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5,403 bytes added ,  08:26, 4 October 2011
Added information on updating php-mapi if upgraded php to version 5.3
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Forum thread on Zarafa
=== Zarafa7 on SME8 ===
If you want to test the new Zarafa 7 version on SME8b6: install as described [[Zarafa | here]], download the needed files from [[bugzilla:5789]] => Comment#5 and extract as described, make the following symbolic links and restart apache:
ln -s /lib/ /usr/lib/
ln -s /lib/ /usr/lib/
sv t httpd-e-smith
Darrell, thinks this is worth looking at, so lets co-ordinate here
=== Dependancies ===
Add steps and fragments below and we will create a smeserver-zarafa rpm
Here are links to all the dependencies that I used for version (free):
libicu -
poppler-utils -
poppler -
hicolor-icon-theme -
bitstream-vera-fonts -
w3m -
[[User:Snoble|Snoble]] 23:40, 23 September 2008 (UTC)
If you are upgrading from version 6 you will also need these dependencies:
MySQL-python -
mx -
== Here is what I did to get Zarafa running. Lots more to do... ==
- Garth Kirkwood (girkers)
Download Zarafa
=== Installation ===
To make things a bit more easy for non Zarafa experts, I used this procedure for a clean install.
Get zcp 7.01, unpack, remove the devel packages and install all rpm's:  
yum localinstall *.rpm
All packages have dependencies that cannot be resolved if you install only part of the rpm's (as suggested installation instruction for zcp 6.40).  
Distribution = Rhel 4
Then install smeserver-zarafa. I could not retrieve this file from the smevdev repository (sme8 uses another one?).
Get it manually and install:
yum localinstall smeserver-zarafa-0.9.0-53.el4.sme.noarch.rpm
  tar -zxvf zarafa-6.20-rhel4-i386.tar.gz
yum localinstall libvmime*.rpm
expand the php-mapi patch patch and and the symbolic links (see first text block above: Zarafa7 on SME8).
yum localinstall libical*.rpm
yum localinstall zarafa-6*.rpm
yum localinstall zarafa-webaccess-6*.rpm
Create the Database
If you use webaccess mobile, change 86ZarafaAlias template [[bugzilla:6552]]
mysqladmin create zarafa
If you use z-push, download and install (see [[Zarafa | here]] mobile synchronization).
mysql -e "grant all privileges on zarafa.* to zarafa@localhost identified by 'yourpassword'"
You have to change the name of the installation folder from z-push<version #> to z-push, because this is expected by the smeserver-zarafa package.
  mysql -e "flush privileges"
The download extracts correctly but leaves the file and group ownership to some unknown user 33. I changed that (might not be necessary, I consider it a small security risk).
  chown -R root:root /var/www/html/z-push
Edit the server config file
Then post-upgrade and restart.
  nano /etc/zarafa/server.cfg
For upgrades (tested with 6.40.2): zarafa-server does not start, there is an error message in the /var/log/zarafa/zarafa-server.log file which tells you to update the database first. A python script is provided to do just that. See also [[ zarafa administration manual]]!
  mysql_user = zarafa
Stop running zarafa services, make sure a backup of the zarafa mysql database exists, install MySQL-python, run update script.
  mysql_password = 'yourpassword'
  mysql_database = zarafa
yum install MySQL-python
Change webaccess apache rights
python /usr/share/doc/zarafa/zarafa7-upgrade
chown -R www:www /var/www/html/webaccess/tmp
Reports the script failes with wrong inno_db settings for mysql are on the zarafa forums. So verify your local MySQL innodb settings match the required values [[ zarafa administration manual]]). 
Create a custom httpd.conf template
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
FYI, I'm now using [[Sogo]] instead of zarafa, hence I have stopped work on smeserver-zarafa.
nano /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias
Sogo may not be as complete as zarafa, but is simpler to intergrate/maintain and will likely have a wider usage.
  Alias /zarafa /var/www/html/webaccess/
  <Directory /var/www/html/webaccess/>
  Options -Indexes
  AllowOverride None
  order allow,deny
  allow from all
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
  php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
  php_flag track_vars on
expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
[[User:Snoble|Snoble]] 01:59, 14 March 2010 (UTC)
Create a custom php.ini template
I will mantain it for now, Paul Floor
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/php.ini
=== Suggestions===
If you can advise on standard configuration, please make it a bug so it is added to the rpm
nano /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/php.ini/99Zarafa
[[User:Snoble|Snoble]] 07:32, 22 December 2008 (UTC)
  extension =
expand-template /etc/php.ini
Restart httpd
=== smeserver-zarafa-0.9-48===
signal-event ibay-modify
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services-stop has been removed
Start Zarafa services
Usage: start|stop|restart|enabled|disabled
start services
stop services
restart services
enabled - set db values to enabled, zarafa will start on reboot
disabled - set db values to disabled, zarafa won't start on reboot
/etc/init.d/zarafa-server start
/etc/init.d/zarafa-spooler start
Create Zarafa public store
InnoDB support is enabled automatically, we need to add this note later
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin -s
{{Note box| InnoDB support in MySql has been enabled in order to get zarafa-server running, for details see [[MySQL#Enable_InnoDB_engine]]}}
Create Zarafa user
=== zarafa-6.40 ===
  /usr/bin/zarafa-admin -c 'username' -p 'password' -e 'email' -f 'fullname' -a '0'
  yum localinstall libvmime-0*.rpm libical-0*.rpm zarafa-*.rpm catdoc-*.rpm
Test webaccess with above created user
==== indexing service ====
The catdoc-rpm is needed for the new [ indexing service] that is introduced with Zarafa 6.40... but the indexing-service is not yet handled by smeserver-zarafa. --[[User:Jester|jester]] 15:42, 13 February 2010 (UTC)
the catdoc rpm has un meet dependencies on SME 7 so it's only listed on discussion not the main page,
yes it's not implemented yet, it'll only be implemented in sme8 unless others find the dependencies
[[User:Snoble|Snoble]] 01:13, 20 February 2010 (UTC)
Dependencies are poppler and poppler-utils.  Available here:
NOTE: Some poppler versions have been identified with security issues. I didn't have time to look into this version.
Paul Floor.
=== SME 8 beta ===
==== php 5.2.10 ====
The php mapi files zarafa uses are compiled against 5.1.6, if sme 8 uses 5.2.10 we have a problem
here is one workaround
I found with the mapi error that I was getting was caused by my upgrade, PHP wouldn't start as the file was missing or something rather (log no longer has the message). How I fixed my issue was I deleted the symlink in the /usr/lib/ which pointed to which is deleted when you upgrade the packages for version 7. I then "reinstalled" libvmime-0.9.2+... and restarted the httpd damaen and all was right with the world. -- girkers
==== php 5.3 ====
If you update your system against the testing repo, it will update php to version 5.3 and thus break things again. To fix the mapi error this time, I uninstalled php-mapi that was included with zarafa (I was using that was included with zarafa) and this also removes the two dependencies of zarafa-webaccess and zarafa-webaccess-mobile (if they are installed). I then downloaded an updated php-mapi, installed it and then reinstalled the webaccess rpms and restarted the httpd and all good again. - Girkers
The steps I did were:
cd /tmp
yum erase php-mapi
yum localinstall php53-mapi-7.0.1-1.el5.i386.rpm
cd zcp-[your version of zarafa]
yum localinstall zarafa-webaccess-*
sv t httpd-e-smith


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