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The latest version of the rpm can be found in the smetest repo at
The latest version of the rpm can be found in the smetest repo at
and the current version is e-smith-backup-1.15.0-14.el4.sme.noarch.rpm, although this may change due to bug fixes and improvements.
and the current version (at 7 Oct 2008) is e-smith-backup-1.15.0-22.el4.sme.noarch.rpm, although this may change due to bug fixes and improvements.
Please report any bugs to bugzilla, perhaps using this bug number
Please report any bugs to bugzilla, perhaps using this bug number
or a new one if the problem is different.
or a new one if the problem is different.
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It can be configured to do daily full or incremental backup to a smbfs/cifs/nfs share on a LAN workstation or to a local USB disk.
It can be configured to do daily full or incremental backup to a smbfs/cifs/nfs share on a LAN workstation or to a local USB disk.
An email notification will be sent to admin when the backup job finishes.
An email notification will be sent to admin when the backup job finishes.
This contrib uses dar to perform backups, so you need to install the dar & libdar rpm's as well, also available from the smetest repo.
This contrib uses dar to perform backups, so you need to install the dar & libdar rpm's as well, available from the smecontribs repo.