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* Review the General lexicon, you don't need to duplicate these entries in your contrib lexicon
* Review the General lexicon, you don't need to duplicate these entries in your contrib lexicon
==Outdated Contribs==
This is a list of contribs that need their lexicons updated,
If contribs are not updated after the April 2008 updates the server-manager panels appear unsorted
The easiest way to update lexicons is for the Author to import their contrib into the SME Contribs repository. Contrib authors please have a look at [[Package_Modification]] for that.
Contribs known to not have translations in UTF8 format: (please confirm these have problems, if you can link to source or list maintainer etc)
Temporary fix is to delete translations, eg
rm /etc/e-smith/locale/LANG/etc/e-smith/web/functions/PANEL
rm /etc/e-smith/locale/de/etc/e-smith/web/functions/qmh
* sme-crontab_manager
* smeserver-ddclient (lang de,fr panel ddclient)(being imported to smecontribs, will need testing)
* smeserver-phpsysinfo     
* smeserver-redoma     
* smeserver-squid_cache_mgt
* smeserver-service_control
* SMERPFax-0.8b1-1.noarch.rpm
These contribs are <u>not</u> causing problems, they don't have lexicons
* smeserver-affa
* smeserver-ajaxterm
* smeserver-asterisk
* smeserver-awstats
* smeserver-backup2ws
* smeserver-dirty-tools
* smeserver-durep-saco
* smeserver-ezmlm-web + dependencies
* smeserver-loginscript
* smeserver-lprng-monitor
* smeserver-nagios
* smeserver-nagios-backup
* smeserver-nagios-nrpe
* smeserver-nagios-nsca
* smeserver-nagiosgrapher
* smeserver-mailstats
* smeserver-openoffice-portable
* smeserver-password
* smeserver-phpmyadmin-multiuser 
* smeserver-phpwebftp
* smeserver-sarg   
* smeserver-sme7admin
* smeserver-squidproperties
* smeserver-squidguard
* smeserver-torrentflux
* smeserver-wbl
* smeserver-webshare
These have updates available in [ smecontribs]
* smeserver-dar2
* smeserver-fetchmail (update in smecontribs, different update available  [ here])
* smeserver-groupmembers-panel
* smeserver-subversion
* smeserver-sysmon     
* smeserver-usbdisksmanager ('''NEEDS TESTING!''')
=== Simple (and dirty) way to discover the incompatible contrib panel ===
The following command will list all incompatible translation files.
find /etc/e-smith/locale/ -type f | xargs --verbose -n1 iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-8 > /dev/null
After finding the above files you can determine which package they belong to (if it isn't obvious) by running the following command:
rpm -qf /etc/e-smith/locale/lang/etc/e-smith/web/functions/panelname
And replace the "lang" and "panelname" with what the first command spits out.
To fix temporally this issue, create a temporary folder in your SME, like /root/paneltemp
'''MOVE''' those problematic lexicon files to your temp folder.
Then run the command:
=== Conversion Script ===
German forum user yythoss created a nice script that can do the conversion for you, the original post is [ here].
A new and improved version was posted in the [ forums] by unnilennium, it can be [ downloaded from the bugtracker].
{{Note box|msg=[ This version] of the script is safe to run multiple times and should create a backup of each file before converting it, compared to the original script by yythoss that did not create a backup and should only be run once.}}
After completion your server-manager should work as normal again.
<noinclude>[[Category: Howto]]</noinclude>

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