Changes to this file will be overwriten during upgrades.
Changes to this file will be overwriten during upgrades.
===Command line manual Restore from USB drive or memory stick===
This is not the usual recommended way to do Restores, but if required it can be achieved.
Q) Is it possible to restore the server without a screen and CDROM ? Can this be done via ssh over the local network ?
A) A restore is possible using the following steps:
Fresh install of sme OS
Copy the previously made backup file, smeserver.tgz, to a fresh node
Login to command prompt as root
signal-event pre-restore
tar -C / xzvf smeserver.tgz
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event post-upgrade
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event reboot
After reboot login to admin-console to change IPs to suit network
Save & Reboot
System should now be online & operational
Different USB-Disks/Sticks and have been tested and it was observed that external USB-Drives with external Power run error free, but some USB-Sticks and USB-Disks powered by the USB port bus, can have issues (possibly low voltage/Hal-Daemon problems).
===Backup and Restore concepts, issues and other information===
===Backup and Restore concepts, issues and other information===