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here is one workaround
here is one workaround
I found with the mapi error that I was getting was caused by my upgrade, PHP wouldn't start as the file was missing or something rather (log no longer has the message). How I fixed my issue was I deleted the symlink in the /usr/lib/ which pointed to which is deleted when you upgrade the packages for version 7. I then "reinstalled" libvmime-0.9.2+... and restarted the httpd damaen and all was right with the world. -- Garth Kirkwood (girkers)
I found with the mapi error that I was getting was caused by my upgrade, PHP wouldn't start as the file was missing or something rather (log no longer has the message). How I fixed my issue was I deleted the symlink in the /usr/lib/ which pointed to which is deleted when you upgrade the packages for version 7. I then "reinstalled" libvmime-0.9.2+... and restarted the httpd damaen and all was right with the world. -- girkers
==== php 5.3 ====
If you update your system against the testing repo, it will update php to version 5.3 and thus break things again. To fix the mapi error this time, I uninstalled php-mapi that was included with zarafa (I was using that was included with zarafa) and this also removes the two dependencies of zarafa-webaccess and zarafa-webaccess-mobile (if they are installed). I then downloaded an updated php-mapi, installed it and then reinstalled the webaccess rpms and restarted the httpd and all good again. - Girkers
The steps I did were:
cd /tmp
yum erase php-mapi
yum localinstall php53-mapi-7.0.1-1.el5.i386.rpm
cd zcp-[your version of zarafa]
yum localinstall zarafa-webaccess-*
sv t httpd-e-smith