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==IAXModem for SME Server==
This Howto is aimed at the installation of IAXModem in conjunction with SAIL/asterisk and Hylafax in order to provide a fax over VOIP solution. It is based on information from various forum posts including:
This Howto is for the installation of IAXModem in conjunction with Asterisk, SAIL and HylaFax in order to provide a fax over VOIP solution. It is based on information from various forum posts [,39258.msg179460.html] [,41256.msg219493.html]
For further info see also
*[ Selintra SarkPBX]
*[ IaxModem]
*[ Hylafax]
*[[Asterisk]] and [[HylaFax]] Contribs Wiki entries
This Howto has only been tested with
*Asterisk - 1.4
*Sail - 2.4.1
*Hylafax Contrib from Dungog - smeserver-hylafax-0.9.6 with hylafax-4.4.4-1
No other asterisk contribs or implementations have been used or tested.,41256.msg219493.html
{{Note box|This has only been tested with Asterisk, Sail 2.4.1-2 and the Hylafax Contrib from Dungog smeserver-hylafax-0.9.6 with hylafax-4.4.4-1
It is assumed that you have a working Sail/asterisk installation before you start.  
No other asterisk implementations have used}
===Sail and Asterisk Setup===
===Sail and Asterisk Setup===
====Global Settings====
In ''Global Settings''
*Make sure that ''Late Termination'' is set to 'No'.
*Make sure that the ''Autosense FAX Extension'' is set to a number you want to use for the Fax. You will need this number later.
*The ''Fax Delay'' setting defaults to 2 seconds. You may need to adjust this later to make sure faxes get detected before asterisk attempts to terminate somewhere other than the FAX.
For each Trunk under ''Trunklines'' that you want to be able to detect incoming Faxes on
*Make sure that the ''Fax'' detection tick box is ticked
*Include a ''Transformation String'' of '95:' at the beginning
{{Tip box|We will configure HylaFax later to prefix dialled numbers with 95 so we can identify them as an outgoing fax and route them as desired.
You can use any prefix you want, not just 95 as long as you use it consistently.
See Fax Route and HylaFax sections later}}
====Fax Route====
Create a new Route for faxes with dialplan(s) starting with 95.
example: 95X.
and with ''Paths'' pointing to the Trunks on which you wish to receive faxes - those with ''Fax'' detection ticked as above
====Fax Extension====
Create a new Extension with the same number as set in the ''Autosense FAX Extension'' as above. The ''Device'' should be 'IAXModem'.
{{Note box|We will assume an ''Extension Number'' of '2000' (the iaxmodem rpm installed later defaults to this), a ''Password'' (secret) of 'asterisk' and a ''Display Name'' of 'FaxModem'}}
Once created check the stanza generally conforms to the following and change as necessary:
callerid="Faxmodem" <2000>
{{Note box| The 'secret' is a strong extension password generated automatically by Sail. It should not be changed, other than to another strong password. The value shown above is a dummy example.}}
{{Note box| The latest revisions of Sail generate ACL deny/permit security in the stanza. The <nowiki>permit=</nowiki> ACL will default to allow access on the local IP. You will need to change this to as above}}
{{Note box| After updating to Asterisk14-1.4.28-88, the fax extension fails to register, and gives the following error in the asterisk cli,
<nowiki>chan_iax2.c:4322 handle_call_token: Call rejected, CallToken Support required. If unexpected, resolve by placing address in the calltokenoptional list or setting user 2000 requirecalltoken=no </nowiki>
Add <nowiki>requirecalltoken=no</nowiki> to stanza for fax extension and it will register OK again}}
{{Note box|Sail installs /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S93iaxmodem but does not install /etc/rc.d/init.d/iaxmodem
Current version of iaxmodem is 1.2 but there doesn't appear to be a Centos 4 package for it anywhere}}
Download the iaxmodem rpm from Selintra and install
yum localinstall iaxmodem-1.0.0-1.noarch.rpm
{{Warning box|The rpm from Selintra does not install an /etc/rc.d/init.d/iaxmodem script. This version of iaxmodem apparently relied upon an inittab entry for starting but we are going to start it as a service so will need to create the required script. A copy of the current version 1.2 code is reproduced at the end of this Howto. You may need to set the permissions and ownership.}}
Use a template fragment to generate the required Iaxmodem configuration file ''ttyIAX0'' in /etc/iaxmodem so that changes survive a reconfiguration and reboot etc.
*Create the template directory
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/iaxmodem/ttyIAX0
cd /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/iaxmodem/ttyIAX0
*Now create and edit a new file called ''modem'' with the following content
    use esmith::DB::db;
    $OUT  = "";
    my $db = esmith::DB::db->open_ro('/home/e-smith/db/selintra');
    unless ($db)
        warn "Couldn't open Selintra DB in Iaxmodem ttyIAX0 template fragment. Using Defaults\n";
    my $extension = $db->get_prop('global','FAX')        || "2000";
    my $pass      = $db->get_prop($extension,'passwd')  || "asterisk";
    my $cidname  = $db->get_prop($extension,'desc')    || "Noname";
    my $cidnumber = $db->get_prop($extension,'callerid') || "0123456789";
    $OUT .= "device          /dev/ttyIAX\n";
    $OUT .= "owner          uucp:uucp\n";
    $OUT .= "mode            660\n";
    $OUT .= "port            4570\n";
    $OUT .= "refresh        60\n";
    $OUT .= "server\n";
    $OUT .= "peername        $extension\n";
    $OUT .= "secret          $pass\n";
    $OUT .= "cidname        $cidname\n";
    $OUT .= "cidnumber      $cidnumber\n";
    $OUT .= "codec          slinear\n";
*Save and close the file.
*Now expand the template
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/iaxmodem/ttyIAX0
*This will create the necessary ttyIAX0 file, using the settings from Sail/Asterisk. It assumes you have set the Fax extension in ''globals'' and have created a valid ''extension'' of type ''IAXModem''.
{{Note box|If the required settings are not available in Sail/asterisk then it defaults to an extension of ''2000'', a secret/password of ''asterisk'', a CID Name of ''NoName'' and Caller ID of ''0123456789''. The default password of 'asterisk' is not secure and both this and the 'secret' value of the extension in Sail should be changed to a strong password. If the extension has been created in Sail then a strong password will have been generated automatically}}
====Check and Run====
Check the modem registers with Sail and Asterisk
/usr/local/sbin/iaxmodem ttyIAX0
should give an output similar to
Modem started
Setting device = '/dev/ttyIAX'
Setting owner = 'uucp:uucp'
Setting mode = '660'
Setting port = 4570
Setting refresh = 60
Setting server = ''
Setting peername = '2000'
Setting secret = 'asterisk'
Setting cidname = 'YourCompany'
Setting cidnumber = '0123456789'
Setting codec = slinear
Opened pty, slave device: /dev/pts/0
Created /dev/ttyIAX symbolic link
Registration completed successfully.
and in an asterisk CLI
--Registered IAX2 '2000' (AUTHENTICATED) at
db configuration set iaxmodem service status enabled
/etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S93iaxmodem start
If you make any changes within Sail/asterisk such as the fax number, or fax extension details, don't forget to update Iaxmodem
/sbin/e-smith/expand-templates /etc/iaxmodem/ttyIAX0
/etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S93iaxmodem restart
Install the [[HylaFax]] contrib.
When you run faxsetup, at the end it will ask to continue and run faxaddmodem to setup a modem.
Enter 'ttyIAX' as the modem port and continue and set other values as required. The IAXModem should be discovered if it was working OK, is started and running as above.
Do not reboot or start HylaFax yet.
Edit /etc/hylafax/etc/config.ttyIAX and add
ModemDialCmd:        ATDT95%s
{{Note box|This will prefix all numbers dialled by HylaFax with 95 so they can be identified and routed by SAIL}}
Also check
# make attachments readable
RecvFileMode:          0666
LogFileMode:            0666
DeviceMode:            0666
# for shared lines set to 10
RingsBeforeAnswer:      1
# change to suit
SpeakerVolume:          quiet
LocalIdentifier:        "YourCompany"
Now if you want you can configure who receives faxes by editing
Finally set the modem port in the database
db configuration setprop hylafax port ttyIAX
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/inittab
/sbin/init q
Now continue with the contrib setup for Hylafax
Incoming faxes on a Trunkline with detection enabled should be detected by asterisk. You may need to increase the ''Fax Detect Delay'' in ''Global Settings'' of SAIL to ensure the fax is detected and routed to the fax extension before the call is routed anywhere else.
Once detected the incoming fax should be routed to the ''Autosense FAX Extension'', where IAXModem will answer and pass the fax to Hylafax.
Outgoing faxes emailed to 'user@0123987654.fax' will be sent by Hylafax to IAXModem with a dial string prefixed by 95, for example 950123987654. This will initiate a call in asterisk. The 95 prefix will be recognised as the fax route and the call passed to the relevant outgoing Trunk, where the 95 is stripped off and the real number dialled.
===iaxmodem Startup Script===
The following is the code for the /etc/rc.d/init.d/iaxmodem script from the current iaxmodem-1.2.0.tar.gz source. You will need to create this file and add the code below in order for iaxmodem to be automatically started as a service and controlled by the SME Server configuration database settings. Alternatively download the iaxmodem-1.2.0.tar.gz source file and extract it yourself (iaxmodem.fedora)
# Startup script for iaxmodem
# chkconfig: 2345 95 05
# description: IAXModem for asterisk <-> Hylafax gateway
# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
[ -f /usr/local/sbin/iaxmodem ] || exit 0
start() {
    echo -n $"Starting $prog: "
    daemon /usr/local/sbin/iaxmodem
    return $RETVAL
stop() {
    if test "x`pidof iaxmodem`" != x; then
        echo -n $"Stopping $prog: "
        killproc iaxmodem
    return $RETVAL
reload() {
    if test "x`pidof iaxmodem`" != x; then
      echo $"Reloading $prog"
      kill -HUP `head -1 /var/run/`
case "$1" in
            status iaxmodem
            if test "x`pidof iaxmodem`" != x; then
            echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|reload|restart|condrestart|status}"
            exit 1
exit $RETVAL
Don't forget to change the ownership and permissions if necessary
chown root:root /etc/rc.d/init.d/iaxmodem
chmod 766 /etc/rc.d/init.d/iaxmodem

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