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77 bytes removed ,  11:23, 20 December 2008
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{{Warning box|This is an alhpa release. Beware. For non-production testing only.}}
{{Warning box|This is an alhpa release. Beware. For non-production testing only.}}
Darrrels rpm, favours db method, co exist with horde
Darrrels rpm, favours db method, co exist with horde [the rest of the wiki refers to stephens rpm] > smeserver-zarafa-0.9-XX.noarch.rpm > smeserver-zarafa-0.9-XX.noarch.rpm
  yum localinstall smeserver-zarafa-0.9-XX.noarch.rpm
  yum localinstall smeserver-zarafa-0.9-XX.noarch.rpm
Line 45: Line 45:  
  yum install smeserver-zarafa --enablerepo=smedev
  yum install smeserver-zarafa --enablerepo=smedev
After rpm install executing two action scripts _should_ get you started:
Choose which Authentication method, db, unix or ldap
Run the install scripts
After creating a user on SME, create a zarafa account and redirect mail to zarafa with
With the db method, First create a user on SME, then create a zarafa account
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Note, Mail is sent to zarafa, and NOT the users ~/Maildir  
Note, Mail is sent to zarafa, and NOT the users ~/Maildir  
SME pop, imap and horde webmail is disabled
Standard mail ports are used by Zarafa
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To access mail in Zarafa with an email client, configure your IMAP client to use port 144, or 944 for IMAPS
It's possible to use the standard IMAP ports of 143 and 993 if you edit gateway.conf and disable SME's IMAP
The Thunderbird client uses its own Trash folder, not the Zarafa "Deleted Items" folder. This can be changed by editing the prefs.js profile file. See this Mozilla how-to [] for details.
The Thunderbird client uses its own Trash folder, not the Zarafa "Deleted Items" folder. This can be changed by editing the prefs.js profile file. See this Mozilla how-to [] for details.
  user_pref("", "");
  user_pref("", "");
Line 89: Line 92:  
To access the calendar functions with an iCal client eg, Thunderbird and Lighting
To access the calendar functions with an iCal client eg, Thunderbird and Lighting
in Tbird/Lightning > New Calendar > on network > ical > http://<domain>:8080/ical/<user>/calendar/
in Tbird/Lightning > New Calendar > on network > ical > http://<domain>:8088/ical/<user>/calendar/
8080 may change see /etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg
8080 may change see /etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg
Line 135: Line 138:  
Expand the template:
Expand and restart
  # expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  sv restart httpd-e-smith
Restart httpd (the currently for Zarafa only save way):
  # sv restart httpd-e-smith
=====SSL Synchronization with Windows Mobile devices=====
=====SSL Synchronization with Windows Mobile devices=====
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Perform a user mail sync from SME/IMAP (host1/port1) to Zarafa/IMAP (host2/port2)
Perform a user mail sync from SME/IMAP (host1/port1) to Zarafa/IMAP (host2/port2) [NOTE, ports have changed]
  imapsync --noauthmd5 --host1 localhost --port1 143 --user1 <username> --password1 <password> --sep2 / --prefix2 "" --host2 localhost --port2 144 --user2 <username> --password2 <password>
  imapsync --noauthmd5 --host1 localhost --port1 143 --user1 <username> --password1 <password> --sep2 / --prefix2 "" --host2 localhost --port2 144 --user2 <username> --password2 <password>

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