Description - The amount of memory; RAM, to be used for caching the so called: In-Transit objects, Hot Objects, Negative-Cached objects. This is an optimization feature. Squid can use much more memory than the value specified in this parameter, if you have 48 MB free for Squid, put 48/3 = 16 MB. The value is specified in megabytes.
Description - Objects larger than this size will NOT be saved on disk. The value is specified in kilobytes.
Description - Specifies in this order,
Which kind of storage system to use; ufs
The name of the cache directory; /var/spool/squid
The disk space in megabytes to use under this directory; 3000 Megabytes
The number of first-level subdirectories to be created under the cache directory; 16 Level-1
The number of second-level subdirectories to be created under each first-level cache directory; 256 Level-2