MySQL Engine : Also in ''/opt/Funambol/bin/funambol'' change ''COMED=true'' to ''COMED=false'' somewhere around line 44 while you're at it (this prevents the start/stop script from trying to start or stop the Hypersonic database, since we’re going to use MySQL). After that, you can ''rm -rf /opt/Funambol/tools/hypersonic'' to save yet a bit more disk space if you want. | MySQL Engine : Also in ''/opt/Funambol/bin/funambol'' change ''COMED=true'' to ''COMED=false'' somewhere around line 44 while you're at it (this prevents the start/stop script from trying to start or stop the Hypersonic database, since we’re going to use MySQL). After that, you can ''rm -rf /opt/Funambol/tools/hypersonic'' to save yet a bit more disk space if you want. |