean cycle (in days) 0=never running
softdelete_lifetime = { ${'zarafa-server'}{softdelete_lifetime} || '30'; }

# Sync lifetime, removes all changes remembered for a client after x days of inactivity
sync_lifetime = { ${'zarafa-server'}{sync_lifetime} || '365'; }

# Set to 'yes' if all changes (for synchronization) to messages should be logged to the database
sync_log_all_changes = { ${'zarafa-server'}{sync_log_all_changes} || 'no'; }

# Set to 'yes' if you have Kerberos or NTLM correctly configured for single sign-on
enable_sso = { ${'zarafa-server'}{enable_sso} || 'no'; }

# Set to 'yes' if you want to show the GAB to your users
enable_gab = { ${'zarafa-server'}{enable_gab} || 'yes'; }

# Authentication can be through plugin (default, recommended), pam or kerberos
auth_method = { ${'zarafa-server'}{auth_method} || 'plugin'; }

# If auth_method is set to pam, you should provide the pam service name
pam_service = { ${'zarafa-server'}{pam_service} || 'passwd'; }

# To see the live cache usage, use 'zarafa-stats --system',
# or send a USR1 signal to the server, and read the logfile.

# Size in bytes of the 'cell' cache (should be set as high as you can afford to set it)
cache_cell_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_cell_size} || '268435456'; }

# Size in bytes of the 'object' cache
cache_object_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_object_size} || '5242880'; }

# Size in bytes of the 'indexed object' cache
cache_indexedobject_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_indexedobject_size} || '16777216'; }

# Size in bytes of the userquota details
cache_quota_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_quota_size} || '1048576'; }

# Lifetime for userquota details
cache_quota_lifetime = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_quota_lifetime} || '1'; }

# Size in bytes of the acl cache
cache_acl_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_acl_size} || '1048576'; }

# Size in bytes of the store id/guid cache
cache_store_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_store_size} || '1048576'; }

# Size in bytes of the 'user id' cache (this is allocated twice)
cache_user_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_user_size} || '1048576'; }

# Size in bytes of the 'user details' cache
cache_userdetails_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_userdetails_size} || '26214400'; }

# Lifetime for user details
cache_userdetails_lifetime = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_userdetails_lifetime} || '5'; }

# Size in bytes of the server details (multiserver setups only)
cache_server_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_server_size} || '1048576'; }

# Lifetime for server details (multiserver setups only)
cache_server_lifetime = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_server_lifetime} || '30'; }


# The default Warning Quota Level. Set to 0 to disable this level.
# The user will receive an email when this level is reached. Value is in Mb. Default value is 0.
quota_warn = { ${'zarafa-server'}{quota_warn} || '0'; }

# The default Soft Quota Level. Set to 0 to disable this level.
# The user will still receive mail, but sending new mail is prohibited, until objects are removed from the store.
# VALUE is in Mb. Default value is 0.
quota_soft = { ${'zarafa-server'}{quota_soft} || '0'; }

# The default Hard Quota Level. Set to 0 to disable this level.
# The user can not receive and send mail, until objects are removed from the store.
# Value is in Mb. Default value is 0.
quota_hard = { ${'zarafa-server'}{quota_hard} || '0'; }

# The default Warning Quota Level for multitenant public stores. Set to 0 to disable this level.
# The tenant administrator will receive an email when this level is reached. Value is in Mb. Default value is 0.
companyquota_warn = { ${'zarafa-server'}{companyquota_warn} || '0'; }


# Name of the plugin that handles users
# Required, default = ldap
# Values: ldap, unix, db, ldapms (available in enterprise license)
user_plugin = { ${'zarafa-server'}{Plugin} || 'db'; }

# configuration file of the user plugin, examples can be found in /usr/share/zarafa/example-config
if (( ${'zarafa-server'}{Plugin} || 'db' ) eq 'unix')
{ 'user_plugin_config = /etc/zarafa/unix.cfg'; }
elsif (( ${'zarafa-server'}{Plugin} || 'db' ) eq 'ldap')
{ 'user_plugin_config = /etc/zarafa/ldap.cfg'; }

# location of the zarafa plugins
# if you have a 64bit distribution, this probably should be changed to /usr/lib64/zarafa
plugin_path = /usr/lib/zarafa

# scripts which create stores for users from an external source
# used for ldap and unix plugins only
createuser_script = /etc/zarafa/userscripts/createuser
deleteuser_script = /etc/zarafa/userscripts/deleteuser
creategroup_script = /etc/zarafa/userscripts/creategroup
deletegroup_script = /etc/zarafa/userscripts/deletegroup
createcompany_script = /etc/zarafa/userscripts/createcompany
deletecompany_script = /etc/zarafa/userscripts/deletecompany

# Set this option to 'yes' to skip the creation and deletion of new users
# The action will be logged, so you can see if your changes to the plugin
# configuration are correct.
user_safe_mode = { ${'zarafa-server'}{user_safe_mode} || 'no'; }


# Thread size in KB, default is 512
# WARNING: Do not set too small, your server WILL crash
thread_stacksize = { ${'zarafa-server'}{thread_stacksize} || '512'; }

# Enable multi-tenancy environment
# When set to true it is possible to create tenants within the
# zarafa instance and assign all users and groups to particular
# tenants.
# When set to false, the normal single-tenancy environment is created.
if (( ${'zarafa-server'}{Multicompany} || 'no' ) eq 'yes')
{ 'enable_hosted_zarafa = true'; }
elsif (( ${'zarafa-server'}{Multicompany} || 'no' ) eq 'no')
{ 'enable_hosted_zarafa = false'; }

# Enable multi-server environment
# When set to true it is possible to place users and tenants on
# specific servers.
# When set to false, the normal single-server environment is created.
enable_distributed_zarafa = { ${'zarafa-server'}{enable_distributed_zarafa} || 'false'; }

# Display format of store name
# Allowed variables:
# %u Username
# %f Fullname
# %c Teantname
# default: %f
storename_format = { ${'zarafa-server'}{storename_format} || '%f'; }

# Loginname format (for Multi-tenancy installations)
# When the user does not login through a system-wide unique
# username (like the email address) a unique name is created
# by combining the username and the tenantname.
# With this configuration option you can set how the
# loginname should be built up.
# Note: Do not use the = character in the format.
# Allowed variables:
# %u Username
# %c Teantname
# default: %u
if (( ${'zarafa-server'}{Multicompany} || 'no' ) eq 'yes')
{ 'loginname_format = %u.%c'; }
elsif (( ${'zarafa-server'}{Multicompany} || 'no' ) eq 'no')
{ 'loginname_format = %u'; }

# Set to yes for Windows clients to be able to download the latest
# Zarafa Outlook client from the Zarafa server
client_update_enabled = { ${'zarafa-server'}{client_update_enabled} || 'false'; }

# Place the correct Zarafa Outlook Client in this directory for
# Windows clients to download through the Zarafa server
client_update_path = { ${'zarafa-server'}{client_update_path} || '/var/lib/zarafa/client'; }

# Recieve update information from the client (0 = disabled, 1 = only on error, 2 = log always)
client_update_log_level = { ${'zarafa-server'}{client_update_log_level} || '1'; }

# Log location for the client auto update files
client_update_log_path = /var/log/zarafa/autoupdate

# Everyone is a special internal group, which contains every user and group
# You may want to disable this group from the Global Addressbook by setting
# this option to 'yes'. Administrators will still be able to see the group.
hide_everyone = { ${'zarafa-server'}{hide_everyone} || 'yes'; }

# System is a special internal user, which has super-admin privileges
# You may want to disable this user from the Global Addressbook by setting
# this option to 'yes'. Administrators will still be able to see the user.
hide_system = { ${'zarafa-server'}{hide_system} || 'yes'; }

# Use Indexing service for faster searching.
# Enabling this option requires the zarafa-indexer service to
# be running.
index_services_enabled = { ${'zarafa-server'}{index_services_enabled} || 'no'; }

# Path to the zarafa-indexer service, this option is only required
# if the server is going to make use of the indexing service.
index_services_path = file:///var/run/zarafa-indexer

# Time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to the zarafa-indexer service
# before terminating the indexed search request.
index_services_search_timeout = { ${'zarafa-server'}{index_services_search_timeout} || '10'; }

# Minimum length of a search term in characters to enable prefix searching
index_services_prefix_chars = { ${'zarafa-server'}{index_services_prefix_chars} || '3'; }

# Allow enhanced ICS operations to speedup synchronization with cached profiles.
# default: yes
enable_enhanced_ics = { ${'zarafa-server'}{enable_enhanced_ics} || 'yes'; }

# Synchronize GAB users on every open of the GAB (otherwise, only on
# zarafa-admin --sync)
sync_gab_realtime = { ${'zarafa-server'}{sync_gab_realtime} || 'yes'; }

# Disable features for users. Default all features are disabled. This
# list is space separated. Currently valid values: imap
disabled_features = { ${'zarafa-server'}{disabled_features}; }

# Maximum number of deferred records in total
max_deferred_records = { ${'zarafa-server'}{max_deferred_records} || '0'; }

# Maximum number of deferred records per folder
max_deferred_records_folder = { ${'zarafa-server'}{max_deferred_records_folder} || '20'; }

==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg ====
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg/unix.cfg ====

use esmith::AccountsDB
# Any of these directives that are required, are only required if the
# userplugin parameter is set to unix.

# Charset used in /etc/passwd for the fullname of a user. Normally this
# is us-ascii, but this can differ according to your setup.
# The charset specified here must be supported by your iconv(1)
# setup. See iconv -l for all charsets.
fullname_charset = iso-8859-15

# Default email domain for constructing new users
# Required, no default
default_domain = { ${'zarafa-server'}{DomainName} || $DomainName; }

# The lowest user id that is considered a regular user
# Optional, default = 1000
min_user_uid = 101

# The highest user id that is considered a regular user
# Optional, default = 10000
max_user_uid = 10000

# A list of user ids that are not considered to be regular users
# Optional, default = empty
# except_user_uids =
except_user_uids = {
$accounts = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro or die "Could not open AccountsDB";
while (($name, $passwd, $uid, $gid, $quota,
$comment, $gcos, $dir, $shell) = getpwent())
$user = $accounts->get($name);

$OUT .= "$uid "
unless $uid <= 101 or (defined $user and $user->prop('type') eq "user");

# The lowest group id that is considered a regular group
# Optional, default = 1000
min_group_gid = 5000

# The highest group id that is considered a regular group
# Optional, default = 10000
max_group_gid = 10000

# A list of group ids that are not considered to be regular groups
# Optional, default = empty
# except_group_gids =
except_group_gids = {
while (($name, $passwd, $uid, $gid, $quota,
$comment, $gcos, $dir, $shell) = getpwent())
$group = $accounts->get($name);

$OUT .= "$gid "
unless $gid < 5000 or (defined $group and $group->prop('type') eq "group");

# Create a user as non-active when it has this unix shell
non_login_shell = /bin/false

==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg ====
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg ====


# Location of the index files
index_path = /var/lib/zarafa/index/

# run as specific user
run_as_user =

# run as specific group
run_as_group =

# control pid file
pid_file = /var/run/

# run server in this path (when not using the -F switch)
running_path = /

# Force remove lockfiles on startup. Leaves possibly corrupt indexes on disk.
# See log for info of removed locks.
cleanup_lockfiles = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{cleanup_lockfiles} || 'no'; }

# Limit the number of results returned (0 = don't limit)
limit_results = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{limit_results} || '0'; }


# Socket to find the connection to the Zarafa server.
# Use https to reach servers over the network
server_socket = file:///var/run/zarafa

# Login to the Zarafa server using this SSL Key
sslkey_file = /etc/zarafa/ssl/indexer.pem

# The password of the SSL Key
sslkey_pass = replace-with-server-cert-password


# binding address
# To setup for multi-server, use: or
server_bind_name = file:///var/run/zarafa-indexer

# File with RSA key for SSL, used then server_bind_name uses https
ssl_private_key_file= /etc/zarafa/indexer/privkey.pem

# File with certificate for SSL, used then server_bind_name uses https
ssl_certificate_file= /etc/zarafa/indexer/cert.pem


# Logging method (syslog, file)
log_method = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{log_method} || 'file'; }

# Loglevel (0=no logging, 5=full logging)
log_level = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{log_level} || '2'; }

# Logfile for log_method = file, use '-' for stderr
log_file = /var/log/zarafa/indexer.log

# Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
log_timestamp = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{log_timestamp} || '1'; }


# Indexing interval (in minutes)
index_interval = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_interval} || '5'; }

# Max number of indexing threads
index_threads = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_threads} || '1'; }

# Max length of indexed data
index_max_field_length = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_max_field_length} || '10000'; }

# Number of documents per segments before segments are merged
index_merge_factor = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_merge_factor} || '10'; }

# Max number of documents kept in memory before CLucene will write a new segment to disk
index_max_buffered_docs = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_max_buffered_docs} || '10'; }

# Minumum amount of documents in memory before index is written to disk
index_min_merge_docs = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_min_merge_docs} || '10'; }

# Maximum number of documents in memory before index is written to disk
index_max_merge_docs = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_max_merge_docs} || '2147483647'; }

# The fraction of terms in the "dictionary" which should be stored in RAM.
index_term_interval = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_term_interval} || '128'; }

# Timout for keeping Lucene cache open
index_cache_timeout = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_cache_timeout} || '0'; }


# Should attachments be indexed
index_attachments = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_attachments} || 'no'; }

# Maximum file size for attachments (in kb)
index_attachment_max_size = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_attachment_max_size} || '5120'; }

# Scripts to attachment to text parser
index_attachment_parser = /etc/zarafa/indexerscripts/attachments_parser

# Maximum amount of memory which a parser may use in bytes (set to 0 for unlimited)
# If this maximum is exceeded the parser will be killed
index_attachment_parser_max_memory = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_attachment_parser_max_memory} || '0'; }

# Maximim amount of CPU time (in seconds) which a parser may spend on parsing (set to 0 for unlimited)
# If this maximum is exceeded the parser will be killed
index_attachment_parser_max_cputime = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_attachment_parser_max_cputime} || '0'; }

# Filter out parsing of attachment which has a mimetype from this list
# Only the first part of the mime needs to be given, like 'image'.
# This field is SPACE separated
index_attachment_mime_filter =

# Filter out parsing of attachment which has an extension from this list
# (only tested if mimetype was not found on the attachment)
# This field is SPACE separated
index_attachment_extension_filter =


# Don't index users from the following list
# field is SPACE separated
index_block_users =

# Don't index users from the following companies
# field is SPACE separated
index_block_companies =

# Index users only from the following servers (see server.cfg#server_name)
# If left empty, all servers will be allowed.
# field is SPACE separated
index_allow_servers =

==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg ====
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg ====


# Server unix socket location
server_socket = file:///var/run/zarafa

# drop privileges and run the process as this user
run_as_user =

# drop privileges and run the process as this group
run_as_group =

# create a pid file for stopping the service via the init.d scripts
pid_file = /var/run/

# run server in this path (when not using the -F switch)
running_path = /


# Logging method (syslog, file)
log_method = { ${'zarafa-monitor'}{log_method} || 'file'; }

# Loglevel (0=no logging, 5=full logging)
log_level = { ${'zarafa-monitor'}{log_level} || '2'; }

# Logfile for log_method = file
log_file = /var/log/zarafa/monitor.log

# Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
log_timestamp = { ${'zarafa-monitor'}{log_timestamp} || '1'; }

# Note: server_socket must be set to https://servername:portname/zarafa
# to use this type of login method

# Login to the Zarafa server using this SSL Key
sslkey_file = /etc/zarafa/ssl/monitor.pem

# The password of the SSL Key
sslkey_pass = replace-with-monitor-cert-password


# Quota check interval (in minutes)
quota_check_interval = { ${'zarafa-monitor'}{quota_check_interval} || '15'; }


# Quota mail interval in days
mailquota_resend_interval = { ${'zarafa-monitor'}{mailquota_resend_interval} || '1'; }

# Templates to be used for quota emails which are send to the user
# when the various user quota levels have been exceeded.
userquota_warning_template = /etc/zarafa/quotamail/userwarning.mail
userquota_soft_template = /etc/zarafa/quotamail/usersoft.mail
userquota_hard_template = /etc/zarafa/quotamail/userhard.mail

# Templates to be used for quota emails which are send to the company administrators
# when the various company quota levels have been exceeded.
companyquota_warning_template = /etc/zarafa/quotamail/companywarning.mail
companyquota_soft_template = /etc/zarafa/quotamail/companysoft.mail
companyquota_hard_template = /etc/zarafa/quotamail/companyhard.mail

==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg ====
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg ====


# The socket that the license server will run on
# default: /var/run/zarafa-licensed
server_pipe_name = /var/run/zarafa-licensed

# The URL on which we can contact zarafa-server
# default: file:///var/run/zarafa
server_socket = file:///var/run/zarafa-prio

# Login to the Zarafa server using this SSL Key
sslkey_file = /etc/zarafa/ssl/licensed.pem

# The password of the SSL Key
sslkey_pass = replace-with-server-cert-password

# License path (should contain 'base' and CALs in other files)
license_path = /etc/zarafa/license

# drop privileges and run the process as this user
run_as_user =

# drop privileges and run the process as this group
run_as_group =

# create a pid file for stopping the service via the init.d scripts
pid_file = /var/run/

# run server in this path (when not using the -F switch)
running_path = /


# Logging method (syslog, file)
log_method = { ${'zarafa-licensed'}{log_method} || 'file'; }

# Logfile (for log_method = file, '-' for stderr)
log_file = /var/log/zarafa/licensed.log

# Loglevel (0=no logging, 5=full logging)
log_level = { ${'zarafa-licensed'}{log_level} || '2'; }

# Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
log_timestamp = { ${'zarafa-licensed'}{log_timestamp} || '1'; }

==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg ====
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg ====


# Outgoing mailserver name or IP address
smtp_server = localhost

# Port number for outgoing mailserver
smtp_port = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{smtp_port} || '25'; }

# Server unix socket location
server_socket = file:///var/run/zarafa

# drop privileges and run the process as this user
run_as_user =

# drop privileges and run the process as this group
run_as_group =

# create a pid file for stopping the service via the init.d scripts
pid_file = /var/run/

# run server in this path (when not using the -F switch)
running_path = /


# Logging method (syslog, file)
log_method = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{log_method} || 'file'; }

# Loglevel (0=no logging, 5=full logging)
log_level = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{log_level} || '3'; }

# Logfile for log_method = file
log_file = /var/log/zarafa/spooler.log

# Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
log_timestamp = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{log_timestamp} || '1'; }

# Note: server_socket must be set to https://servername:portname/zarafa
# to use this type of login method

# Login to the Zarafa server using this SSL Key
sslkey_file = /etc/zarafa/ssl/spooler.pem

# The password of the SSL Key
sslkey_pass = replace-with-server-cert-password


# Maximum number of threads used to send outgoing messages
# Default: 5
max_threads = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{max_threads} || '5'; }


# When sending an email that must go to a fax address, the address
# will be rewritten to <phonenumber>@<fax_domain>
fax_domain = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{fax_domain} || 'fax.local'; }

# If the received number starts with a '+', it will be replaced by
# the fax_international value.
# eg. +3112345678@fax.local will be rewritten to 003112345678@fax.local
fax_international = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{fax_international} || '00'; }


# Set this value to 'yes' to let the spooler always send emails with
# delegates (other user than yourself in the From: header)
# In installations before 6.20, this value was always 'yes'.
# IMPORTANT: This feature overrides "send-as" functionality.
always_send_delegates = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{always_send_delegates} || 'no'; }

# Set this value to 'no' if you do NOT want to allow redirected e-mails
# being sent with their original 'FROM' header
allow_redirect_spoofing = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{allow_redirect_spoofing} || 'yes'; }

# Copies the sent mail of delegates and send-as mails in the
# "Sent Items" folder of the representer.
copy_delegate_mails = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{copy_delegate_mails} || 'yes'; }

# Allow to forward and sent a meeting request as delegate Zarafa and
# SMTP user.
allow_delegate_meeting_request = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{allow_delegate_meeting_request} || 'yes'; }

# Allow users to send email to the 'everyone' group
allow_send_to_everyone = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{allow_send_to_everyone} || 'yes'; }


# Set this value to 'yes' to always send meeting request information
# using TNEF method (winmail.dat attachments)
# Otherwise, the meeting request information is sent using
# iCalendar (calendar.ics attachment).
always_send_tnef = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{always_send_tnef} || 'no'; }

# Send all e-mail always using the UTF-8 charset.
# Normally, the requested charset is used, which can be any charset.
always_send_utf8 = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{always_send_utf8} || 'no'; }

# The us-ascii charset will be upgraded to this charset, to allow more
# use of high-characters. Not used when always_send_utf8 is enabled.
charset_upgrade = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{charset_upgrade} || 'windows-1252'; }


# Set this value to 'yes' if groups should be expanded to their
# members; This means that the receiving party will see the names
# of the group members in the To: header for example. If set to
# 'no', the name of the group will appear in the headers.
# Note: groups with email addresses are never expanded
expand_groups = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{expand_groups} || 'no'; }


# Enable archive_on_send to automatically archive all outgoing
# messages.
# This will do nothing if no archive is attached to the source mailbox.
archive_on_send = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{archive_on_send} || 'no'; }

==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg ====
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg ====


# connection to the zarafa server
server_socket = file:///var/run/zarafa

# Note: server_socket must be set to https://servername:portname/zarafa
# to use this type of login method

# Login to the Zarafa server using this SSL Key
sslkey_file = /etc/zarafa/ssl/dagent.pem

# The password of the SSL Key
sslkey_pass = replace-with-dagent-cert-password


# Logging method (syslog, file)
log_method = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{log_method} || 'file'; }

# Loglevel (0=no logging, 5=full logging)
log_level = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{log_level} || '2'; }

# Logfile for log_method = file, use '-' for stderr
log_file = /var/log/zarafa/dagent.log

# Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
log_timestamp = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{log_timestamp} || '1'; }

# Log raw message to a file
log_raw_message = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{log_raw_message} || 'no'; }

# Log raw messages path
log_raw_message_path = /tmp

# start dagent with -d to create an lmtp daemon of the zarafa-dagent

# binding address for LMTP daemon
# change to if you require connections over the network
server_bind =

# LMTP port to listen on for LMTP connections
lmtp_port = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{lmtp_port} || '2003'; }

# Maximum LMTP threads that ca be running simultaneously
# This is also limited by your SMTP server. (20 is the postfix default concurrency limit)
lmtp_max_threads = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{lmtp_max_threads} || '20'; }

# Process model for LMTP daemon, using pthreads (thread) or processes (fork)
process_model = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{process_model} || 'fork'; }

# run as specific user in LMTP mode.
# make sure this user is listed in local_admin_users in your zarafa server config
# or use SSL connections with certificates to login
run_as_user =

# run as specific group in LMTP mode.
run_as_group =

# control pid file
pid_file = /var/run/

# The following e-mail header will mark the mail as spam, so the mail
# is placed in the Junk Mail folder, and not the Inbox.
# The name is case insensitive.
# set to empty to not use this detection scheme.
spam_header_name = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{spam_header_name} || 'X-Spam-Status'; }

# If the above header is found, and contains the following value
# the mail will be considered as spam.
# Notes:
# - The value is case insensitive.
# - Leading and trailing spaces are stripped.
# - The word 'bayes' also contains the word 'yes'.
spam_header_value = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{spam_header_value} || 'Yes'; }


# Enable archive_on_delivery to automatically archive all incoming
# messages on delivery.
# This will do nothing if no archive is attached to the target mailbox.
archive_on_delivery = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{archive_on_delivery} || 'no'; }

# Enable the addition of X-Zarafa-Rule-Action headers on messages
# that have been forwarded or replied by a rule.
# Default: yes
set_rule_headers = yes

==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates-user/.qmail/80Zarafa ====

my $zarafa = $user->prop('zarafa') || 'disabled';
my $zarafa2 = ${'zarafa-server'}{GlobalForward} || 'disabled';

if ($zarafa eq 'enabled' || $zarafa2 eq 'enabled')
{ return "| /usr/bin/zarafa-dagent -q $USERNAME ; if [ \$\? -ne 0 ] ; then exit -1; else exit 99; fi;"

==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates-user/.qmail-junkmail/01Zarafa ====

# vim: ft=perl:
die "USERNAME not set." unless defined ($USERNAME);

use esmith::AccountsDB;
$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro or die "Couldn't open AccountsDB";

$user = $adb->get($USERNAME) or die "No user $USERNAME in AccountsDB";

my $zarafa = $user->prop('zarafa') || 'disabled';
return "| /usr/bin/zarafa-dagent -qj $USERNAME ; if [ \$\? -ne 0 ] ; then exit -1; else exit 99; fi;"
if ($zarafa eq 'enabled');

=== ONLY FOR FIRST INSTALLATION : Execute zarafa-install ===
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-install


signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot

=== UPGRADING : Execute zarafa-update ===

Search in the Zarafa-releasenotes for new keys in the config-files and change the config-templates with these new keys


signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot

=== Managing Zarafa-users/companies ===
==== With Unix-plugin ====
Zarafa-users are created with the creation of a SME-user, but you have to enable delivery to zarafa for these SME-users.
===== Enable maildelivery to zarafa for a user : =====
db accounts setprop [USERNAME] zarafa enabled
===== Disable maildelivery to zarafa for a user : =====
db accounts setprop [USERNAME] zarafa disabled

===== Enable mail delivery to zarafa for ALL users (NOT RECOMMANDED - cf. junkmail-template not adjusted for GlobalForward) : =====
config setprop zarafa-server GlobalForward enabled
===== Other options for managing users =====
zarafa-admin --help

==== With DB-plugin ====
===== Create company =====
===== Create user =====
===== Disable maildelivery to zarafa for a user : =====
db accounts setprop [USERNAME] zarafa disabled
===== Other options for managing users/companies =====
zarafa-admin --help

=== Usefull commands ===

==== Change db-entries (Change default-values in zarafa-config-files) ====
config setprop [zarafa-service] [key] [value]
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services restart

===== Change loglevel to 5 (= max. (default = 2))=====
config setprop zarafa-server log_level 5
config setprop zarafa-dagent log_level 5
config setprop zarafa-spooler log_level 5
config setprop zarafa-monitor log_level 5
config setprop zarafa-ical log_level 5
config setprop zarafa-gateway log_level 5
config setprop zarafa-licensed log_level 5
config setprop zarafa-indexer log_level 5
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services restart

===== Change index-interval to 60 minutes (= max. (default = 5))=====
config setprop zarafa-indexer index_interval 60
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services restart

===== Setting system-email-address =====
config setprop zarafa-server system_email_address []
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services restart

==== View userdetails ====
zarafa-admin --details [user]

==== Setting send-emailadres for a user ====
zarafa-admin -u [user] -e [send-emailadres]

==== Quota-settings ====
zarafa-admin -u [user] --qo y --qw 1600 --qs 1800 --qh 2000

==== Give a user administrator-privileges ====
zarafa-admin -u [user] -a y

=== Connecting Outlook ===

On your Windowsclients, execute zarafaclient.msi (Moved earlier to an installshare in your network - cf. supra)

Configure Outlook (point it to your zarafaserver with the credentials of a created Zarafa-user (if DB-plugin : create Zarafa-users first))

=== Zarafa-documentation ===

==== Zarafa Administrator Manual ====
[ Zarafa Administrator Manual]
==== Help for the zarafa-admin-tool ====
zarafa-admin --help
==== man-pages ====
man zarafa-server
man zarafa-monitor
man zarafa-dagent
man zarafa-gateway
man zarafa-spooler
man zarafa-ical
man zarafa-indexer
man zarafa-licensed
man zarafa-server.cfg
man zarafa-monitor.cfg
man zarafa-dagent.cfg
man zarafa-gateway.cfg
man zarafa-spooler.cfg
man zarafa-ical.cfg
man zarafa-indexer.cfg
man zarafa-licensed.cfg
man zarafa-unix.cfg

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