1,015 bytes added
, 21:31, 7 October 2008
MailArchiva is a state-of-the-art email archiving system.
===Enable SME maillog archiving following this FAQ:===
===Download MailArchiva===
# tar -zxvf mailarchiva_opensource_edition_v1_7_8k_linux_32bit.tar.gz
# cd ./mailarchiva_dist
# ./install.sh
===SME Server specific config changes===
# config set mailarchiva service TCPPort 8090 access private status enabled
# ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99mailarchiva
===Configure MailArchiva===
Read and follow: mailarchiva_opensource_edition_v1_7_administration_guide.pdf
Step 1: Create a Volume and enter your Email Encryption Password
Step 2: Add your Domains
Step 3: Add a Journal Account Connection, username = maillog, test the connection
MailArchiva should now be ready and working.