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238 bytes removed ,  21:30, 25 October 2023
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{{Note box| For v10 we have created a new update version of PHPKi called PHPKi-ng with fixes and higher security defaults. If you used the previous version you will need to create a new CA and certificates. We have imported the original version to contribs if you really need to use it, but it is not recommended, and will not be generally released.}}
[[User:VIP-ire|Daniel B.]]<br/>
[ Firewall Services]<br>
[][[User:VIP-ire|Daniel B.]] from [ Firewall Services]
Now maintained by Koozali SME
=== Version ===
=== Version ===
Old version prior SME10:smeserver-phpki and phpki
New Version:
{{ #smeversion: smeserver-phpki }}
{{#smeversion: smeserver-phpki-ng }}
{{ #smeversion: phpki }}
{{#smeversion: phpki-ng }}
Please follow the installation instructions below. The installation instructions will satisfy all dependencies for this contrib will install the above 2 RPMs automatically.
Please follow the installation instructions below. The installation instructions will satisfy all dependencies and the latest versions of the above 2 RPMs will be installed automatically.
=== Description ===
=== Description ===
[ PHPki] is an Open Source Web application for managing a multi-agency PKI for HIPAA compliance. With it, you may create and centrally manage X.509 certificates for use with S/MIME enabled e-mail clients, SSL servers, and VPN applications.
[ PHPki] is an Open Source Web application for managing a multi-agency PKI for HIPAA compliance. With it, you may create and centrally manage X.509 certificates for use with S/MIME enabled e-mail clients, SSL servers, and VPN applications. PHPki is now used to manage certificates with the latest release of the [[OpenVPN_Bridge|SME Server OpenVPN Bridge contrib]].
You can see a demo installation [ here.]
=== Requirements ===
{{Warning box|This version of PHPki is a slightly modified version, so it can be used with certificates generated with previous release of smeserver-openvpn-bridge, plus some others minor modifications.
Starting phpki-ng-0.84, default_md has been upgraded to sha512 (previous was sha1). You can keep your existing CA working, but we strongly advise you to upgrade to a new instance, as the weak sha1 hash is a security issue.
=== Installation ===
PHPki is now used to manage certificates with the new release of smeserver-openvpn-bridge.
{{Warning box| If openvpn is not detected PHPKi cannot generate a TA Key and it should advise you during install. To generate a TA Key once you have openvpn installed do this (assuming this is the correct directory)
openvpn --genkey --secret /opt/phpki/phpki-store/CA/private/takey.pem
chown phpki:phpki /opt/phpki/phpki-store/CA/private/takey.pem}}
You can see a demo installation [ here]
<tabs container><tab name="SME 10">
*install the rpms
yum --enablerepo=smecontribs install smeserver-phpki-ng
=== Requirements ===
go to the server-manager to the manage certificate menu and start creating your CA certificate
*SME Server 7.X
Verified on:
Warning click only once and wait for the page to update it can be very long to create the 4096 certificate...
SME Server 7.4 - [[User:RequestedDeletion|RequestedDeletion]]
<tab name="SME 9">
you have to enable the [[epel]] repository
*install the rpms
yum --enablerepo=smecontribs,epel install smeserver-phpki
{{Warning box|This version of PHPki is a slightly modified version, so it can be used with certificates generated with previous release of smeserver-openvpn-bridge, plus some others minor modifications.
*and start/restart needed services:
expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
expand-template /etc/httpd/pki-conf/httpd.conf
sv t /service/httpd-e-smith
sv u /service/httpd-pki
* alternatively issue the following :
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
=== Installation ===
on update you can issue
expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
expand-template /etc/httpd/pki-conf/httpd.conf
sv t /service/httpd-e-smith
sv t /service/httpd-pki
*install the rpms and start/restart needed services:
<tab name="SME 8">
For sme8
*install the rpms
  yum --enablerepo=smecontribs install smeserver-phpki
  yum --enablerepo=smecontribs install smeserver-phpki
*and start/restart needed services:
  expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  expand-template /etc/httpd/pki-conf/httpd.conf
  expand-template /etc/httpd/pki-conf/httpd.conf
Line 41: Line 78:  
  sv u /service/httpd-pki
  sv u /service/httpd-pki
* alternatively issue the following :
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
*Configure your new PKI
=== Configure your new PKI ===
Go in the server-manager, you'll find a new "Manage Certificates" menu (or you can use the URL https://server.domain.tld/phpki/ca)
Go in the server-manager, you'll find a new "Manage Certificates" menu (or you can use the URL https://server.domain.tld/phpki/ca)
Line 59: Line 100:  
**URL of your PKI (https://my.domain.tld/phpki)
**URL of your PKI (https://my.domain.tld/phpki)
Others settings should be OK for most installations.
These two screenshots illustrate the first (and the most important) part of this configuration page:
Once you have submitted this form, you'll be able to start using PHPki. It's quite easy to use.
[[File:PHPki_CA_initial_setup_data_part_1.png|768px|thumb|center|First part of the initiale configuration page (above)]]
[[File:PHPki_CA_initial_setup_data_part_2.png|768px|thumb|center|First part of the initiale configuration page (low)]]
The second part is like this:
[[File:PHPki_CA_initial_setup_options.png|768px|thumb|center|Second part of the initiale configuration page]]
The default settings should be OK for most installations. You may just want to change the "Help Document Contact Info" part.
Once you have submitted this form (which can take several minutes, '''be patient''', as generating dh parameters can take a long time), you should have something like this:
[[File:Phpki_init_finish.png|768px|thumb|center|Second part of the initiale configuration page]]
Now you'll be able to start using PHPki. It's quite easy to use.
The administrative interface is available on the server-manager or directly https://my.domain.tld/phpki/ca
The administrative interface is available on the server-manager or directly https://my.domain.tld/phpki/ca
Line 68: Line 124:  
Here, users can download the Master CA certificate, the CRL, or search for certificates of other users (public part only of course).
Here, users can download the Master CA certificate, the CRL, or search for certificates of other users (public part only of course).
{{Warning box|If you just installed the [[OpenVPN_Bridge]] contrib and are installing PHPki as suggested by the wiki page, then you are done here, and you don't have to migrate any certificates}}
{{Note box|If you just installed the [[OpenVPN_Bridge]] contrib and are installing PHPki as suggested by the wiki page, or you just want to use [[PHPki]] without [[OpenVPN_Bridge]] contrib, then you are done here, and you don't have to migrate any certificates}}
{{Note box|starting phpki-ng-0.84-14 new URL are available to access your CRL and request for certificate status
=== Migrate Certificates from previous OpenVPN-Bridge contrib installations===
If you are installing this phpki contrib because you of [[OpenVPN_Bridge]] contrib, and have used [[OpenVPN_Bridge]] before and have already certificates, follow the instructions below. If you have a fresh and new install of [[OpenVPN_Bridge]], skip the below instructions for you do not have 'old' certificates!
PHPki is now the certificate manager recommended to manage [[OpenVPN_Bridge]] certificates.
=== Add another admin  ===
This part will explain how-to import your certificates created with openvpn-bridge into PHPki
if you happen to need to delegate certificate generation, you can use user-panel to add access to the panel, but you will also need to add the user manually to phpki config 
* First, you need to install the contribs as it's explain on this page (you can enter anything for the configuration of the CA, all your old parameters will be restored)
edit /opt/phpki/phpki-store/config/config.php<syntaxhighlight lang="php">
#$PHPki_admins = Array(md5('admin'));
$PHPki_admins = Array(md5('admin'),md5('user2'));
* Second, you need to copy this script on your server (for example as /root/ and execute it as root.
{{Warning box|Of course, take some time to read this script before runing it as root.}}
=== Uninstall ===
To uninstall the contrib from your server, just run the following commands:
yum remove smeserver-phpki-ng phpki-ng
expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
systemctl restart /service/httpd-e-smith
{{Note box|As with many other rpms, removing phpki won't remove everything from your server. Especially certificates will be kept, and some php files. PHPKi-ng will attempt to backup any old certificates.
Certificates and PKI configuration are stored in /opt/phpki/phpki-store, php files are in /opt/phpki/html
{{Warning box|To start from scratch after uninstallation you need to get rid of the html and pkpki-store directories before reinstalling.  
# Read Openvpn-Bridge DB
The files in phpki-store can be very important, so my recommendation is to let them remain here. If you really want to remove them, just backup them before:
ORGNAME=$(/sbin/e-smith/db openvpn-bridge getprop default_config organizationName)
  cd /opt/phpki
COUNTRY=$(/sbin/e-smith/db openvpn-bridge getprop default_config countryCode)
  tar cvzf ~/phpki-backup.tar.gz ./
STATE=$(/sbin/e-smith/db openvpn-bridge getprop default_config countryName)
Now you can remove the entire /opt/phpki directory
LOC=$(/sbin/e-smith/db openvpn-bridge getprop default_config localityName)
rm /opt/phpki/{html,phpki-store} -rf
DEP=$(/sbin/e-smith/db openvpn-bridge getprop default_config sectionName)
KEYSIZE=$(/sbin/e-smith/db openvpn-bridge getprop default_config keySize)
EMAIL=$(/sbin/e-smith/db openvpn-bridge getprop default_config mailAddress)
# Store the actual time in $TIME
TIME=$(date +%d%m%Y%H%M%S)
# Create needed directories
        mkdir -p $NEWDIR/{certs,newcerts,requests,pfx,private}
# Migrate the certificates to phpki store
        cd $OLDDIR
        # Copy the old index.txt and serial
        cat $OLDDIR/index.txt > $NEWDIR/index.txt
        cat serial > $NEWDIR/serial
        # Copy the cacert related files
        cat ca.crt > $NEWDIR/certs/cacert.pem
        cat ca.key > $NEWDIR/private/cakey.pem
        # Now, for each file ending with .crt
        for CERT in $(ls ./*.crt); do
                CERT=$(basename $CERT .crt)
                ISININDEX=$(grep -c "/CN=$CERT/" $NEWDIR/index.txt)
                # If the current cert isn't referenced in the index,
                # or the corresponding key or csr file dosn't exists, then skip it
                # This can happen in some situation where the serial has been corrupted
                if [ $ISININDEX == 1 ]&&[ -s $CERT.key ]&&[ -s $CERT.csr ]; then
                        # Retrieve the serial number as reported by  openssl
                        SERIAL=$(openssl x509 -noout -serial -in $CERT.crt | cut -d"=" -f 2)
                        # Create the pem only cert in the new dir
                        $OPENSSL x509 -in $CERT.crt -inform PEM -outform PEM -out $NEWDIR/newcerts/$SERIAL.pem
                        # Create the der formated cert
                        $OPENSSL x509 -in $CERT.crt -inform PEM -outform DER -out $NEWDIR/certs/$SERIAL.der
                        # And the pkcs12 bundle (cert+key+ca)
                        $OPENSSL pkcs12 -export -in $CERT.crt -inkey $CERT.key -certfile ca.crt -caname $ORGNAME -passout pass: -out $NEWDIR/pfx/$SERIAL.pfx
                        # Copy the private key
                        cat $CERT.key > $NEWDIR/private/$SERIAL-key.pem
                        # And the cert request
                        cat $CERT.csr > $NEWDIR/requests/$SERIAL-req.pem
        # Restrict access
        chown -R phpki:phpki $NEWDIR
        chmod -R o-rwx $NEWDIR
        # Retrieve the common name of our CA with openssl command
        CACN=$($OPENSSL x509 -subject -noout -in $OLDDIR/ca.crt | cut -d'=' -f 8 | cut -d'/' -f 1)
        if [ -e /opt/phpki/phpki-store/config/config.php ]; then
                # Move the actual phpki configuration file             
                mv /opt/phpki/phpki-store/config/config.php /opt/phpki/phpki-store/config/config.php.$TIME
                # And use sed to configure it properly
                sed -e "s/config\['organization'\].*/config\['organization'\] = '$ORGNAME';/" \
                        -e "s/config\['unit'\].*/config\['unit'\] = '$DEP';/" \
                        -e "s/config\['contact'\].*/config\['contact'\] = '$EMAIL';/" \
                        -e "s/config\['locality'\].*/config\['locality'\] = '$LOC';/" \
                        -e "s/config\['province'\].*/config\['province'\] = '$STATE';/" \
                        -e "s/config\['country'\].*/config\['country'\] = '$COUNTRY';/" \
                        -e "s/config\['common_name'\].*/config\['common_name'\] = '$CACN';/" \
                        -e "s/config\['ca_pwd'\].*/config\['ca_pwd'\] = <nowiki>''</nowiki>;/" \
                        -e "s/config\['keysize'\].*/config\['keysize'\] = '$KEYSIZE';/" \
                        /opt/phpki/phpki-store/config/config.php.$TIME \
                        > /opt/phpki/phpki-store/config/config.php
        # Here, we just migrate dhparam and ta to phpki store
        if [ -e $OLDDIR/dh.pem ]; then
                cat $OLDDIR/dh.pem > $NEWDIR/private/dhparam1024.pem
        if [ -e $OLDDIR/ta.key ]; then
                cat $OLDDIR/ta.key > $NEWDIR/private/takey.pem
=== Re-install ===
Now, go in the server-manager, in "Manage Certificates" and check your old certificates are here.
==== before phpki-ng 0.84-14 ====
If you have removed the contrib, and want to re-install it keeping your previous CA (assuming you restored /opt/phpki), you'll need to follow these steps after you have installed the rpms:
=== Uninstall ===
cd /opt/phpki/html/
  yum remove smeserver-phpki phpki
rm -f index.php
  remove /opt/phpki manually
rm -f setup.php
  expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  ln -s main.php index.php
cat config.php.rpmsave > config.php
cd ca
rm -f index.php
ln -s main.php index.php
  cd /opt/phpki/
  chown phpki:phpki -R phpki-store
chown root:phpki -R html/config.php
=== Bugs ===
=== Bugs ===
Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in [ bugzilla]
Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in [ bugzilla].
and select the smeserver-phpki component or use {{BugzillaFileBug|product=SME%20Contribs|component=smeserver-phpki|title=this link}}
For the new smeserver-phpki-ng, select the smeserver-phpki-ng component or use {{BugzillaFileBug|product=SME%20Contribs|component=smeserver-phpki-ng|title=this link}}
{{#bugzilla:columns=id,product,version,status,summary |sort=id |order=desc |component=smeserver-phpki-ng|noresultsmessage="No open bugs found."}}
For the new phpki-ng itself select the phpki-ng component or use {{BugzillaFileBug|product=SME%20Contribs|component=phpki-ng|title=this link}}
{{#bugzilla:columns=id,product,version,status,summary |sort=id |order=desc |component=phpki-ng|noresultsmessage="No open bugs found."}}
=== Changelog ===
Only released version in smecontrib are listed here.


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